New Project
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK Luxury 1 61.22 659 83.34 Lakhs*
2 BHK Royale 1 73.11 787 98.46 Lakhs*
3 BHK Luxurious 1 80.83 870 1.09 Cr*
3 BHK 1 96.90 1043 1.3 Cr*
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2 & 3 BHK

Rs. 83.34 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.3 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2026
iLife Mundhwa
2 & 3 BHK
Rs. 83.34 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.3 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2026
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 2 66.15 712 59 Lakhs*
2 BHK 2 81.01 872 75 Lakhs*
3 BHK 2 95.23 1025 93 Lakhs*
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2 & 3 BHK

Rs. 59 Lakhs*-Rs. 93 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2025
Legacy iLife Upper NIBM
2 & 3 BHK
Rs. 59 Lakhs*-Rs. 93 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2025

Iconic Properties

Why Choose Iconic Properties?

Picking Iconic Properties implies settling on a mix of development, quality, and client driven help. Here are the key reasons:
Visionary Leadership
Iconic Properties is initiated by Sankalp Goel, a powerful business person with an unmistakable vision of changing the real estate area. His administration guarantees that each task lines up with the brand's basic beliefs of innovativeness, respectability, and quality. Sankalp's commitment to changing the real estate landscape has been a main impetus behind Iconic Properties' prosperity. His methodology joins a profound understanding of market patterns with a pledge to conveying unrivaled consumer loyalty. By encouraging a culture of greatness, Sankalp Goel has situated Iconic Properties as a leader in the business.
Commitment to Quality
Quality is at the core of Iconic Properties. Each venture is carefully planned and built, guaranteeing that homes and commercial spaces are structures as well as a demonstration of greatness. The organization utilizes thorough quality control measures at each transformative phase, from the underlying wanting to the last final details. This resolute obligation to quality guarantees that each Iconic Properties project satisfies the most elevated guidelines of sturdiness, usefulness, and tasteful allure.
Innovative Designs
The brand highly esteems its inventive way to deal with real estate. From conceptualizing weighty plans to incorporating present day conveniences, Iconic Properties guarantees that each task is somewhat revolutionary. This attention on development is obvious in the organization's utilization of cutting edge development strategies, practical structure materials, and brilliant home advancements. By remaining at the cutting edge of configuration patterns and mechanical headways, Iconic Properties makes living and working spaces that are both in vogue and down to earth.
Strategic Locations
Iconic Properties cautiously chooses the areas for its projects, guaranteeing that they are arranged in prime regions with amazing availability and openness. This essential way to deal with area determination improves the worth of the properties and gives occupants and organizations helpful admittance to fundamental administrations and conveniences. Whether it's a residential complex in a tranquil area or a commercial structure in a clamoring business locale, Iconic Properties' projects are in every case unmistakably found.
Sustainable Practices
Iconic Properties is focused on supportability and ecological obligation. The organization consolidates green structure rehearses and eco-accommodating advances in its projects to limit their natural effect. From energy-productive lighting and machines to water gathering frameworks and green rooftops, Iconic Properties' supportable drives add to a better and more economical future for all.

Iconic Properties Legacy


Throughout the span of the most recent decade, Iconic Properties has completed different projects that have set benchmarks in the real estate industry. The association has made in excess of 23 lakh sq. ft. of land and is unendingly expanding, with in excess of 0 lakh sq. ft. this moment being chipped away at.These noteworthy figures mirror the organization's fast development and its capacity to meet the advancing requirements of its clients. Each undertaking completed by Iconic Properties is a demonstration of the brand's obligation to greatness and development.


Iconic Properties' obligation to greatness deserves it a few honors. The brand's imaginative projects have been perceived for their plan, manageability, and commitment to the local area. A portion of the renowned honors got by Iconic Properties include:
• Best Real Estate Engineer Grant: Perceived for outstanding commitments to the real estate area.
• Feasible Structure Grant: Granted for the fuse of eco-accommodating practices being developed projects.
• Advancement in Plan Grant: Respected for spearheading architectural plans and creative utilization of room.
These honors feature the organization's accomplishments as well as support its standing as a forerunner in the real estate industry.

Architecture Brilliance of Iconic Properties

The Team
The group at Iconic Properties is a mix of old pros and youthful gifts who bring different points of view and abilities. This cooperative energy guarantees that each task benefits from both experience and new thoughts, making Iconic Properties a forerunner in architectural brilliance. The group incorporates:
• Planners: Visionary engineers who make imaginative and practical plans.
• Engineers: Gifted engineers who guarantee the primary respectability and sturdiness of the structures.
• Project Supervisors: Experienced chiefs who regulate the whole advancement process, guaranteeing convenient culmination and adherence to quality standards.
• Inside Originators: Inventive architects who upgrade the style and usefulness of the living and working spaces.
Together, this multidisciplinary group teams up to convey projects that are outwardly dazzling as well as profoundly practical and reasonable.
Design Philosophy
Iconic Properties' plan reasoning is established in imagination and usefulness. Each venture is intended to upgrade the living experience, integrating the most recent patterns and advancements. The organization's way to deal with configuration underscores:
• Stylish Allure: Making outwardly striking structures that stand out in the metropolitan landscape.
• Usefulness: Planning spaces that are functional and take special care of the necessities of current living and working.
• Manageability: Incorporating eco-accommodating highlights and supportable practices to decrease natural effect.
• Advancement: Embracing new innovations and plan ideas to remain in front of industry patterns.
This comprehensive plan reasoning guarantees that each Iconic Properties project offers a one of a kind and enhancing experience for its inhabitants and tenants.

Residential Projects of Iconic Properties

Ongoing Projects
Iconic Properties has a few ongoing residential projects that guarantee to rethink present day living. These projects are described by their essential areas, inventive plans, and cutting edge conveniences. Here are a portion of the prominent ongoing residential projects:
iLife are intended to mirror the uniqueness and way of life of their occupants. These homes offer smart residing spaces with rousing subtleties, joining current plan with useful elements. Key features of iLife Homes include:
• Shrewd Home Innovation: Outfitted with cutting edge home mechanization frameworks for comfort and security.
• Supportable Highlights: Fuse of green structure practices and energy-productive frameworks.
• Sumptuous Conveniences: Admittance to conveniences, for example, a clubhouse, pool, wellness focus, and landscaped gardens.
• Ideal places: Arranged in beneficial neighborhoods with astounding availability and admittance to fundamental administrations.
iTrend is a residential venture intended for the contemporary way of life. These advanced living spaces are created to fulfill the needs of the present speedy world. Key elements of iTrend include:
• Contemporary Plan: Smart insides and outsides that reflect current architectural patterns.
• Advantageous Living: Closeness to business center points, retail outlets, instructive establishments, and medical services offices.
• Local area Spaces: Very much planned normal regions and sporting offices to encourage a feeling of local area.
• Maintainable Practices: Joining of eco-accommodating innovations and materials to advance supportability.
Completed Projects
The brand's completed projects are a demonstration of its obligation to quality and development. These projects have changed different areas in Pune, setting new standards for residential living. Here are a few striking completed residential projects:
iZone is an assortment of nicely planned homes that consolidate style with usefulness. These homes offer an ideal mix of solace and style. Key highlights of iZone include:
• Exquisite Plan: Classy insides and outsides that improve the general living experience.
• Present day Conveniences: Offices like an exercise center, kids' play region, and local area lobby.
• Ideal spot: Arranged in a very much associated region with simple admittance to schools, medical clinics, and retail plazas.
• Quality Development: Utilization of top notch materials and development methods to guarantee strength and life span.
iTrend Residences
iTrend Homes are present day homes that offer an ideal mix of solace and style. These homes are intended to address the issues of contemporary residing. Key features of iTrend Homes include:
• Smart Insides: Present day insides that are both tastefully satisfying and utilitarian.
• Helpful Area: Situated in a superb region with magnificent network to significant city landmarks.
• Extravagance Conveniences: Admittance to first class conveniences like a pool, rec center, and landscaped gardens.
• Manageable Living: Combination of practical elements to advance an eco-accommodating way of life.

Commercial Projects of Iconic Properties

Ongoing Projects
Iconic Properties is likewise taking huge steps in the commercial area. Its ongoing projects are intended to take care of the requirements of organizations, offering spaces that are utilitarian as well as tastefully satisfying. Here are a few featured ongoing commercial projects:
Exceptional commercial undertaking intended to cultivate business development and development. Key elements of iZone Commercial include:
• Present day Framework: Cutting edge offices and foundation to help business tasks.
• Vital Area: Situated in a great business locale with fantastic network.
• Adaptable Spaces: Flexible office spaces that can be redone to address the issues of various organizations.
• Maintainable Plan: Consolidation of eco-accommodating elements and feasible structure rehearses.
Completed Projects
The brand's commercial projects have been crucial in changing Pune's business landscape. These projects are known for their essential areas, imaginative plans, and current conveniences. Here are a few vital completed commercial projects:

 A landmark commercial complex that mixes present day plan with usefulness. Key highlights of iZone Pinnacle include:
• Iconic Engineering: Unmistakable plan that stands out in the metropolitan horizon.
• Premium Office Spaces: Great office spaces furnished with present day conveniences.
• Vital Area: Arranged in a clamoring business region with simple admittance to transportation and other fundamental administrations.
• Supportability: Incorporation of green structure practices to advance ecological obligation.

What Benefits Do You Get with Iconic Properties?

Quality Assurance
Each project by Iconic Properties goes with a responsibility of significant worth. From the assurance of materials to the last subtleties, quality is seldom compromised. The association uses unbending quality control measures at each period of the improvement cycle to ensure that each project fulfills the most critical rules of significance.
Innovation and Technology
Iconic Properties coordinates the most recent innovation and imaginative arrangements in the entirety of its projects, guaranteeing that homes and commercial spaces are future-prepared. This incorporates the utilization of shrewd home innovations, high level security frameworks, and energy-proficient arrangements that upgrade the general residing and working experience.
Customer-Centric Approach
The brand's client driven approach guarantees that your requirements and inclinations are generally vital. From customized administrations to opportune conveyance, Iconic Properties goes above and beyond to guarantee consumer loyalty. The organization offers extensive after-deals backing and client support to address any worries or issues that might emerge.
Strategic Locations
Iconic Properties cautiously chooses the areas for its projects, guaranteeing that they are arranged in prime regions with magnificent network and openness. This essential methodology improves the worth of the properties and furnishes occupants and organizations with advantageous admittance to fundamental administrations and conveniences.
Sustainable Practices
Iconic Properties is focused on supportability and ecological obligation. The organization consolidates green structure rehearses and eco-accommodating advancements in its projects to limit their natural effect. This incorporates the utilization of energy-productive lighting and apparatuses, water collecting frameworks, and green rooftops, among other maintainable drives.
Strong Community Focus
Iconic Properties expects to construct homes and workplaces, yet energetic networks. The brand plans its projects with an emphasis on making comprehensive and drawing in local area spaces that encourage social cooperation and a feeling of having a place among occupants and organizations.

Testimonials of Iconic Properties

Happy Families
Thousands of families have made Iconic Properties their home. Their testimonials say a lot about the brand's obligation to quality and consumer loyalty. Here are a few portions from blissful property holders:
Testimonial from a Homeowner
It has been quite possibly of the best choice we made. The nature of development, meticulousness, and client care are excellent. Our house isn't simply a spot to reside, yet an impression of our way of life and values."
Testimonial from a Resident
The conveniences are first rate, and the local area is cordial and inviting. We value the mindfulness and care that went into planning each part of our home."
Business Testimonials
Organizations that have picked Iconic Properties for their commercial spaces have likewise shared their positive encounters, featuring the brand's unwavering quality and incredible skill. Here are a few testimonials from fulfilled business clients:
Testimonial from a Business Owner
The area is key, and the framework is current and all around kept up with. Our clients and representatives are dazzled with the offices, and we have seen a critical lift in our business since moving here."
Testimonial from a Corporate Client
“Working with Iconic Properties has been a consistent encounter. Their group is proficient, responsive, and focused on conveying excellent outcomes. Our office space isn't just useful yet in addition mirrors our brand's picture and values. We strongly prescribe Iconic Properties to different organizations searching for premium commercial spaces.”


Iconic Properties is something beyond a real estate engineer; a brand exemplifies imagination, quality, and development. With a solid legacy, a group of specialists, and a client driven approach, Iconic Properties keeps on setting new standards in the real estate industry. Whether you are searching for a fantasy home or a commercial space, Iconic Properties is the name you can trust.
The organization's visionary initiative, obligation to quality, inventive plans, vital areas, and reasonable practices go with it a favored decision for knowing clients. Iconic Properties' ongoing and completed projects grandstand its commitment to greatness and its capacity to make living and working spaces that improve the personal satisfaction.
Picking Iconic Properties implies picking an accomplice who is focused on your fulfillment and achievement. From the underlying counsel to the last handover, the organization guarantees a smooth and pleasant experience for its clients. With an emphasis on building long haul connections and making an incentive for its partners, Iconic Properties is ready to proceed with its development and progress in the years to come.

FAQs on Iconic Properties

What Makes Iconic Properties Extraordinary?
Iconic Properties is extraordinary because of its obligation to quality, inventive plans, and client driven approach. The brand's projects are known for their architectural brilliance and cutting edge conveniences. Iconic Properties likewise puts major areas of strength for an on manageability and local area building, making it an innovator in the real estate industry.
How Might I Purchase a Property from Iconic Properties?
You can visit Iconic Properties' true site or contact their client assistance to get itemized data on accessible properties, estimating, and purchasing systems. The organization's outreach group is devoted to offering exhaustive help and direction all through the purchasing system, guaranteeing a smooth and bother free insight.
What Are the Impending Projects by Iconic Properties?
Iconic Properties has a few forthcoming projects in different progressive phases. These projects are intended to improve way of life and business open doors, with an emphasis on development and supportability. For itemized data on impending projects, you can visit the organization's site or contact their client care group.
What Manageable Practices Does Iconic Properties Follow?
Iconic Properties is focused on supportability and ecological obligation. The organization consolidates green structure rehearses and eco-accommodating advancements in its projects. This incorporates the utilization of energy-productive lighting and machines, water reaping frameworks, green rooftops, and other manageable drives that lessen natural effect and advance a better living and work space.

