New Project

Meridian Zuha,

Kondhwa Khurd - Kondhwa

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK A 41.4 445.625 39.55 Lakhs*
1 BHK A 45.8 492.987 41.6 Lakhs*
2 BHK A 61.1 657.674 44.03 Lakhs*
2 BHK A 89.7 965.522 59.07 Lakhs*
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1, 2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 39.55 Lakhs*-Rs. 59.07 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Jan, 2023
Meridian Zuha
1, 2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 39.55 Lakhs*-Rs. 59.07 Lakhs*
Possession - Jan, 2023

Meridian Housing

Building Dreams: Discovering Meridian Housing's Legacy and Innovations in Residential Development

Established in 1974, Meridian Housing has emerged as a sturdy in the private improvement area, famous for its obligation to quality craftsmanship and creative structural arrangements. With forty years of involvement, the organization has built a recognized inheritance set apart by a progression of effective tasks that care for different lodging needs. The builder highly esteems mixing usefulness with tasteful allure, reliably conveying homes that surpass industry principles. The builder has embraced maintainable structure works, procuring awards for naturally cognizant development techniques and materials. The organization's commitment to consumer loyalty is clear in its careful scrupulousness and customized approach to each task, guaranteeing that each home mirrors the remarkable goals of its tenants.

As Meridian Housing Pune plans, it keeps leading the way in moulding private scenes, with forthcoming advancements ready to set new benchmarks in plan and local area living. With a solid groundwork based on honesty and development, the builder remains a trusted decision for mortgage holders looking for greatness in current living spaces.


Company Background and History

Established by Mr. Iqbal Bagban in 1974, Meridian Housing started its excursion with an emphasis on contracting for a different cluster of private, modern, and infrastructural projects. Initially settled to fulfil the developing need for quality development benefits, the organization immediately earned respect for its devotion to craftsmanship and obligation to client fulfilment.

The builder changed from its underlying job as a contracting firm to become an unmistakable player in private and business improvement areas. This development was driven by an essential vision to grow its capacities and expand its portfolio, taking care of the unique requirements of the market. The organization's initial victories prepared it for bigger and more aggressive ventures, hardening its standing as a dependable manufacturer with an inclination for delivering projects on time and within budget. As the builder kept on developing, it embraced creative development methods and took on economical structure works, conforming to worldwide principles of ecological obligation.

Meridian Housing Pune has remained established in its guiding principles of trustworthiness, greatness, and development. Every achievement accomplished—from milestone private buildings to cutting-edge business spaces—mirrors the organization's unflinching obligation to quality and its capacity to adjust to changing business sector patterns.

The builder remains a demonstration of Mr. Iqbal Bagban's innovative soul and vision. As it looks towards the future, the organization remains devoted to molding energetic networks and persevering through incentive programs for partners, setting new benchmarks in the domain of development and improvement.


Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

Meridian Housing has long been focused on coordinating quality and maintainability into each feature of its tasks, separating itself as an innovator in the development and improvement industry. Since its beginning in 1974, the organization has maintained rigid guidelines to guarantee that each venture meets and surpasses assumptions regarding craftsmanship and strength.

Quality at the builder starts with fastidious preparation and plan, where everything about painstakingly considered to advance usefulness and tasteful allure. The organization utilizes talented experts and teams up with famous draftsmen and specialists to convey imaginative arrangements that endure over the long haul. The builder puts areas of strength for an on maintainability. Perceiving the natural effect of development exercises, the organization has adopted eco-accommodating structure practices and advancements. These incorporate the utilization of sustainable materials, energy-effective frameworks, and waste decrease estimates throughout the development interaction.

Meridian Housing Pune effectively looks for affirmations and sticks to industry best practices for supportability, guaranteeing that its advancements improve the existence of occupants and contribute emphatically to the climate. By incorporating manageability into its corporate ethos, the builder keeps on setting benchmarks for mindful improvement works on, adjusting its business objectives to worldwide endeavors towards a more maintainable future.


Innovation in Design and Construction

Meridian Housing has reliably pushed the limits of development in plan and development, establishing its standing as a trailblazer in the business. Embracing a ground-breaking approach since its foundation in 1974, the organization has persistently tried to upset the private and business improvement scene through state-of-the-art building plans and high-level development techniques.

At the core of the builder's development lies a pledge to create living spaces that mix usefulness with tasteful allure. The organization teams up with top engineers and fashioners who bring new perspectives and intelligent fixes to each project. This cooperative effort guarantees that each advancement reflects contemporary patterns while meeting the pragmatic necessities of its tenants. Meridian Housing Pune has embraced mechanical headways to smooth out cycles and improve effectiveness. From the reception of construction techniques to the reconciliation of shrewd structure advances, for example, energy-productive frameworks and robotized controls, the organization stays at the bleeding edge of development advancement.

The builder puts areas of strength on maintainability in its imaginative undertakings. By consolidating eco-accommodating materials and practices into its plans, the organization decreases natural effect and makes better and more energy-proficient structures for its clients. The builder keeps setting new benchmarks for greatness in the fabricated climate, enhancing networks and motivating the fate of metropolitan living through its devotion to advancement in plan and development.


Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Community engagement and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are basic to Meridian Housing's ethos, mirroring its obligation to positively effect past development projects. Since its commencement in 1974, the organization has focused on drives that help and elevate nearby networks, upgrading social prosperity and cultivating feasible events.

The builder effectively draws in with networks through different effort projects and associations. These endeavors incorporate supporting nearby occasions, supporting instructive drives, and teaming up with charitable associations to address local area needs. By putting resources into local area advancement projects, the organization plans to assemble more grounded, stronger neighborhoods where inhabitants can flourish. Meridian Housing Pune incorporates CSR into its strategic approaches by maintaining moral principles and advancing natural stewardship. The organization complies with thorough maintainability rules, endeavouring to limit its natural impression through eco-accommodating development practices and energy-effective structure plans. Moreover, the builder focuses on the prosperity of its labor force, carrying out well-being and security measures to guarantee a strong and comprehensive work environment climate.

The builder improves its corporate standing and contributes decidedly to society. By adjusting business accomplishment to social obligation, the organization keeps on setting a model for moral authority inside the development business, showing the way that benefits and social effect can remain closely connected.


Customer Satisfaction and Feedback

Consumer loyalty is central to Meridian Housing's functional way of thinking, driving its obligation to greatness and consistent improvement. Since its foundation in 1974, the organization has focused on areas of strength, such as paying attention to client criticism and guaranteeing that each communication with clients surpasses demands. The builder focuses on consumer loyalty through customized administration and meticulousness. From the beginning interview to project finishing, the organization maintains open lines of correspondence, keeping clients educated and involved throughout the development interaction. This proactive methodology permits the builder to address concerns instantly and adjust to changing client needs.

Additionally, the organization values straightforwardness and trustworthiness in its dealings with clients. The builder endeavours to follow through on its commitments, sticking to courses of events and spending plans without compromising quality. By fulfilling or surpassing industry guidelines, the organization has gained notoriety for dependability and reliability among its customers. Client criticism plays a vital part in forming the builder's practices and future ventures. The organization effectively requests client input through overviews and surveys, utilizing this data to improve administration conveyance and refine its contributions. By integrating client bits of knowledge into dynamic cycles, the builder guarantees that each undertaking mirrors the inclinations and needs of its different client base.


Future Projects and Expansion Plans

Looking towards the future, Meridian Housing is ready for dynamic development and extension, utilizing its powerful establishment and creative approach to development and improvement. With a heritage tracing back to 1974, the organization keeps on defining aggressive objectives for its impending undertakings, meaning to rethink metropolitan scenes and satisfy developing business sector needs.

The builder's future tasks envelop a different scope of private and business improvements, decisively situated in key metropolitan regions and developing business sectors. The organization intends to present cutting-edge architectural designs and sustainable building practices, guaranteeing that each new undertaking meets and surpasses industry principles for quality and development. Meridian Housing Pune is investigating potential opportunities to differentiate its portfolio and enter new geographic areas. This essential methodology permits the organization to take advantage of developing business sectors and benefit from developing interest in current, all-around planned living and working spaces.

The builder stays focused on improving local area commitment and advancing corporate social responsibility (CSR) in all of its future undertakings. The organization intends to incorporate CSR drives into its extension plans, supporting neighbourhood networks and encouraging economic improvement exercises. By remaining at the cutting edge of patterns in plan, development innovation, and manageability, the builder expects to keep up with its administrative role in the business while persevering through incentives for partners. Through proactive preparation and advancement, the organization anticipates moulding the fate of metropolitan turn of events and conveying remarkable ventures that improve the existences of occupants and contribute emphatically to the built environment.

Meridian Housing - Ongoing Residential Projects in Pune

Meridian Zuha - Kondhwa, Pune
Meridian Raafay - Shivaji Nagar, Pune
Meridian Yumna - Kharadi, Pune


In conclusion, Meridian Housing remains as a reference point of greatness in the development and improvement industry, driven by a rich history of advancement, obligation to quality, and commitment to consumer loyalty. Since its commencement in 1974, the organization has persistently developed, setting benchmarks for supportable practices and local area commitment.

Looking forward, Meridian Housing Pune's future is set apart by aggressive extension plans and an unflinching obligation to form dynamic networks through smart plan and capable turn of events. With a demonstrated history and a dream for the future, the builder stays ready to lead and rouse in metropolitan living.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. How does Meridian Housing ensure quality in its construction projects?
Meridian Housing prioritizes quality through meticulous planning, innovative design, and the use of high-quality materials. They collaborate with experienced architects and engineers to deliver projects that meet or exceed industry standards.

2. What is Meridian Housing's approach to sustainability?
Meridian Housing is committed to sustainability by adopting eco-friendly building practices and technologies. They incorporate energy-efficient systems, renewable materials, and waste reduction measures into their projects to minimize environmental impact.

3. How does Meridian Housing engage with the community and practice corporate social responsibility (CSR)?
Meridian Housing actively engages with communities through sponsorships, partnerships with nonprofits, and support for local initiatives. They also uphold ethical standards and prioritize the well-being of their workforce as part of their CSR efforts.

