New Project
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
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2 BHK Bldg- B 64.06 689.53 52.76 Lakhs*
2 BHK Bldg- B 67.75 729.24 55.41 Lakhs*
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2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 52.76 Lakhs*-Rs. 55.41 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Aug, 2020
Whitefield Residences
2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 52.76 Lakhs*-Rs. 55.41 Lakhs*
Possession - Aug, 2020

Anandtara Group

Explore the Legacy: Exploring Anandtara Group's Journey in Real Estate

Established in 2006, Anandtara Group arises as a guide of greatness in the Indian land scene. With an immovable obligation to development, quality, and consumer loyalty, the gathering has cut a specialty for itself in the serious development industry. Since its origin, the builder has set out on an excursion set apart by achievements and accomplishments, changing dreams into structural wonders.

Driven by a dream to rethink metropolitan living, the builder centers around making maintainable, stylishly satisfying private and business spaces that resound with present day ways of life. Each venture is a demonstration of their commitment to craftsmanship, tender loving care, and adherence to the best expectations of development.

Past developing structures, Anandtara Group Pune serious areas of strength for encourages ties and maintains corporate social obligation values. Through different drives, they effectively add to the improvement of nearby networks and endeavor to limit their ecological impression.

Asthe builder proceeds to advance and extend, their faithful obligation to greatness stays at the very front, promising a future loaded up with imaginative turns of events and getting through heritages in the Indian land domain.


The Genesis of Anandtara Group

In 2006, the commencement of Anandtara Group denoted the start of an extraordinary excursion in the land area, led by the visionary Gaikwad family in Pune, India. Drawing upon their rich legacy and tremendous land possessions, the Gaikwads wandered into the domain of development with an unmistakable mission: to rise above the traditional thought of houses and make current homes that epitomize extravagance, solace, and advancement. Anandtara Group Pune quickly earned respect for its enduring obligation to greatness and client driven approach. Over the range of 18 years, the gathering has conveyed more than 12 esteemed projects, each carefully created to meet the assorted necessities and yearnings of north of 1000 families. With an all out region surpassing 4.4 million square feet, the builder has set up a good foundation for itself as a confided-in name inseparable from quality, dependability, and trustworthiness in the land scene.

At the core of Anandtara Group Pune's ethos lies a resolute vision to arise as the chief realty engineer, setting new benchmarks for exclusive expectation way of life improvement in India. Their central goal is driven by a tireless quest for development, with an emphasis on making contemporary plans that reclassify metropolitan living and lift the personal satisfaction for the local area at large.

The builder stays focused on pushing the limits of greatness, moving forward with new and inventive ventures that meet as well as surpass the assumptions for knowing homebuyers. With a commitment to constant improvement and an energy for making immortal living spaces, the builder stands ready to shape the fate of land in India, each notable task in turn.


Anandtara Group's Signature Projects

Anandtara Group's signature projects stand as epitomes of greatness, mixing advancement, feel, and usefulness to create unrivaled living and business spaces. With a sharp eye for detail and a promise to quality, each undertaking mirrors the gathering's unflinching commitment to craftsmanship and consumer loyalty.

Among their outstanding endeavors is the renowned Anandtara Silicon Cove, a rich private territory situated in the clamoring district of Punawale, Pune. Bragging contemporary design and express the-craftsmanship conveniences, Silicon Narrows offers an impeccable residing experience in the midst of lavish green environmental elements, taking special care of the insightful preferences of present day property holders.

One more gem in Anandtara's crown is Anandtara Whitefield Homes, a selective private undertaking settled in the core of Pune's IT center, Hinjewadi. Intended to take special care of the necessities of metropolitan experts, Whitefield Homes offers an agreeable mix of complexity and comfort, with fastidiously created residing spaces and top notch conveniences. Moreover, Anandtara Group Pune's business adventures, like Anandtara Business Spaces, have set new benchmarks in corporate land. These carefully arranged business buildings give a favorable climate to organizations to flourish, with contemporary plans, key areas, and top tier offices. Every one of the builder's unmistakable ventures is a demonstration of their steadfast obligation to greatness and development in the land area. As they keep on extending their portfolio and set out on new pursuits, the builder stays committed to molding the fate of metropolitan living, each notable undertaking in turn.


Commitment to Quality and Innovation

Anandtara Group's obligation to quality and development is profoundly imbued in its ethos, filling in as the foundation of its progress in the serious land industry. With a tenacious quest for greatness, the gathering reliably endeavors to convey projects that meet as well as surpass the assumptions for its clients.

At the core of the builder's obligation to quality is a careful meticulousness at each phase of the development cycle. From site choice to material obtaining, from engineering plan to project execution, each perspective is examined to guarantee the best expectations of craftsmanship and solidness. By sticking to rigid quality control gauges and utilizing gifted experts, the builder guarantees that each venture is a demonstration of predominant quality and dependability. Besides, advancement lies at the center of the builder way to deal with land improvement. The gathering is continually investigating new advancements, plan patterns, and supportability practices to push the limits of traditional development strategies. Whether it's consolidating eco-accommodating materials, executing shrewd home advances, or planning energy-proficient spaces, Anandtara Group Pune endeavors to remain on the ball and convey state of the art arrangements that upgrade the residing experience for its clients.

Besides, the builder's obligation to development stretches out past the limits of individual ventures. The gathering effectively draws in with industry specialists, teams up with research establishments, and takes part in discussions to trade thoughts and drive development in the more extensive land area. The builder's unfaltering obligation to quality and advancement separates it in the market as well as guarantees that every one of its ventures remains as a demonstration of greatness and ground breaking in the domain of land improvement.


Customer-Centric Approach

Anandtara Group's client driven approach is at the center of its activities, driving each choice and activity to guarantee the highest level of fulfillment of its customers. Perceiving that every client is remarkable with their own arrangement of necessities and inclinations, the gathering puts areas of strength for an on understanding and satisfying these prerequisites, in this manner encouraging long haul connections based on trust and straightforwardness. From the underlying request to the last handover of the property, the builder focuses on open correspondence and customized regard for address the worries and inquiries of its clients. Committed client assistance groups are promptly accessible to give help at each step of the excursion, directing clients through the complexities of the homebuying system and offering fitted answers for meet their particular necessities.

Besides, Anandtara Group Pune puts major areas of strength for an on paying attention to client input and integrating it into their dynamic cycles. By effectively looking for input from clients and incorporating their ideas into future undertakings, the gathering exhibits its obligation to constant improvement and advancement, guaranteeing that each new advancement outperforms the assumptions for its customer base.

Moreover, the builder's client driven approach stretches out past the retail location, with a scope of after-deals administrations and backing drives set up to address any worries or issues that might emerge post-buy. Whether it's upkeep help, property the executive's administrations, or local area commitment exercises, the gathering stays committed to giving its clients a consistent and enhancing experience long after becoming mortgage holders.

The builder's relentless obligation to its clients isn't simply a business technique but a central way of thinking that guides all its undertakings. By putting the requirements and fulfillment of its customer base at the front, the gathering has procured a standing as a confided-in accomplice in the excursion towards understanding the fantasy of homeownership.


Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility

Anandtara Group's obligation to local area commitment and corporate social responsibility (CSR) highlights its ethos of having a constructive outcome past the domains of land improvement. Perceiving the interconnectedness between their undertakings and the networks they serve, the gathering effectively partakes in drives pointed toward elevating and enabling nearby occupants, while likewise endeavoring to limit their natural impression.

Through different local area commitment programs, Anandtara Group Pune areas of strength for encourages with adjoining networks, adding to their social, financial, and social turn of events. From arranging instructive studios and expertise improvement projects to supporting nearby craftsmans and business visionaries, the gathering looks to set out open doors for development and flourishing, subsequently advancing the texture of the networks in which they work.

Moreover, the builder is focused on natural manageability, incorporating eco-accommodating practices into their development cycles and tasks. From using sustainable power sources and green structure materials to executing waste administration and reusing drives, the gathering tries to limit their ecological effect and advance a greener, more feasible future for a long time into the future.

Notwithstanding their local area commitment endeavors, the builder effectively takes part in corporate social obligation (CSR) drives, directing assets towards causes that line up with their qualities and needs. Whether it's supporting schooling, medical services, or natural protection, the gathering returns a proactive way to deal with providing for society and having a significant effect in the existences of those out of luck.

The builder's obligation to local area commitment and corporate social obligation mirrors its comprehensive way to deal with land improvement, perceiving that genuine progress is estimated by monetary benefits as well as by the positive effect it has on society and the climate. By embracing their job as dependable corporate residents, the gathering keeps on motivating change and drive significant advancement in the networks they serve.


Future Prospects and Vision

Anandtara Group's future possibilities and vision are directed by an immovable obligation to development, greatness, and manageable development in the powerful scene of land improvement. With a dream to be the main realty engineer, the gathering tries to set new benchmarks for elevated requirement way of life improvement, molding the eventual fate of metropolitan living in India and then some.

Key to Anandtara Group Pune's vision is an emphasis on consistent development and variation to arising patterns and market elements. By remaining sensitive to the developing requirements and inclinations of homebuyers, the gathering intends to expect and address future requests with imaginative arrangements and state of the art plans that rethink the idea of present day residing.

The builder's vision stretches out past simple blocks and mortar, including an all encompassing way to deal with local area building and practical turn of events. Through essential organizations and joint efforts, the gathering tries to make energetic, comprehensive areas that encourage a feeling of having a place and prosperity among occupants, while likewise focusing on ecological stewardship and asset effectiveness in their ventures.

The builder stays focused on maintaining the best expectations of respectability, straightforwardness, and consumer loyalty in the entirety of their undertakings. By embracing a client driven approach and utilizing the most recent innovations and best practices in land improvement, the gathering plans to convey remarkable worth and encounters that surpass the assumptions for their insightful customers.

The builder's future possibilities are driven by a strong vision to lead and enhance, setting new principles of greatness and supportability in the land business. With an unmistakable feeling of direction and a commitment to their basic beliefs, the gathering is ready to shape the eventual fate of metropolitan living and leave an enduring tradition of motivation and effect in networks all over the planet.


Anandtara Group - Ongoing Residential Projects in Pune

1. IRIS RESIDENCES - Mundhwa, Pune


Anandtara Group - Completed Residential Projects in Pune

1. TARABAI PARK - Keshav Nagar,Pune
2. LA GLORIOSA - Kalyani Nagar,Pune
3. AKANSHA PHASE 1 & 2 - Keshav Nagar,Pune
4. SAYAJIRAJE AVENUE - Keshav Nagar,Pune
5. HARITARA - Kondhwe Dhawade,Pune
6. OLIVE ORCHARD 1 - Wakad,Pune
8. ATC 32 - Keshav Nagar,Pune
9. SILICON BAY - Kalyani Nagar,Pune
10. OLIVE ORCHARD 2 - Wakad,Pune



In conclusion, Anandtara Group remains as a signal of greatness in the domain of land improvement, driven by a dream to rethink metropolitan living and set new norms of value and development. With a rich tradition of conveying better ventures and a responsibility than consumer loyalty, the gathering has procured the trust and deference of knowing homebuyers across India.

As they proceed to develop and extend, directed by their vision to be the main realty engineer, the builder stays committed to forming the eventual fate of metropolitan living and having a constructive outcome in the networks they serve.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. What sets Anandtara Group apart from other developers? 

Anandtara Group separates itself through its unfaltering obligation to quality, development, and consumer loyalty. Each undertaking is fastidiously created to satisfy the most elevated guidelines, setting new benchmarks in way of life advancement.

2. How many projects has Anandtara Group delivered to date? 

With north of 12 completed projects and more ready to go, Anandtara Group has effectively conveyed homes to more than 1000 families, spreading over great many square feet of created region.

3. What is Anandtara Group's vision for the future? 

Anandtara Group plans to be the main realty engineer, setting new norms of greatness and manageability in the business. Their vision is to make creative plans and dynamic networks that improve the existences of occupants.

