New Project

Greens Oak OP,

Thergaon - Chinchwad

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
3.5 BHK 1 119.57 1287 1.37 Cr*
3.5 BHK 1 119.57 1287 1.42 Cr*
3 BHK 1 102.01 1098 1.26 Cr*
3 BHK 1 109.35 1177 1.24 Cr*
3 BHK 1 110.00 1184 1.31 Lakhs*
4 BHK 1 141.58 1524 1.61 Cr*
4 BHK 1 141.58 1524 1.93 Cr*
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2,3,2.5,3.5 & 4 BHK

Rs. 1.14 Cr*-Rs. 1.93 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2027
Greens Oak OP
2,3,2.5,3.5 & 4 BHK
Rs. 1.14 Cr*-Rs. 1.93 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2027
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 1 83.24 896 91.43 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 81.10 873 99.45 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 81.10 873 99.94 Lakhs*
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2 & 3 BHK

Rs. 91.43 Lakhs*-Rs. 99.94 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2025
Greens Cypress
2 & 3 BHK
Rs. 91.43 Lakhs*-Rs. 99.94 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2025

AMJ Land Developers

Explore the Success Story of AMJ Land Developers: Crafting Dreams into Concrete Reality

Established in 1964, AMJ Land Developers remains a guide of greatness in the domain of land improvement. With over 50 years of involvement, the builder has cemented its situation as a trusted name inseparable from quality, development, and dependability. Established on the standards of respectability, amazing skill, and consumer loyalty, the builder has consistently set new benchmarks in the business.

Since its commencement, the builder has been focused on creating structures, such as networks, that improve lives and cultivate manageable development. With a different portfolio traversing private, business, and blended-use improvements, the builder has permanently imprinted the metropolitan scene, forming horizons and reclassifying ways of life.

Driven by an enthusiasm for greatness and a devotion to surpassing assumptions, AMJ Land Developers Pune has procured the trust and esteem of clients, accomplices, and partners alike. With a firm spotlight on maintainability, development, and local area commitment, the builer will continue to drive the way towards a more splendid, more prosperous future for a long time to come.


The Genesis of AMJ Land Developers

Establishing its roots in 1964, AMJ Land Developers set out on its excursion as an organization zeroed in on assembling speciality papers at its plant in Pune. Throughout the long term, the organization enhanced its portfolio to incorporate different endeavours, like changed-over tissue items, land advancement, data innovation, and FMCG items. Nonetheless, it was in January 2016 that a huge change happened when the organization demerged its paper-producing business, denoting an essential shift towards its centre spotlight on land improvement.

AMJ Land Developers Pune remains a noticeable player in the land area, especially in Pune, Maharashtra. With a promise to quality and advancement, the organization has embraced aggressive ventures, including improving private and business buildings. One remarkable venture is 'GREENS,' which crosses north of 12 sections of land and includes 700 private condos across seven pinnacles. Moreover, the continuous task 'GREEN VILLE' means to build a private cum-business complicated, further growing the organization's impression in the locale. In acknowledgment of its development and key course, the organization underwent a name change, formally becoming "AMJ Land Holdings Limited" in December 2017. Past land, the builders is likewise involved in the sustainable power area, working three breeze power plants with an overall age limit of 4.6 MW in Maharashtra.

At the centre of the builder's activities are its qualities, vision, and mission, driving the organization towards manageable development and advancement. With a culture focused on perceiving execution and esteeming partners, the builder tries to be a powerful association that embraces development and limits natural effects. Under the direction of its regarded Directorate, including Mr. S.K. Bansal as Overseer of Money, the builder maintains its obligation to greatness, setting new norms in the land and environmentally friendly power areas while encouraging a culture of initiative and results-driven execution.


Building a Legacy: AMJ's Portfolio

AMJ Land Developers has carefully crafted a portfolio that mirrors its steadfast obligation to greatness and development in the land business. With a rich history tracing back to 1964, the builder has amassed a different scope of undertakings, each bearing the sign of value craftsmanship and careful meticulousness.

At the core of the builder's portfolio are private improvements that address the evolving necessities and desires of current mortgage holders. From sumptuous skyscraper lofts to interesting rural apartments, the builder's private activities epitomize refinement, solace, and usefulness. With a sharp comprehension of market patterns and buyer inclinations, the organization reliably delivers homes that surpass assumptions and endure for the long haul.

Complementing its private contributions are the builder's endeavors into business and blended-use improvements, which act as lively centres for business, recreation, and local area collaboration. Whether it's office buildings, shopping centers, or coordinated municipalities, the builder's business projects are intended to cultivate financial development, drive advancement, and upgrade the personal satisfaction of inhabitants and guests alike.

Furthermore, AMJ Land Developers Pune has exhibited areas of strength for to maintainability and ecological stewardship across its portfolio. From eco-accommodating development practices to green structure certificates, the organization endeavours to limit its biological impression while making spaces that advance well-being, prosperity, and congruity with nature.

With each project, the builder keeps expanding upon its tradition of greatness, setting new benchmarks for quality, development, and consumer loyalty in the land business. As the organization looks towards the future, its different and dynamic portfolio demonstrates its perseverance through heritage and steadfast obligation to forming networks and improving lives.


Sustainability and Innovation

At AMJ Land Developers, maintainability and development are not simply popular expressions; they are major rules that drive each part of the organization's activities. With a relentless obligation to natural obligation and a ground-breaking plan, the builder has arisen as a forerunner in supportable land improvement.

One of the vital ways in which the builder advances maintainability is through its reception of eco-accommodating development practices and materials. From using reused and privately obtained materials to executing energy-proficient innovations,the builder endeavours to limit its natural effect at each phase of the development interaction. By focusing on supportability, the organization lessens fossil fuel byproducts and asset utilization and makes better and stronger networks for people in the future to appreciate.

Advancement is another foundation of the builder's way of dealing with land improvement. The organization embraces state-of-the-art advancements and plans ideas to upgrade the usefulness, productivity, and stylish allure of its tasks. Whether consolidating savvy home elements, carrying out green structure strategies, or investigating elective energy sources, the builder continually pushes the limits of what is conceivable in the business. This obligation to advancement separates the builder from its rivals and guarantees that its improvements remain pertinent and helpful in a steadily changing business sector.

Beyond individual projects, AMJ Land Developers Pune is effectively engaged with drives pointed toward advancing maintainability and natural protection on a larger scale. From partaking in green structure certificates to supporting local area-based preservation endeavors, the builder is committed to having a constructive outcome in the world and leaving an enduring tradition of manageability for people in the future to acquire. Sustainability and innovation are not simply basic beliefs at the builder; they are core values that shape the organization's vision for what's in store. By focusing on supportability and embracing development, the builder keeps on setting new norms for greatness in the land business while making ready for a more practical and prosperous future for all.


Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility

AMJ Land Developers comprehends that its job goes past developing structures; it's tied in with building flourishing communities. With a solid feeling of social obligation imbued in its ethos, the builder effectively draws in with networks and carries out drives that have a beneficial outcome on society.

At the core of the builder's people group commitment endeavors is an emphasis on strengthening and inclusivity. The organization effectively teams up with nearby partners, including inhabitants, local area pioneers, and philanthropic associations, to recognize needs and foster arrangements that address major problems. Whether it's supporting training, medical care, or framework improvement, the builder endeavors to set out open doors for development and advancement that benefit all individuals from the local area.

In addition, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is profoundly implanted in the builder's strategic policies. The organization is focused on directing its tasks in a moral, straightforward, and feasible way, guaranteeing that its exercises have a positive social, ecological, and financial effect. From advancing fair work practices and representative prosperity to limiting its environmental impression and supporting neighborhood economies, the builder effectively tries to make shared incentive for all partners.

AMJ Land Developers Pune likewise perceives the significance of natural stewardship as a component of its CSR endeavors. The organization coordinates manageable plan standards into its ventures, focuses on energy effectiveness, and carries out green structure practices to decrease its natural effect. Also, the builder is engaged with drives focused on natural protection, for example, tree establishing drives, squander the board projects, and water preservation endeavors.

Local area commitment and corporate social obligation are essential parts of the builder' character and mission. By effectively captivating with networks, supporting social causes, and advancing natural manageability, the builder exhibits its obligation to having a significant and enduring effect on the planet.


Excellence in Customer Service

AMJ Land Developers separates itself in the land business not just through its creative ventures and manageable practices yet in addition through its faithful obligation to conveying outstanding client assistance. At the center of the builder's ethos is a significant comprehension that fulfilled clients are the foundation of its prosperity.

From the underlying request to post-buy support, the builder focuses on straightforwardness, responsiveness, and customized consideration in each association with its clients. The organization utilizes a group of devoted experts who are furnished with the information and mastery to address client requests instantly and really. Whether it's giving point by point data about accessible properties, directing clients through the buying system, or offering help with after-deals administration, the builder guarantees that every client gets the most elevated level of care and backing.

The builder puts areas of strength for an on building long haul associations with its clients. The organization perceives that purchasing a house is a huge venture and a profoundly private choice. Accordingly, the builder does an amazing job to figure out the extraordinary requirements and inclinations of every client, fitting its administrations to surpass their assumptions. By encouraging trust, open correspondence, and shared regard, the builder develops enduring organizations that reach out a long ways past the consummation of an exchange.

Notwithstanding its proactive way to deal with client assistance, the builder constantly looks for criticism from its clients to recognize regions for development and advancement. The organization sees each communication as a chance to learn and develop, refining its cycles and improving the general client experience.


Future Outlook and Expansion Plans

As a forward-thinking player in the real estate sector, AMJ Land Developers is ready for proceeded with progress and development in the years to come. With a solid groundwork based on development, manageability, and client centricity, the organization is decisively situated to gain by arising potential open doors and explore advancing business sector elements.

One vital part of the builder's future standpoint is its obligation to geological enhancement and market entrance. While the organization has laid out areas of strength for an in Pune, Maharashtra, it expects to grow its impression into new districts and urban communities across India. By distinguishing high-development markets and utilizing its skill in land improvement, the builder looks to take advantage of new open doors and arrive at a more extensive client base.

AMJ Land Developers Pune is centered around differentiating its task portfolio to take special care of assorted market sections and arising patterns. Notwithstanding private and business improvements, the organization is investigating open doors in areas like cordiality, medical services, and modern land. By differentiating its contributions, the builder intends to relieve gambles, amplify returns, and exploit developing business sector patterns.

In accordance with its obligation to sustainability, the builder is likewise investigating creative development strategies and green structure practices to decrease its natural impression and improve the drawn out suitability of its activities. From executing energy-proficient advances to consolidating environmentally friendly power sources, the builder is at the bleeding edge of driving practical improvement in the land business.


AMJ Land Developers - Ongoing Residential projects in Pune

1.  Greens Oak OP - Thergaon, Chinchwad, Pune
2.  Greens Cypress - Thergaon, Pune



In conclusion, AMJ Land Developers remains as a reference point of greatness in the land business, driven by its fundamental beliefs of uprightness, development, and consumer loyalty. With a rich history traversing more than fifty years, the builerhas fabricated a different arrangement of tasks that mirror its obligation to quality, manageability, and local area commitment. As the organization looks towards the future, it stays devoted to surpassing assumptions, embracing advancement, and making enduring incentive for its clients, partners, and the networks it serves. AMJ Land Developers Pune keeps on molding the scene of Indian land, passing on a tradition of greatness for a long time into the future.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. Where are AMJ Land Developers' projects located?

AMJ Land Developers basically works in Pune, Maharashtra, where it has laid out serious areas of strength for a with a different arrangement of undertakings. Nonetheless, the organization likewise expects to grow its impression into new districts and urban communities across India later on.


2. What sets AMJ Land Developers apart from other real estate developers?

AMJ Land Developers separates itself through its obligation to maintainability, advancement, and client care. The organization focuses on eco-accommodating development rehearses, embraces state of the art advances, and endeavors to surpass client assumptions at each phase of the venture.


3. How does AMJ Land Developers contribute to community development?

AMJ Land Developers effectively draws in with neighborhood networks and carries out drives pointed toward having a constructive outcome on society. This incorporates supporting instruction, medical services, and foundation advancement projects, as well as advancing natural protection and social government assistance.

