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Shops 1 24.20 260.49 85.78 Lakhs*
Shops 1 75.12 808.59 3.19 Cr*
Office 1 79.36 854.22 1.55 Cr*
Office 1 16.69 179.65 34.08 Lakhs*
Office 1 28.18 303.33 56.21 Lakhs*
Office 1 20.37 219.26 41.14 Lakhs*
Office 1 23.75 255.64 47.72 Lakhs*
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Shops and Offices

Rs. 30.87 Lakhs*-Rs. 3.19 Cr*
Possession Date - Jan, 2023
Updated On : Apr, 2024
Jaywant Business Hub
Shops and Offices
Rs. 30.87 Lakhs*-Rs. 3.19 Cr*
Possession - Jan, 2023 Updated On : Apr, 2024

Jaywant Group

Jaywant Group: Empowering Growth and Excellence in Diverse Industries

Why Choose Jaywant Group?

Picking Jaywant Group implies lining up with an organization that has shown a relentless obligation to development, advancement, and greatness across numerous businesses. Established in 2007 by Mr. Dinesh C. Rathod, the group began with an essential spotlight on property improvement. Throughout the long term, Jaywant Group has expanded into a few ventures, including tank-farming, dairy and agriculture, occasions and diversion, and promoting. Here's the reason Jaywant Group sticks out:
1. Diverse Portfolio: Jaywant Group's venture into different areas exhibits its flexibility and obligation to development. This enhancement guarantees strength and ceaseless open doors for development.
2. Global Presence: With in excess of six branches universally, remembering areas for India, U.A.E., Kuwait, Europe, and Africa, Jaywant Group is really a worldwide player.
3. Customer Fulfillment: Flaunting north of 2000 fulfilled clients around the world, Jaywant Group's standing is based on trust and quality.
4. Sustainability and Development: The group's endeavors into tank-farming and agriculture mirror a pledge to manageable practices and creative arrangements.

Jaywant Group Legacy


Jaywant Group has taken huge steps in different areas, procuring a dependable name with constant and earnest endeavors. A portion of the eminent accomplishments include:
•  Modern Plotting and Sheds: Jaywant Group has arisen as a forerunner in modern turn of events, enveloping a great 35 lakh sq. ft. of land devoted to modern plotting and sheds. This accomplishment highlights their ability in giving vigorous foundation answers for modern requirements.
•  Consumer loyalty: The group values surpassing assumptions, proved by major areas of strength for them of more than 1000 fulfilled clients around the world. This accomplishment mirrors their unflinching obligation to conveying quality administrations and guaranteeing most extreme consumer loyalty.
•  Enhancement: Past their center aptitude in property advancement, Jaywant Group has effectively differentiated into a few areas. They have taken huge steps in tank-farming, dairy and agriculture, occasions and amusement, and publicizing. This essential enhancement features their versatility and prescience in investigating new business roads.


While explicit awards are not definite, Jaywant Group's reliable development and venture into new business sectors are demonstrations of its prosperity and acknowledgment in the business.

Architectural Brilliance of Jaywant Group

The architectural excellence of Jaywant Group is driven by a group of gifted experts who bring innovativeness, development, and accuracy to each project. The group's aptitude traverses different spaces, guaranteeing that each improvement satisfies the most noteworthy guidelines of value and plan.

Residential Projects of Jaywant Group

Ongoing Projects
Jaywant Group's continuous private undertakings mirror its obligation to making top notch living spaces that take special care of current ways of life. These activities are portrayed by:
Creative Plan: Consolidating the most recent patterns in engineering and inside plan.
Maintainability: Carrying out eco-accommodating practices and materials.
Client Driven Approach: Planning homes that meet the assorted requirements of inhabitants.
Completed Projects
The finished private undertakings of Jaywant Group stand as a demonstration of their excellence in land improvement. Each task features:
Quality Development: Utilizing the best materials and development rehearses.
Tasteful Allure: Joining usefulness with wonderful plan components.
Ideal spots: Decisively situated to give comfort and availability.

Commercial Projects of Jaywant Group

Ongoing Projects 
The continuous business projects by Jaywant Group are intended to address the issues of organizations searching for present day, exceptional spaces. These activities include:
Jaywant Business Hub, Kondhwa: Outfitted with the most recent conveniences and advancements.
Vital Areas Arranged in prime business locale to augment openness and perceivability.
Adaptable Spaces Offering adjustable office spaces to meet different business prerequisites.
Completed Projects
The finished business projects by Jaywant Group have effectively taken special care of the necessities of different organizations, offering:

What Benefits You Get with Jaywant Group?

Picking Jaywant Group offers various advantages, including:
1. Unflinching Quality Confirmation:
• Genuine serenity: Jaywant Group focuses on utilizing first class materials and demonstrated development strategies. This means structures that are tastefully satisfying as well as primarily sound and totally solid.
• Decreased Upkeep Expenses: By zeroing in on quality every step of the way, you can anticipate less issues and fixes not too far off, setting aside you cash over the long haul.
• Expanded Property Estimation: Excellent development is a significant selling point, possibly helping the resale worth of your property in the event that you decide to sell from now on.
2. State of the art Advancement:
• Future-Sealed Plans: Jaywant Group stays on the ball by consolidating the most recent progressions in plan and innovation. This guarantees your space is utilitarian, proficient, and satisfies the needs of an impacting world.
• Supportable Highlights: They might incorporate elements like energy-saving frameworks, water preservation measures, and eco-accommodating materials. This advantages the climate as well as lead to bring down service bills.
• Upgraded Usefulness: Jaywant Group could utilize inventive designs and space improvement methods to make a property that impeccably suits your necessities.
3. Putting Clients First:
• Cooperative Methodology: They probably work intimately with you all through the whole interaction, figuring out your vision and guaranteeing the end result lines up with your assumptions.
• Open Correspondence: You can expect clear and predictable correspondence, keeping you educated and engaged with each step of the task.
• Commitment to Fulfillment: Their emphasis is on surpassing your assumptions and conveying an undertaking that you'll be really content with.
4. Earth Capable Practices:
• Feasible Materials: Jaywant Group could utilize reused or privately obtained materials to limit their ecological impression.
• Asset Proficiency: They could integrate highlights that advance water preservation and energy reserve funds, diminishing your effect on the climate.
• Long haul Maintainability: Their obligation to manageable practices guarantees your property isn't just really great for you yet additionally really great for the planet.
5. Worldwide Reach and Mastery:
• Broad Organization: With a possibly wide organization of branches and ventures, Jaywant Group could have the assets and experience to deal with undertakings of fluctuating sizes and intricacies.
• Various Information Base: Their worldwide experience could provide them with a more extensive scope of information and mastery to draw on while dealing with your venture.
• Admittance to a Pool of Ability: A bigger organization could permit them to collect the best group for your particular necessities, guaranteeing top-quality work.

Testimonials of Jaywant Group

The fulfillment of Jaywant Group's clients is reflected in their tributes. The following are a couple:
• John D., Entrepreneur: "Jaywant Group gave us a fabulous business space that impeccably suits our business needs. Their scrupulousness and client care is remarkable."
• Asha R., Property holder: “Purchasing a home from Jaywant Group was the best choice we made. The quality and plan of our house are remarkable, and the group was amazingly steady in the meantime.”


Jaywant Group remains as a signal of development, respectability, and development in the different ventures it works in. Established with a dream to succeed in property improvement, the group has extended its impression worldwide, embracing areas like tank-farming, agriculture, occasions, diversion, and promoting.
With more than 16 years of involvement, Jaywant Group has gained notoriety for conveying quality ventures that join stylish allure with usefulness. Their obligation to maintainability is obvious through the joining of eco-accommodating practices and state of the art advances across all endeavors.
Driven by a client driven approach, Jaywant Group focuses on straightforwardness, joint effort, and surpassing client assumptions. With a vigorous arrangement of finished and progressing projects, the group keeps on setting benchmarks in development, plan, and consumer loyalty.
Looking forward, Jaywant Group stays committed to cultivating development, upgrading networks, and showing others how its done in feasible advancement rehearses. As they proceed to enhance and extend their worldwide presence, Jaywant Group reaffirms its obligation to engaging development and excellence in each undertaking.

FAQs on Jaywant Group

1. What is Jaywant Group and what enterprises does it work ready?
Jaywant Group is a differentiated combination established in 2007 by Mr. Dinesh C. Rathod. At first centered around property improvement, the group has ventured into different enterprises, including tank-farming, dairy and agriculture, occasions and amusement, and publicizing.
2. Where are the parts of Jaywant Group found?
Jaywant Group has a worldwide presence with branches in different nations and districts. These remember areas for India, U.A.E., Kuwait, Europe, and Africa, permitting the group to take care of a different scope of business sectors and clients.
3. How long has Jaywant Group been in activity?
Jaywant Group has been functional for north of a long time since its foundation in 2007. Over the course of this time, the group has shown persistent development and variation to advertise patterns and client needs.
4. What number of fulfilled clients does Jaywant Group have?
Jaywant Group highly esteems consumer loyalty, flaunting more than 2000 fulfilled clients worldwide. This mirrors the group's obligation to conveying quality administrations and items across its different endeavors.
5. What are the fundamental beliefs of Jaywant Group?
The guiding principle of Jaywant Group envelop straightforwardness, advancement, and comprehensive initiative. These qualities guide the group's tasks and collaborations with clients, accomplices, and partners.
6. What is the mission of Jaywant Group?
Jaywant Group's main goal is to succeed in each adventure it embraces by maintaining the best expectations of value, uprightness, and consumer loyalty. The group expects to enhance ceaselessly and adjust to developing business sector patterns while keeping up with reasonable strategic policies.
7. What are a few prominent accomplishments of Jaywant Group?
Jaywant Group has accomplished critical achievements across its differentiated portfolio. Outstanding accomplishments include:
•    Improvement of north of 35 lakh sq. ft. of modern plotting and sheds.
•    Effective venture into various areas from property advancement to agriculture and amusement.
•    Building a standing for quality development, stylish allure, and ideal spot decisions in their private and business projects.
8. How does Jaywant Group guarantee supportability in its activities?
Jaywant Group is focused on supportability through practices, for example, utilizing eco-accommodating materials, advancing energy effectiveness, and carrying out asset preservation measures. This responsibility is obvious in their endeavors in tank-farming, agriculture, and different areas that focus on ecological obligation.
9. What advantages do clients acquire by picking Jaywant Group?
Clients picking Jaywant Group benefit from:
•    Confirmation of top-quality development and materials, upgrading property sturdiness and worth.
•    Admittance to imaginative plans and economical structure rehearses that fulfill current guidelines.
•    A client driven approach with clear correspondence and joint effort all through the task lifecycle.
•    Chances to use the worldwide ability and different information base of Jaywant's group.
10. How does Jaywant Group add to the networks it works in?
Jaywant Group adds to networks by setting out work open doors, supporting neighborhood organizations, and carrying out projects that comply to nearby guidelines and natural principles. Their drives mean to encourage financial development and social prosperity in the districts they serve.
These itemized FAQs give complete experiences into Jaywant Group's tasks, values, accomplishments, and obligation to excellence across assorted ventures and worldwide business sectors.

