New Project
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
3 BHK Wing -B 136.75 1472 2.5 Cr*
3 BHK 6 th – 8th 136.75 1472 2.1 Cr*
3.5 BHK Wing - A 146.51 1577 2.67 Cr*
4 BHK Wing - B 184.51 1986 3.32 Cr*
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3,3.5 & 4 BHK

Rs. 2.5 Cr*-Rs. 3.35 Cr*
Possession Date - Sep, 2025
Bandal Vedashree
3,3.5 & 4 BHK
Rs. 2.5 Cr*-Rs. 3.35 Cr*
Possession - Sep, 2025

Bandal Constructions

Bandal ConstructionWhy Choose Us: Bandal Constructions

With regards to picking a development organization for your private or business needs, it's fundamental for collaborate with a firm that consolidates insight, trust, advancement, and a promise to quality. Bandal Constructions, with its rich heritage and ground breaking approach, stands apart as a chief decision in the development industry. Here's why you ought to choose Bandal Construction for your next project.

Leagacy Of Bandal Constructions

Bandal Constructions has north of thirty years of involvement with the development industry, having been established in 1984-1985. This broad experience converts into a profound comprehension of the market, robust task the executives capacities, and a demonstrated capacity to convey top notch projects on time. The organization has effectively finished numerous private and business projects, covering more than 650,000 square feet in Pune. Prominent activities like Sudatta Sankul, ORVI, Bandal Spaces, and Bandal Capital represent the organization's obligation to greatness and customer fulfillment.

Bandal Constructions  values using the best materials and utilizing the most recent development methods to guarantee that each undertaking fulfills the most elevated guidelines of value. This obligation to quality stretches out to each part of their work, from starting plan to definite development. Each venture embraced by Bandal Constructions is meticulously arranged and executed, guaranteeing tender loving care at each stage. This meticulous methodology guarantees that the eventual outcome meets as well as often surpasses client assumptions.

The organization is at the cutting edge of taking on new advances in the development industry. Whether it's using sustainable structure materials, integrating energy-productive plans, or utilizing advanced apparatuses for project the board, Bandal Construction is focused on remaining on the ball. The organization's inventive way to deal with configuration guarantees that each task is one of a kind and custom fitted to the particular requirements and inclinations of the client. This focus on development makes spaces that are utilitarian as well as stylishly satisfying and future-prepared.

Trust, quality, and straightforwardness are the fundamental beliefs that guide Bandal Construction. The organization puts stock in building enduring associations with its clients in light of shared trust and regard. This obligation to straightforwardness guarantees that clients are kept educated and involved at each phase of the task. With a focus on customer fulfillment, Bandal Construction exceeds all expectations to guarantee that each client is content with the end result. The organization's standing for dependability and uprightness is reflected in the positive criticism and rehash business from fulfilled clients.

Bandal Construction offers extensive development administrations, from land securing and project wanting to development and last conveyance. This start to finish approach guarantees that clients get consistent and bother free help, with each part of the task oversaw by a group of experienced professionals. The organization's mastery traverses various areas, including private, business, and blended use advancements. This different skill permits Bandal Construction to deal with a great many tasks, taking care of the novel necessities of every client.

Bandal Construction is profoundly dedicated to rewarding the local area. Through its CSR drives, the organization upholds various social causes, including instruction, medical care, and ecological sustainability. This obligation to social obligation highlights the organization's commitment to having a beneficial outcome past its business tasks. The organization puts stock in building something other than structures; it trusts in building networks. Each undertaking is planned considering the local area, guaranteeing that it adds to the general prosperity and advancement of the area.

Bandal Construction has laid out a solid organization of providers, project workers, and specialists. These essential organizations guarantee that each task benefits from the joined aptitude and assets of trusted industry professionals. The organization's solid associations with various government and semi-government offices work with smoother project endorsements and consistence, guaranteeing that undertakings are finished on time and inside administrative structures.

Bandal Construction is focused on integrating sustainable practices into its activities. From energy-productive plans to the use of eco-accommodating materials, the organization is committed to lessening its natural impression and advancing sustainability in the development industry. With a strong groundwork and an unmistakable vision for the future, Bandal Construction is ready for extension and development. The organization is ceaselessly investigating new open doors and markets, guaranteeing that it stays at the cutting edge of the development industry.

Picking Bandal Construction implies cooperating with an organization that joins a rich tradition of greatness with a ground breaking way to deal with development and quality. With a demonstrated history, a pledge to customer fulfillment, and a commitment to local area and sustainability, Bandal Construction stands apart as a forerunner in the development industry. Trust Bandal Construction to rejuvenate your vision, making spaces that address your issues and surpass your assumptions.

Achievements of Bandal Constructions

Powerful Endeavor Climaxes
Sudatta Sankul

Bandal Construction's outstanding accomplishment lies in the acknowledgment of Sudatta Sankul, a prudent venture containing 252 units arranged on Sinhagad Road, Pune. Finished in 2021, this improvement brags a saleable region roughly 250,000 square feet. It remains as a demonstration of the organization's devotion to giving excellent confidential spaces customized to the necessities of contemporary families.


ORVI is another immense assignment by Bandal Construction, containing 185 confidential cushions and 14 business shops in Balewadi, Pune. Completed in 2013, this adventure covers a saleable area of around 262,500 square feet. ORVI has been for the most part invited for its blend of private and business spaces, showing the association's ability to deal with various market needs.

Bandal Spaces

In 2012, Bandal Construction finished Bandal Spaces, a business project in Kothrud, Pune. This improvement highlights four offices with an all out saleable area of roughly 15,000 square feet. The venture features the organization's skill in making practical and current business spaces.

Bandal Capital

Bandal Capital, a business project comprising of 24 shops and 13 offices, was finished in 2004 in Kothrud, Pune. Covering a saleable area of around 50,000 square feet, Bandal Capital has added to the development of the business scene in the locale, further laying out Bandal Construction's standing for conveying quality business projects.

Dhanlaxmi Park

Dhanlaxmi Park is a blended use project finished by Bandal Construction in 1997. Situated in Kothrud, Pune, it incorporates 230 private pads and 20 shops, covering a complete saleable area of roughly 120,000 square feet. This task exhibits the organization's capacity to coordinate private and business spaces in a solitary improvement effectively.

Bandal Complex

One of the prior accomplishments of Bandal Construction is the Bandal Complicated, a private and business project finished in 1993 in Kothrud, Pune. It comprises of 200 pads and 10 shops, with a complete saleable area of around 105,000 square feet. This undertaking established the groundwork for the organization's future triumphs in the development industry.

Venture into New Pursuits
Bandal Ved Bhumi

Bandal Construction has likewise wandered into new domains with the procurement of north of 100 sections of land of land at Shrivardhan, Konkan. The organization sent off a private NA plot conspire named Bandal Ved Bhumi, pointed toward giving great private plots in a tranquil climate. This undertaking marks Bandal Construction's venture into the Konkan area and its obligation to offering assorted land choices.

Sun powered Energy Plant

In 2014-2015, Bandal Construction ventured into the environmentally friendly power area by collaborating with Fourth Aspects Infra Restricted to lay out a sunlight based energy plant. This uber project, spread north of 150 sections of land, creates 150 megawatts of power, satisfying the energy needs of around 20 towns. This adventure highlights Bandal Construction's obligation to sustainability and advancement.

Rachana Operations Pvt. Ltd.

Nilesh Bandal, a vital figure in Bandal Construction, fills in as a chief at Rachana Coordinated operations Pvt. Ltd., which goes about as a C&F specialist for Nerolac. The organization oversees strategies tasks from a 35,000 square foot godown close to Pune, guaranteeing proficient capacity and dissemination of Nerolac items. This accomplishment features Bandal Construction's expansion and ability in coordinated operations.

Isolation Ocean side Cabins

Bandal Construction in Pune  has likewise wandered into the cordiality area with Isolation Ocean side Bungalows, which offers relaxation occasions and summer homes. This venture mirrors the organization's capacity to expand its portfolio and take special care of the developing interest for great excursion facilities.


Recognition and Awards

Industry Acknowledgment

Bandal Construction's obligation to greatness has been perceived by various industry bodies. The organization has gotten awards for its creative plans, quality development, and sustainable practices. These honors and acknowledgments act as a demonstration of the organization's authority and vision in the development industry.

Corporate Social Obligation
Rajashree Shivray Pratishthan

Bandal Construction, through its CSR drives, has made critical commitments to the local area. Kisanrao Bandal and Nilesh Bandal act as trustees of Rajashree Shivray Pratishthan, Pune, under which they support various social causes, including an advanced age home named Matoshree Vrudhhashram.

Swatantrya Go Savarkar Library

With a profound interest in perusing and information sharing, Bandal Construction has related with Swatantrya Go Savarkar Library in Pune. This drive intends to advance training and information dispersal inside the local area.

Metro City Wellbeing Center

With regards to the mantra of readiness for everybody, Bandal Construction has laid out a wellbeing community called Metro City in Pune. This office gives various wellbeing and wellness administrations to the local area, accentuating the organization's obligation to advancing sound living.

New India School

Bandal Construction's obligation to training is additionally exemplified by its relationship with New India School in Kothrud, Pune. This drive means to add to the training area and backing the improvement of people in the future.

Architecture Brilliance Of Bandal Constructions

Environmental Considerations

Bandal Construction puts serious areas of strength for an on sustainable design in its tasks. The organization integrates ecological contemplations into each part of its plan, from energy-effective structure materials to latent sun based plan standards. By focusing on sustainability, Bandal Construction diminishes its natural impression as well as makes better and stronger networks for people in the futu

Integration of Green Spaces

Large numbers of Bandal Construction's tasks highlight broad green spaces and arranging. These green regions not just upgrade the stylish allure of the turns of events yet in addition give numerous ecological advantages, like better air quality, biodiversity protection, and regular stormwater the executives. By coordinating green spaces into its tasks, Bandal Construction establishes energetic and sustainable metropolitan conditions that advance wellbeing and prosperity

Residential Projects 

1] Vedashree 

2] Vedbhoomi

3] Sudatta Sankul

4] Orvi

5] Bandal Capital

6] Bandal Classic

Commertial Projects 

1] Bandal Complex

2] Dhanlaxmi Park

Management Team

1] Founder and Partner – Mr. Kisanrao Bandal

2] Partner - Mr. Nilesh K. Bandal

1] Founder and Partner – Mr. Kisanrao Bandal

2] Partner - Mr. Nilesh K. Bandal

3] Partner - Mrs. Dhanashree N. Bandal

Benefits of Choosing Bandal Constructions

Picking Bandal Construction for your development needs offers a large number of advantages that put the organization aside in the industry. Bandal Construction, first and foremost, brags a demonstrated history greatness, with many years of involvement conveying excellent private and business projects. This experience converts into a profound comprehension of the market, guaranteeing that clients get first class administration and results.

Client Testimonials

The positive criticism from in excess of 1,000 fulfilled families who have picked Bandal Construction for their private and business needs is a huge accomplishment. These tributes mirror the organization's commitment to customer fulfillment and its capacity to reliably follow through on guarantees.


In conclusion, teaming up with Bandal Construction in Pune for your improvement needs offers countless advantages. With their expansive experience, commitment to quality and improvement, exhaustive organizations, focus on customer satisfaction, and obligation to social commitment, Bandal Construction stands separated as a reliable and trustworthy choice in the industry. Whether it's private, business, or mixed use enhancements, clients can rely upon Bandal Construction to convey unprecedented results that outperform presumptions. By picking Bandal Construction, you're not just getting an improvement association - you're gaining a trusted associate who is focused on restoring your vision while having a valuable result on the neighborhood the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bandal Constructions

1. What is Bandal Construction?

Bandal Construction is a legitimate development organization with north of 30 years of involvement with the industry.

2. What sorts of ventures does Bandal Construction attempt?

Bandal Construction works in private, business, blended use, and foundation projects.

3. What separates Bandal Construction?

Bandal Construction is known for its obligation to quality, development, sustainability, and customer fulfillment.

. How does Bandal Construction guarantee quality?

Bandal Construction keeps up with severe quality control gauges and sticks to industry principles.

5. Might Bandal Construction at any point deal with huge scope projects?

Indeed, Bandal Construction has the capacity and skill to deal with ventures of differing scales.

6. What is Bandal Construction's way to deal with sustainability?

Bandal Construction focuses on sustainability through eco-accommodating practices and green structure plans.

7. How does Bandal Construction focus on customer fulfillment?

Bandal Construction keeps up with open correspondence and addresses client needs speedily.

