New Project

Ashford Regal,

Kurla - Bhandup West

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK 1 37.25 401 99 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 55.83 601 1.49 Cr*
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1 & 2 BHK

Rs. 99 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.49 Cr*
Possession Date - Jun, 2027
Ashford Regal
Bhandup West
1 & 2 BHK
Rs. 99 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.49 Cr*
Possession - Jun, 2027


Ashford - Building Dreams with Quality and Trust

Why Choose Ashford?

Established in 1990, Ashford has turned into a foundation in the development business, famous for its obligation to quality, advancement, and consumer loyalty. North of thirty years, the builder has changed incalculable dreams into the real world, reliably conveying excellent private and business projects. Their process started with a basic yet significant mission: to construct structures, however enduring connections and networks. The builder's devotion to greatness is apparent in each venture they attempt. From sumptuous custom homes to state-of-the-art business spaces, their portfolio exhibits a mix of conventional craftsmanship and present-day plan. Each undertaking demonstrates their immovable norms and fastidious scrupulousness, guaranteeing that each client's remarkable necessities and desires are met with accuracy and care.

In an industry where trust is principal, the builder has gained notoriety for dependability and respectability. Their experienced experts work intimately with clients from the underlying conference through to project finishing, cultivating a cooperative climate that focuses on open correspondence and straightforwardness. This client-driven approach has given them various honours and a faithful client base. As Ashford Pune plans, their obligation to economic structure rehearses and imaginative arrangements positions them as pioneers in a consistently advancing industry. They keep on building dreams, each venture in turn setting their heritage as a manufacturer of decisions for knowing clients.

About Ashford

Established in 1990 by a visionary group of youthful, dynamic, and firm experts, Ashford has quickly risen to noticeable quality as one of only a handful of exceptional development houses in India fit for lifting industry principles. Throughout recent many years, the builder has cut out a speciality for itself through essential joint endeavours and a steady obligation to greatness. Their creative methodology and commitment to quality have set new benchmarks in the development business, procuring them a recognized standing. Ashford Pune's vision is to make a universe of bliss unique in its look, feel, and allure. The organization endeavours to give home searchers a way of life that is selective in its norm, status, and height. This vision isn't just about building structures yet about accomplishing achievements that are particular in worth, excellence, and worth. The builder plans to lay out ideal models that are extraordinary in care, responsibility, and character, sticking to a dream that is unrivalled in its structure, component, and capability.

Each task embraced by the builder remains as a quiet declaration to the organization's prescience, its capacity to measure evolving patterns, and its skill for holding the unadulterated embodiment of workmanship inside the financial matters of business. Their endeavors are structures as well as tourist spots that mirror the organization's farsightedness and imaginative honesty. This mix of feel and usefulness has permitted the builder to make spaces that are monetarily reasonable as well as outwardly and genuinely satisfying. The builder's prosperity is driven by its obligation to quality, development, and consumer loyalty. Their activities range from extravagant private advancements to state-of-the-art business spaces, each planned with fastidious meticulousness and worked to the best expectations. This commitment to greatness has procured the builder various honors and an unwavering client base, further establishing their situation as a forerunner in the development business.

As the builder plans ahead, their immovable obligation to feasible structure rehearses and imaginative arrangements guarantees they will keep on coming out on top. Their tradition of greatness is based on a groundwork of trust, quality, and visionary reasoning, settling on them the developer of decision for knowing clients looking for an exceptional and satisfying way of life.

The Ashford Advantage

Ashford, established in 1990, has distinguished itself in the Indian development industry through a mix of value, advancement, and client-driven rehearsals. Known for its obligation to greatness, the builder has set new benchmarks, making it a preferred choice for clients looking for both private and business spaces. One of the vital benefits of Ashford Mumbai is its immovable commitment to quality. Each venture is executed with careful scrupulousness, guaranteeing that main premium materials and state of the art advancements are utilized. This thorough way to deal with development not just ensures the strength and style of the structures yet in addition upgrades the general incentive for clients. The builder's quality affirmation processes incorporate numerous examinations at different phases of development, guaranteeing that each perspective satisfies the most elevated guidelines.

Development is one more foundation of the builder Benefit. The organization reliably coordinates current plan ideas with useful proficiency, bringing about spaces that are both outwardly engaging and exceptionally viable. By teaming up with top draftsmen and fashioners, the builder guarantees that its tasks are at the front of contemporary design. Furthermore, the consolidation of shrewd home advances and eco-accommodating practices highlights the builder's obligation to future-sealing its turns of events. Client support is essential to the builder experience. From the underlying meeting to project consummation, clients receive customized consideration and straightforward correspondence. This client-driven approach encourages trust and fulfillment, making the development cycle smooth and tranquil. Tributes and contextual investigations feature various occurrences where the builder has done an amazing job meeting and surpassing client assumptions.

The builder lies in its comprehensive approach to development, combining quality, advancement, and uncommon client support. This extensive responsibility guarantees that each the builder project stands apart as a demonstration of the organization's commitment to building dreams and setting new industry guidelines.


Sustainable Building Practices

Ashford has long been at the forefront of maintainable structure works, showing an unflinching obligation to natural stewardship and advancement in the development business. Established in 1990, the builder has continuously developed its systems to integrate eco-accommodating methods and materials, guaranteeing that their tasks meet and surpass contemporary manageability norms.

One of the center components of the builder's maintainable methodology is using energy-proficient materials and frameworks. By incorporating superior execution protection, energy-effective windows, and high level central air frameworks, the builder guarantees that their structures consume essentially less energy. This not just diminishes the carbon impression of each venture yet additionally converts into significant expense reserve funds for tenants through lower service bills. Ashford Mumbai additionally focuses on the utilization of sustainable assets and reused materials. From obtaining economically collected wood to integrating reused steel and concrete, the organization limits the natural effect of its development exercises. This training stretches out to squander the executives, where the builder utilizes thorough reusing conventions to decrease development squander, redirecting huge measures of garbage from landfills.

Water preservation is one more basic concentration for the builder. The execution of water collecting frameworks, low-stream installations, and greywater reusing guarantees effective water use across their undertakings. These frameworks preserve water as well as advance independence and versatility even with water shortage challenges. The builder's obligation to green structure is highlighted by their quest for industry accreditations like LEED (Administration in Energy and Ecological Plan). Accomplishing these accreditations approves their manageable practices as well as improves the general worth and allure of their properties.

The builder's supportable structure rehearses epitomize a comprehensive approach to ecological obligation. By focusing on energy proficiency, asset protection, and industry confirmations, the builder continues to lead in making eco-accommodating, future-evidence structures that benefit both the climate and its clients.


Client Testimonials and Success Stories

Ashford has gained notoriety for greatness more than thirty years, confirmed by a variety of gleaming client tributes and convincing examples of overcoming adversity. These records feature the organization's relentless obligation to quality, development, and consumer loyalty, illustrating the builder experience.

Clients reliably acclaim builders' careful scrupulousness and the remarkable nature of their work. For example, Mr. Ravi Sharma, a property holder in one of builder's head private tasks, praises the organization for changing his vision into reality with unrivaled accuracy and craftsmanship. "From the underlying conference to the last walkthrough, Ashford Pune surpassed my assumptions every step of the way. Their commitment to quality and client care is unmatched," he comments. The builder's capacity to convey complex tasks on time and inside financial plan has acquired them high respect. An outstanding model is the improvement of the GreenTech Office Park, a cutting edge business complex in Mumbai. The task was lauded for its inventive plan and practical elements. Ms. Priya Desai, a key occupant, shares, “Our new office space isn't just stylishly satisfying yet additionally profoundly utilitarian and harmless to the ecosystem. Ashford's obligation to making reasonable structures is really admirable.” One more example of overcoming adversity includes the redesign of a legacy property, where Ashford handily mixed present day conveniences with notable appeal. The client, Mr. Sanjay Patel, appreciates the smart methodology and ability Ashford brought to the task, saying, "Ashford's group regarded the authentic meaning of our structure while coordinating current accommodations consistently. The outcome is an ideal concordance of old and new."

These  testimonials and success stories of overcoming adversity highlight the builder's capacity to reliably convey superior grade, creative undertakings that meet and surpass client assumptions. Through a blend of master craftsmanship, maintainable practices, and uncommon client support, the builer keeps on building structures, however enduring connections and inheritances.


How to Get Started with Ashford

Setting out on a development project with Ashford is a consistent and straightforward interaction intended to transform your vision into the real world. Laid out in 1990, the builder has idealized a client-driven approach that focuses on clear correspondence, careful preparation, and remarkable execution.

The journey starts with an underlying interview, where potential clients meet with the builder's group of experienced experts. During this stage, clients can examine their venture thoughts, inclinations, and financial plan. This gathering is urgent for grasping the client's vision and setting the establishment for a fruitful cooperation. The builder gives master direction, assisting with refining thoughts and layout plausible choices that line up with the client's objectives. Ashford Pune conducts a definite site examination and possibility study. This includes evaluating the venture site, grasping its novel qualities, and distinguishing any possible difficulties. In light of this examination, the builder fosters an extensive task proposition, including a fundamental plan, quote, and timetable.

When the proposition is endorsed, the venture moves into the plan and arranging stage. The builders, planners and architects work intimately with clients to settle the plan, guaranteeing it meets generally tasteful and useful prerequisites. This stage incorporates choosing materials, completions, and apparatuses, with the builder giving master proposals to guarantee quality and maintainability. The development stage follows, where the builder's talented labor force rejuvenates the venture. All through this stage, clients are kept informed with customary updates and site visits, guaranteeing straightforwardness and fulfillment. The builder's obligation to quality control and opportune conveyance guarantees that the undertaking advances without a hitch and is finished to the best expectations.

Getting everything rolling with the builder includes an organized, client-centered approach that focuses on clear correspondence, master arranging, and quality execution. From the underlying conference to project culmination, the builder guarantees a consistent encounter that transforms dreams into the real world.

Ashford Construction - Residential Projects in Pune


Ashford Construction - Residential Projects in Pune




In Conclusion, Ashford, established in 1990, has fabricated a tradition of greatness through an undaunted obligation to quality, development, and consumer loyalty. The builder has set new industry principles by coordinating maintainable structure rehearsals, fastidious tender loving care, and a client-driven approach. Whether leaving on private or business projects, clients can trust Ashford Mumbai to convey uncommon outcomes that blend feel and usefulness. As the builder keeps on driving the development business, their devotion to transforming dreams into reality stays enduring, pursuing them the manufacturer of decision for those looking for unrivaled craftsmanship and administration.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. What sets Ashford apart from other builders?
Ashford t stands apart because of its obligation to quality, advancement, and consumer loyalty. Their utilization of premium materials, state of the art innovations, and maintainable structure rehearses, joined with a client-driven approach, guarantees unrivaled outcomes.

2. How does Ashford ensure the quality of their projects?
Ashford guarantees quality through thorough norms and numerous reviews at different phases of development. They utilize elite execution materials and utilize gifted experts to convey solid and stylishly satisfying outcomes.

3. Does Ashford use sustainable building practices?
Yes, Ashford is focused on supportability. They consolidate energy-productive materials, inexhaustible assets, and high level water preservation frameworks. A considerable lot of their undertakings hold back nothing LEED to approve their eco-accommodating practices.

