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Type Tower Total Carpet Area
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2 BHK 1 65.03 700 2.1 Cr*
2 BHK 1 67.26 724 2.17 Cr*
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2 BHK Apartment

Rs. 2.1 Cr*-Rs. 2.17 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2024
Marathon Zaver Arcade
Mulund West
2 BHK Apartment
Rs. 2.1 Cr*-Rs. 2.17 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2024

Marathon Group

Building Excellence: Exploring Marathon Group's Innovations in Real Estate Development

Established in 1969, Marathon Group has emerged as a foundation in land improvement, prestigious for its resolute obligation to development, quality, and maintainability. With more than fifty years of experience, the builder has moulded the scene of Mumbai's housing market and then some.

Established on standards of honesty and greatness, the gathering has reliably delivered milestone private and business projects that mix state-of-the-art engineering with practical planning. Their portfolio features a different scope of improvements, each carefully created to address the developing requirements of present-day metropolitan living. Beyond construction, Marathon Group Mumbai champions natural stewardship, incorporating economical practices into each aspect of its activities. Its commitment to improving local area prosperity reaches beyond its turns of events, with a dynamic commitment to corporate social obligation drives.

Throughout its celebrated history, the builder has collected various honors for its exceptional commitments to the business, cementing its standing as a trusted manufacturer inseparable from quality and dependability.


Overview of Marathon Group

Laid out in 1969, Marathon Group has become a foundation of greatness in the Mumbai Metropolitan Locale's land area, boasting north of 54 years of industry experience. Established with a pledge to visionary preparation and fastidious execution,the builder has effectively completed more than 100 tasks, traversing private, business, and blended-use improvements.

One of the characterizing parts of the builder is its broad land arranging endeavours, incorporating 880 sections of land across the Mumbai Metropolitan Area. This essential foreknowledge permits the gathering to make maintainable networks that amicably mix present-day conveniences with normal environmental elements. As of now, the gathering has more than 4 million square feet of land being worked on, expecting to additionally advance Mumbai's metropolitan texture with inventive plans and quality development.

Led by Managing Director Chief Mayur Shah, who brings an abundance of involvement and initiative from his residency as the Ex-Director of MCHI CREDAI, the builder is directed by a reasonable vision: to be the most confided-in engineer in the Mumbai Metropolitan District. This vision highlights their obligation to convey greatness in plan, craftsmanship, and consumer loyalty. Marathon Group Mumbai's heritage is well established, tracing its beginnings back to 1922, when its patriarch assumed a significant part in the expert preparation of Mulund, forming it into perhaps Mumbai's most well-arranged suburb. Today, their portfolio incorporates notorious ventures that have reclassified Mumbai's horizon and set benchmarks for quality and advancement in the land business.

With a track record of more than 10,000 blissful families and an unfaltering devotion to manageable turn of events and local area government assistance, the buidler keeps on being at the front of changing metropolitan scenes while maintaining the best expectations of highest standards of integrity and professionalism.

Commitment to Sustainability

Marathon Group epitomizes a hearty obligation to manageability, incorporating eco-accommodating practices across each of its tasks. Perceiving the basic significance of natural stewardship, the gathering focuses on reasonable building materials, energy-proficient advancements, and green building confirmations in all of its undertakings.

One of the builder's key drives is its emphasis on decreasing carbon impressions through inventive plan and development methods. The group minimises environmental impact while maximising resource efficiency by incorporating renewable energy sources like solar power and adopting water conservation measures. Marathon Group Mumbai effectively takes part in metropolitan biodiversity preservation, safeguarding green spaces inside and around its turns of events. This devotion stretches out to advancing green transportation choices and carrying out squander-the-board methodologies that focus on reusing and squander decrease.

Past development rehearses,the builder underlines local area schooling and mindfulness on manageability issues. They routinely sort out studios, courses, and effort projects to cultivate a culture of ecological obligation among inhabitants and partners.

By sticking to rigid sustainability standards and ceaselessly investigating better approaches to upgrade their natural exhibition, the builder meets administrative prerequisites as well as sets benchmarks for reasonable advancement in the land area. Their faithful obligation to make greener, better networks highlights their job as forerunners in dependable metropolitan turn of events.


Innovation in Design and Architecture

Marathon Group remains as a signal of development in plan and design, reliably pushing limits to rethink metropolitan living encounters. With a rich inheritance tracing all the way back to 1969, the gathering has spearheaded a few earth shattering plan ideas that mix tasteful allure with practical greatness.

At the core of the builder's development methodology lies a profound comprehension of advancing customer inclinations and metropolitan elements. Their undertakings feature a combination of contemporary and immortal structural styles, custom-made to improve decency and solace. From smooth, present-day high rises to mindfully arranged private edifices, every advancement reflects careful scrupulousness and craftsmanship.

The gathering teams up with eminent draftsmen and configuration firms to make famous milestones that stand apart for their visual allure, advance space usage, and natural manageability. Advancements in building materials and development methods guarantee primary respectability and life span, adding to the strength of their ventures.

Marathon Group Mumbai's obligation to development extends past style to incorporate mechanical advancements like brilliant home highlights, energy-efficient arrangements, and coordinated advanced foundation. These components not only enhance occupants' personal satisfaction but additionally position their advancements at the forefront of savvy city drives.

Through ceaseless research and development, the builder keeps on setting benchmarks in engineering advancement, starting a trend for future metropolitan developments. Their commitment to pushing plan limits while addressing the necessities of present-day metropolitan tenants highlights their status as a forerunner in the real estate industry.


Customer Satisfaction and Reviews

Customer satisfaction is foremost to Marathon Group, as proven by its broad history of conveying quality and measuring up to the assumptions of more than 10,000 families. Each venture is fastidiously intended to address and surpass the issues of its different customer base, guaranteeing a consistent encounter from commencement to ownership.

Positive customer reviews highlight the builder's obligation to excellence. Clients reliably acclaim the gathering for its straightforward correspondence, convenient conveyance, and predominant form quality. The emphasis on client-centricity is reflected in its proactive approach to dealing with worries and keeping up with elevated expectations of administration throughout the undertaking lifecycle.

Marathon Group Mumbai develops enduring associations with its clients through customized consideration and responsive after-deals support. Its devoted client care groups guarantee that inquiries are expeditiously tended to and input is viewed seriously to further develop administration conveyance persistently. Besides, the gathering's standing for respectability and dependability has procured them a devoted client base who frequently allude loved ones, further approving their standing on the lookout. These references and rehash clients say a lot about the trust and fulfillment that the builder motivates among mortgage holders and financial backers the same.

By focusing on consumer loyalty as a foundation of their business reasoning, the builder improves their image notoriety as well as sets a benchmark for greatness in the land business. Their obligation to paying attention to client criticism and adjusting to developing business sector needs guarantees they stay a favored decision for knowing homebuyers looking for quality and dependability.


Community Engagement and CSR Initiatives

Marathon Group represents areas of strength for community engagement and corporate social responsibility (CSR), intending to have a beneficial outcome beyond their land improvements. Their drives reach out across different circles, zeroing in on friendly government assistance, training, wellbeing, and ecological supportability.

One of the builder's key CSR drives spins around training. They effectively support instructive organizations and projects pointed toward enabling youth through grants, foundation advancement, and expertise improvement studios. By putting resources into instruction, the builder adds to building an educated and gifted labour force for what's in store.

The gathering likewise focuses on wellbeing and prosperity inside the networks it serves. It coordinates wellness camps, inoculation drives, and mindfulness programs on preventive medical care measures. These endeavors further develop access to medical care administrations and advance a better way of life among inhabitants.

Environmental sustainability is another foundation of the builder's CSR technique. They embrace tree ranch drives, advance water reaping, and execute squander the executives rehearse across their activities. By incorporating economical practices into their activities,the builder endeavors to limit ecological effects and make greener metropolitan spaces.

Also, Marathon Group Mumbai participates in social and sports drives that encourage local area holding and advance neighborhood ability. They support far-reaching developments, sports competitions, and craftsmanship presentations, improving the social texture of neighborhoods where their improvements are found.

Through these complete CSR drives, the builder shows its obligation to being a capable corporate resident. By effectively engaging with networks and tending to their social necessities, the gathering improves personal satisfaction and fabricates enduring connections based on trust and shared regard.

Future Outlook and Upcoming Projects

Marathon Group's future is ready for additional development and advancement in the land scene of the Mumbai Metropolitan Locale (MMR) and then some. With a strong groundwork based on north of 50 years of involvement and a guarantee to greatness, the gathering has aggressive designs to extend its portfolio with a few invigorating impending ventures.

The builder is set to continue with its tradition of providing notorious private and business advancements that set new benchmarks in plan, supportability, and lifestyle conveniences. They are currently zeroing in on utilizing advanced development advancements and imaginative building plans to create spaces that meet the evolving needs of metropolitan tenants.

As well as upgrading their presence in laid-out business sectors, the builder is investigating new learning experiences in arising regions inside the MMR. This essential extension is driven by a profound comprehension of market elements and shopper inclinations, guaranteeing that their improvements reverberate with the nearby local area while offering unrivalled quality and worth.

Besides, the gathering stays focused on incorporating feasible practices into every single future venture, intending to accomplish better expectations of natural execution and energy proficiency. This responsibility lines up with worldwide manageability objectives as well as builds up the builder's standing as a forerunner in dependable metropolitan turn of events.

With a robust pipeline of projects in the pipeline, Marathon Group Mumbai is strategically situated to contribute fundamentally to the district's land area while continuing to maintain its basic beliefs of honesty, development, and client-centricity. As it sets out on this thrilling excursion, the group stays devoted to conveying greatness and advancing the existences of the inhabitants and networks it serves.

Marathon Group - Ongoing Residential Projects in Mumbai

1.    Monte South - Byculla, Mumbai
2.    Marathon Monte  - Carlo, Mumbai
3.    Marathon Neohomes - Bhandup, Mumbai
4.    Marathon Nexzone - Panvel, Mumbai
5.    Marathon Nextown - Kalyan, Mumbai
6.    Marathon Nexworld - Dombivli, Mumbai
7.    Marathon Zaver Arcade - Mulund West, Mumbai
8.    Sunset Gardens - Mulund West, Mumbai


Marathon Group - Ongoing Commercial Projects in Mumbai

1.    Marathon Futurex - Lower Parel, Mumbai
2.    Marathon Millennium ,Mulund West,Mumbai


Marathon Group - Completed Residential Projects in Mumbai

1.    Marathon Nagari NX - Badlapur, Mumbai
2.    Marathon Monte Vista - Mulund,Mumbai
3.    Marathon Embryo - Bhandup,Mumbai
4.    Marathon Onyx - Mulund,Mumbai
5.    Marathon Emblem - Mulund,Mumbai
6.    Marathon Icon - Lower Parel, Mumbai
7.    Marathon NextGen Era - Lower Parel, Mumbai
8.    Marathon Nextgen Emperor - Lower Parel, Mumbai
9.    Marathon Omega - Lower Parel, Mumbai
10.    Marathon Chambers - Lower Parel, Mumbai
11.    Marathon Maxima - Mulund,Mumbai
12.    Marathon Max - Mulund,Mumbai
13.    Marathon Cosmos - Mulund,Mumbai
14.    Marathon Heritage - Vikhroli,Mumbai
15.    Marathon Udyog Kshetra - Mulund,Mumbai
16.    Marathon Heights - Lower Parel,Mumbai
17.    Virayantan - Nashik,Mumbai
18.    Marathon Mount View - Mulund,Mumbai
19.    Marathon Galaxy - Mulund,Mumbai
20.    Antariksh - Mulund,Mumbai
21.    Jupiter & Venus - Mulund,Mumbai
22.    Tirupati & Balaji - Mulund,Mumbai
23.    Marathon Olympic - Mulund,Mumbai
24.    Padmashree - Mulund, Mumbai
25.    Rita Apartments - Mulund, Mumbai
26.    Mhavir Dham - Mulund, Mumbai
27.    Kumudini - Mulund, Mumbai
28.    Poonam - Mulund, Mumbai


In conclusion, Marathon Group remains a paragon of greatness in the Mumbai housing market. It utilizes more than fifty years of skill to convey creative, manageable, and local area-driven improvements. Its obligation to quality craftsmanship, consumer loyalty, and capable corporate citizenship has procured it a heavenly standing.

As they continue onward with aggressive future tasks and extend their impression, Marathon Group Mumbai keeps on setting benchmarks for plan, development, and natural stewardship, guaranteeing they stay at the front of shaping vibrant, bearable networks long into the future.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. How many projects has Marathon Group delivered so far? 
Marathon Group has successfully completed more than 100 projects, incorporating a different arrangement of private, business, and blended-use improvements. Each venture mirrors its obligation to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.

2. What sets Marathon Group apart in terms of design and architecture? 
Marathon Group is known for pushing the limits of design and engineering, incorporating a present-day feel with useful living spaces. They team up with driving planners to create notable milestones that focus on both style and convenience.

3. How does Marathon Group prioritize sustainability in its projects? 
Sustainability is at the centre of Marathon Group's ethos. They utilize eco-accommodating development rehearses, use sustainable power sources, and eco-friendly construction practices, utilize renewable energy sources, and incorporate green building certifications. Their drives expect to limit natural effects and advance sustainable living.

