New Project
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
Office C 234.67 2526.00 4.59 Cr*
Office C 234.39 2523.00 4.59 Lakhs*
Show Less

Shops & Offices

Rs. 4.59 Cr*-Rs. 4.59 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2022
Amar Business Zone
Shops & Offices
Rs. 4.59 Cr*-Rs. 4.59 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2022
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
4 BHK A & B 313.54 3374.94 5.93 Cr*
4 BHK A & B 319.36 3437.559 6.04 Cr*
Show Less

4 BHK Apartments

Rs. 5.93 Cr*-Rs. 6.04 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2022
Amar Landmark
4 BHK Apartments
Rs. 5.93 Cr*-Rs. 6.04 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2022
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
3 BHK Wing C, D - 1st to 4th floor 93.14 1002.55 1.1 Cr*
3 BHK Wing C, D - 6th to 18th floor 99.71 1073.28 1.25 Cr*
3 BHK Wing C, D - 5th floor 137.84 1483.7 1.35 Cr*
Shops Wing B, D 106.76 1149.16 3.17 Cr*
Show Less

Shops & 3 BHK Apartments

Rs. 1.1 Cr*-Rs. 3.17 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2020
Amar Serenity
Shops & 3 BHK Apartments
Rs. 1.1 Cr*-Rs. 3.17 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2020

Amar Westview,

Koregaon Park

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
4 BHK Amar Westview 463.49 4988.98 13 Cr*
4 BHK Amar Westview 488.57 5258.94 13.7 Cr*
Show Less

4 BHK Apartment

Rs. 13 Cr*-Rs. 13.7 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2018
Amar Westview
Koregaon Park
4 BHK Apartment
Rs. 13 Cr*-Rs. 13.7 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2018

Amar Prakriti,

Sinhgad Road - Donaje

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
Plot 0 234.01 2518.88 95.18 Lakhs*
Plot 0 238.32 2565.28 96.94 Lakhs*
Plot 0 298.08 3208.53 1.21 Cr*
Show Less


Rs. 95.18 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.21 Cr*
Possession Date - Mar, 2024
Amar Prakriti
Rs. 95.18 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.21 Cr*
Possession - Mar, 2024

Amar Oasis,

Baner Pashan Link Road - Pashan

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
4.5 BHK 2 0.00 On Request 6.1 Cr*
4.5 BHK 2 0.00 On Request 7.07 Cr*
Show Less

4.5 BHK Apartment

Rs. 6.1 Cr*-Rs. 7.07 Cr*
Possession Date - Mar, 2029
Updated On : May, 2024
Amar Oasis
4.5 BHK Apartment
Rs. 6.1 Cr*-Rs. 7.07 Cr*
Possession - Mar, 2029 Updated On : May, 2024

Amar Oasis by Amar Builder,

Pashan Baner Link Road - Pashan

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
4.5 BHK 2 0.00 On Request 6.1 Cr*
4.5 BHK 2 0.00 On Request 7.07 Cr*
Show Less

4.5 BHK Apartment

Rs. 6.1 Cr*-Rs. 7.07 Cr*
Possession Date - Mar, 2029
Updated On : May, 2024
Amar Oasis by Amar Builder
4.5 BHK Apartment
Rs. 6.1 Cr*-Rs. 7.07 Cr*
Possession - Mar, 2029 Updated On : May, 2024

Amar Builders

Amar Builders: Revolutionizing the Real Estate Landscape

Established in 1978, Amar Builders has consistently developed into a foundation of greatness inside the land business. With forty years of involvement, the organization has gained notoriety for conveying excellent private and business projects. Known for their obligation to advancement, maintainability, and consumer loyalty, the builder has effectively explored the developing scene of land improvement, securing themselves as industry pioneers.

The land area requests specialized capability as well as a sharp comprehension of market elements and client needs. Amar Builders Pune has reliably shown a capacity to expect drifts and incorporate state of the art advancements into their activities, guaranteeing they stay at the bleeding edge of the business. Their portfolio features a different scope of improvements, from extravagant private buildings to cutting edge business spaces, each mirroring a fastidious tender loving care and a profound obligation to quality.

The builder's accentuation on supportability separates them from their rivals. By consolidating eco-accommodating materials and energy-productive plans, they not just decrease the natural impression of their ventures yet additionally offer their clients present day, manageable living arrangements. This mix of custom and development goes with the builder a favored decision for knowing purchasers and financial backers the same, hardening their heritage in the land world.


Company Background

Established in 1978 in Mumbai, Amar builders has developed into a noticeable name in the Indian land industry. Perceiving the thriving capability of the Pune market, the organization decisively migrated its concentration there in 1985. From that point forward, the builder has effectively finished more than 87 tasks, covering a great 14 million square feet. Their different portfolio traverses different areas, including private, business, IT, cordiality, modern, and medical care, serving a wide cluster of regarded public and worldwide clients.

Amar Builders Pune' getting through progress is based on a groundwork of steadfast obligation to quality and advancement. Their undertakings are prestigious for their engineering greatness, inventive plan, and unrivaled development principles. The organization's capacity to reliably convey excellent improvements has laid out them as a confided in name in the land area, interesting to both homebuyers and organizations looking for premium properties.

At Amar Developers, our mission is to make remarkable and feasible living and working spaces that outperform the assumptions for our clients. We are committed to giving unparalleled craftsmanship, imaginative plans, and better quality development than improve the existences of people and networks. This mission highlights each venture embraced by the builder, guaranteeing that every improvement isn't just a demonstration of better development yet additionally a giver than economical metropolitan development. Their vision envelops a future where they keep on being pioneers in the business, setting benchmarks in quality and development.

The visionary leadership of Amar builder is led by Mr. Amar Manjrekar, whose skill and vital prescience have been instrumental in driving the organization's development. Mrs. Shubhangi Manjrekar, filling in as the Executive and Overseeing Chief, brings an abundance of involvement and a sharp eye for detail, guaranteeing that each task satisfies the most elevated guidelines of greatness. Mr. Hrishikesh Manjrekar, the Chief, supplements the authority group with his dynamic methodology and imaginative reasoning, guiding the organization towards new skylines. Together, this administration group guarantees that the builder stays at the front line of the land business, reliably conveying projects that are stylishly satisfying as well as primarily powerful and earth feasible. Their aggregate vision and obligation to greatness keep on moving the organization higher than ever, pursuing the builder a favored decision for knowing clients.


Portfolio of Projects

The builder has fastidiously made a different arrangement of tasks, mirroring its obligation to greatness across different areas. With a solid groundwork in the land business, the organization has finished north of 87 undertakings to date, each representing the energy and exertion put resources into making each adventure an extraordinary illustration of metropolitan turn of events.

Amar Builders Pune has fostered various very good quality high rises and sumptuous estates. These private tasks are intended to offer solace, comfort, and tasteful allure, taking care of the advanced way of life needs of families and people. Their private improvements frequently include cutting edge conveniences, finished gardens, and maintainable structure works on, guaranteeing a top notch of life for inhabitants.

The business projects embraced by the builder are similarly noteworthy. From smooth places of business to sweeping retail spaces, their business properties are decisively found and fastidiously intended to satisfy the needs of organizations. These undertakings integrate progressed structural plans, present day offices, and adaptable designs, giving ideal conditions to different business exercises.

In the IT area, the builder has created state of the art office spaces that take care of the requirements of innovation organizations. These ventures are outfitted with the most recent mechanical foundation and ergonomic plans to improve efficiency and development. Their IT parks and office buildings are worked to oblige the quick moving and dynamic nature of the tech business.

The builder likewise has a huge presence in the cordiality area, with a portfolio that incorporates lavish lodgings and resorts. These friendliness projects are intended to offer uncommon solace and administration, drawing in both business and relaxation voyagers. The organization's modern undertakings grandstand their capacity to foster useful and proficient spaces for assembling and strategies, while their medical care projects incorporate cutting edge emergency clinics and clinical offices, adding to the local area's prosperity. 


Commitment to Quality

Amar Builder's unflinching obligation to quality is the foundation of its standing and progress in the land business. Since its origin, the organization has reliably focused on elevated requirements in every part of its undertakings, guaranteeing that every advancement meets and surpasses client expectations.

Quality starts with the determination of materials. The builder utilizes thorough obtaining conventions to guarantee that simply the best materials are utilized in development. This attention on unrivaled materials upgrades the sturdiness, wellbeing, and tasteful allure of their activities. The organization likewise embraces progressed development procedures and advancements, guaranteeing that each task is solid and integrates the most recent industry developments.

Tender loving care is apparent at each transformative phase, from introductory plan to conclusive execution. The builder teams up with prestigious modelers and originators to make structures that are practical as well as outwardly striking. Their ventures frequently include imaginative designs, current conveniences, and manageable plan components, mirroring a profound obligation to improving the personal satisfaction for occupants and clients.

Also, Amar Builders Pune adheres to strict quality control estimates throughout the development interaction. Ordinary assessments and reviews are directed to guarantee consistency with public and worldwide norms. The organization's devotion to quality is additionally exhibited by its various accreditations and industry acknowledgments, which authenticate its greatness in development and consumer loyalty.

Customer feedback plays a vital part in keeping up with and working on quality guidelines. The builder effectively looks for and values input from clients, utilizing it to refine their cycles and convey far better outcomes. This client driven approach has procured them a steadfast customers and a solid standing for unwavering quality and greatness.


Sustainability and Innovation

At Amar builders, our development rehearses are solidly dedicated to energy-proficient and naturally capable plan standards. For a really long time, our standing for feasible engineering has been a demonstration of our devotion to coordinating eco-accommodating practices into each undertaking. This responsibility is reflected in our adherence to the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) rules, which guarantees that our tasks satisfy thorough guidelines for maintainability.

Our way to deal with manageability starts with insightful structure plans that focus on latent natural controls. This incorporates regular guideline of intensity gain and misfortune through essential site choice, building direction, and warm massing. By upgrading these components, we make structures that require less energy for warming and cooling, fundamentally diminishing the natural effect.

Advancement is likewise at the center of our supportability endeavors. We consolidate state of the art materials and frameworks, for example, photovoltaic cells for sun based energy and high level cladding frameworks that further develop protection and energy proficiency. These innovations improve the exhibition of our structures as well as diminish dependence on non-environmentally friendly power sources, adding to a greener future.

Water productivity is one more basic part of our supportability methodology. We execute water-proficient finishing methods that limit water use while keeping up with tasteful allure. Furthermore, our ventures frequently incorporate wastewater innovations that reuse and reuse water, decreasing in general utilization and advancing dependable water the executives.


Community Engagement

At Amar Builders, our responsibility reaches out past developing structures; it includes building networks. We perceive that our activities essentially influence the areas and urban communities in which they are arranged. Thusly, people group commitment shapes a foundation of our corporate way of thinking, guaranteeing that we contribute decidedly to the social and monetary texture of these areas.

Our way to deal with local area commitment is complex, including direct cooperation with nearby inhabitants, partners, and local area pioneers. We focus on understanding the extraordinary requirements and desires of the networks we serve, coordinating their input into our undertaking plans. This comprehensive methodology encourages generosity as well as guarantees that our improvements line up with the local area's vision and prerequisites.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) drives are vital to our local area commitment system. The builder effectively partakes in different CSR exercises, zeroing in on training, medical care, and foundation advancement. We have supported instructive projects and offices, adding to the improvement of nearby schools and guaranteeing that kids approach quality training. In medical services, our undertakings frequently incorporate the advancement of clinical offices and facilities, improving admittance to fundamental wellbeing administrations for occupants.

Also, we put resources into the improvement of nearby framework, like streets, parks, and public utilities, working on the general personal satisfaction in the networks where we work. Our natural stewardship likewise assumes a critical part locally commitment endeavors. We embrace drives pointed toward rationing regular assets, advancing green spaces, and guaranteeing maintainable improvement rehearses.


Awards and Recognitions

Amar Builders Pune' obligation to greatness and advancement in land improvement has been reliably perceived and celebrated, both locally and globally. Quite possibly of the most esteemed honor got by the organization is the Asia Pacific Property Grants for Improvement in 2017-2018.

The Asia Pacific Property Grants are important for the prestigious Global Property Grants program, which recognizes the most significant levels of accomplishment by organizations working in the land business around the world. These honors are decided by a board of profoundly regarded specialists, who assess projects in view of standards like plan, quality, development, and supportability.

Getting the Asia Pacific Property Awards for Improvement in 2017-2018 is a demonstration of the builder's commitment to greatness across all parts of its tasks. This esteemed acknowledgment features the organization's capacity to convey remarkable advancements that meet as well as surpass industry principles.

Past the Asia Pacific Property Awards, the builder has accumulated various different honors and awards for its extraordinary activities. These incorporate acknowledgment for compositional plan, development quality, supportability practices, and local area commitment endeavors. Each grant fills in as approval of the organization's continuous obligation to pushing the limits of greatness in land improvement.


Future Plans and Projects

Amar Builder's vision for what's to come is however aggressive as it very well might be motivating. Expanding upon many years of progress and skill in the land business, the organization is ready to leave on a progression of imaginative tasks that will additionally cement its standing as a forerunner in the field.

One of the critical components of the builder' tentative arrangements is extension. The organization is effectively investigating new business sectors and valuable open doors for development, both inside India and globally. With an emphasis on essential organizations and statistical surveying, the builder expects to distinguish arising patterns and benefit from them to convey extraordinary land answers for a more extensive crowd.

Development stays at the front of Amar Builders Pune's plan. The organization is focused on pushing the limits of compositional plan, development strategies, and manageability rehearses. By embracing state of the art advancements and teaming up with visionary draftsmen and architects, the builder tries to make notorious milestones that reclassify the horizon and set new principles for greatness in the business.

Moreover, people group commitment will keep on being fundamentally important for the builder. The organization perceives the significance of building solid associations with nearby networks and partners, and it stays committed to offering back through corporate social obligation drives and magnanimous undertakings.


Amar Builders - Ongoing Residential projects in Pune

1.    Amar Landmark - Baner,Pune
2.    Amar Westview - Koregaon park,Pune


Amar Builders - Completed Residential projects in Pune

1.    Amar Serenity - Pashan,Pune
2.    Amar Renaissance - Sopanbaug, Pune
3.    Amar Eternity - Pashan, Pune
4.    Boston - Prabhat Road, Pune
5.    Manhattan - Baner, Pune
6.    Amar Ambience - Behind Empress Garden, Pune
7.    Amar Courtyard - Hadapsar, Pune
8.    Amar Ornate - Hadapsar, Pune
9.    Pritam Apartments - Pimpri-Chinchwad, Pune
10.    Hrishikesh Apartments - Hadapsar, Pune
11.    Amar Baug - Pune
12.    Amar Lata - Hadapsar, Pune
13.    Amar Lata - Hadapsar, Pune
14.    Amar Geet - Hadapsar, Pune
15.    Amar Jeet - Hadapsar, Pune
16.    Ratan Park - Hadapsar, Pune
17.    Nalini Park - Hadapsar, Pune
18.    Amar Kunj - Hadapsar, Pune
19.    Amar Palace - Hadapsar, Pune
20.    Amar Classic - Hadapsar, Pune
21.    Amar Plaza - Bhosale Nagar, Pune
22.    Amar Deep - Hadapsar Gaon, Pune
23.    Amar Vihar - Hadapsar Gaon, Pune
24.    Amar Park - Narayan Peth, Pune
25.    Amar Jyoti - Hadapsar Gaon, Pune
26.    Amar Preet - Suryalok Nagari, Pune
27.    Amar Enclave - Wanowrie, Pune
28.    Amar Tower - Wanowrie, Pune
29.    Amar Aashiyana - Yerwada - Pune
30.    Amar Paradise - Pune
31.    Amar Villa - Pune
32.    Amar Cottage - Pune
33.    Amar Kutir - Pune
34.    Amar Nagari - Pune
35.    Amar Samruddhi - Pune
36.    Amar Courtyard - Pune
37.    Amar Corner - Pune
38.    Amar Chaya - Pune
39.    Amar Heights - Bopodi, Pune


Amar Builders - Ongoing Commercial projects in Pune

1.    AP81 - MUNDHWA,Pune
2.    AP4 Tech Park -WAGHOLI,Pune
3.    Amar Summit - SHIVAJINAGAR,Pune
4.    AD One - BANER,Pune
5.    Poonawalla Towers - BUNDGARDEN,Pune
6.    Amar Tech Park - BALEWADI,Pune
7.    Amar Tech Center - VIMAN NAGAR,Pune
8.    Amar Madhuban Tech Park - BANER,Pune 


Amar Builders - Completed Residential projects in Pune

1.    Amar Business Park - Baner-Pashan Road,Pune
2.    Amar Business Zone - Baner, Pune
3.    Amar Sadanand Tech Park (ASTP) - Baner, Pune
4.    AMTP - Baner, Pune
5.    Amar Megaplex - Baner, Pune
6.    Amar Business Park - Baner, Pune
7.    Amar Manor - Pune
8.    Amar Center - Pune
9.    Amar Arcade - Hadapsar, Pune
10.    Gupte Hospital - Shivajinagar, Pune
11.    Krome - Wanowrie, Pune
12.    Amar Neptune - Baner, Pune
13.    Amar Paradigm - Baner, Pune
14.    Amar Avinash Corporate City - Inox, Pune
15.    Amar Genesis - Baner, Pune
16.    Amar Arcade - Pune
17.    Amar Synergy - Sadhu Vaswani Chowk, Pune
18.    Amar Caliber - Near BMC College, Pune
19.    Amar Apex - Baner, Pune
20.    Montreal Business Center - Baner, Pune



In conclusion, Amar Builders remains as a reference point of greatness in the land business, driven by an undaunted obligation to quality, development, and maintainability. With a rich history of conveying extraordinary ventures and a visionary initiative group in charge, the organization is ready for proceeded with progress and development.

From its honor winning improvements to its significant local area commitment drives, Amar Builders Pune stays committed to molding a more promising time to come for the two its clients and the networks it serves. As it pushes ahead with aggressive plans and ventures, the builder is set to make a permanent imprint on the scene of land.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. How does Amar Builders engage with local communities?

Community engagement commitment is fundamental to Amar Builder's corporate way of thinking. The organization effectively partakes in corporate social obligation drives, supports instructive projects, creates medical services offices, and puts resources into nearby foundation, adding to the general prosperity of networks.


2. What are Amar Builders' plans for future expansion?

Amar Builders is ready for extension, both geologically and regarding advancement. The organization means to investigate new business sectors, embrace state of the art advances, and attempt aggressive tasks that reclassify the horizon and set new norms for greatness in land improvement.


3. How can I learn more about projects and services offered by Amar Builders?

For more data about Amar Builder' undertakings, administrations, and corporate drives, if it's not too much trouble, visit our authority site or contact our client assistance delegates. We invite requests and anticipate serving your land needs.

