New Project



Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK Bldg-A,B 73.86 795 62.91 Lakhs*
2 BHK Bldg-A,B 74.32 800 63.29 Lakhs*
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2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 57.22 Lakhs*-Rs. 57.58 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Jun, 2021
2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 57.22 Lakhs*-Rs. 57.58 Lakhs*
Possession - Jun, 2021
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK The Prestige Avenue 68.93 741.956 75.64 Lakhs*
2 BHK The Prestige Avenue 82.68 889.959 93.65 Lakhs*
3 BHK The Prestige Avenue 83.80 902.015 94.12 Lakhs*
3 BHK The Prestige Avenue 85.56 920.959 99.8 Lakhs*
Shops The Prestige Avenue 68.47 737.004 1.73 Cr*
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Shops, 2, 3 BHK Apartments

Rs. 75.64 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.73 Cr*
Possession Date - Jun, 2021
The Prestige Avenue
Shops, 2, 3 BHK Apartments
Rs. 75.64 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.73 Cr*
Possession - Jun, 2021

Sanjeevani Group

Why Choose Sanjeevani Group?

Picking Sanjeevani Builders is a choice that mirrors a guarantee to greatness and a ground breaking way to deal with development and real estate improvement. Our center way of thinking rotates around conveying properties as well as enhanced living encounters through careful preparation, imaginative plan, and maintainable practices.

Commitment to Quality    

At Sanjeevani Builders, quality isn't simply a standard yet a commitment. We guarantee that each venture fulfills thorough guidelines of development and plan. From the choice of high-level materials to the execution of state of the art development procedures, our attention is on making strong, dependable, and stylishly satisfying spaces.

Sustainable Development

Our commitment to natural supportability separates us. We coordinate eco-accommodating practices into each part of our activities. This incorporates utilizing energy-proficient frameworks, feasible structure materials, and creative waste administration arrangements. We want to limit the ecological effect of our turns of events and advance a greener future.

Customer-Centric Approach

We focus on consumer loyalty by offering customized administrations and backing all through the venture lifecycle. Our group works intimately with clients to comprehend their necessities and inclinations, guaranteeing that everything about with their vision. From introductory interview to post-ownership support, our client care is intended to give a consistent and lovely experience.

Innovative Design

Our tasks are described by their imaginative plan and practical formats. We endeavor to make spaces that are outwardly engaging as well as reasonable and agreeable. Our plan group utilizes the most recent patterns and innovations to convey homes and commercial spaces that satisfy present day residing guidelines.

Proven Track Record

With an arrangement of fruitful tasks and a standing for greatness, Sanjeevani Builders has set up a good foundation for itself as a confided in name in the real estate industry. Our set of experiences of conveying excellent advancements on time and inside spending plan mirrors our obligation to unwavering quality and greatness.

Sanjeevani Builders Legacy


Sanjeevani Builders has a rich heritage set apart by various accomplishments in the development and real estate areas. Under the initiative of Mr. Sanjay Deshpande, the organization has executed a few milestone extends that stand as demonstrations of its skill and vision.

Notable Projects:

•    DSK Ranwara: An enormous scope private venture with 600 units, displaying our capacity to deal with broad turns of events.
•    DSK Vishwa: A noticeable task with more than 5000 units, mirroring our ability to oversee enormous scope lodging networks really.

Our accomplishments additionally stretch out to the execution of imaginative natural practices. These incorporate the presentation of focal sun powered water warming frameworks and high level water reaping procedures, which have been pioneers in Pune's development area.


Sanjeevani Builders has been respected with a few renowned honors perceiving our greatness in development and natural stewardship. These honors feature our obligation to quality, maintainability, and consumer loyalty.

Key Awards:

•    Excellence in Construction: Perceived for extraordinary quality and opportune conveyance of undertakings.
•    Innovative Eco-Friendly Practices: Granted for spearheading reasonable development procedures and coordinating green innovations.

These awards approve our endeavors as well as rouse us to keep pushing the limits of development and quality in our undertakings.

Architecture Brilliance of Sanjeevani Builders


The engineering brightness of Sanjeevani Builders is a consequence of the aggregate mastery and commitment of our group. Driven by Mr. Sanjay Deshpande, our group remembers exceptionally qualified experts for structural designing, plan, and natural science.

Key Team Members:

•    Civil Engineers: Specialists in foundational layout and development, guaranteeing the uprightness and toughness of each and every venture.
•    Design Specialists: Imaginative experts who center around utilitarian and tastefully satisfying formats, integrating the most recent plan patterns.
•    Environmental Consultants: Experts who carry out eco-accommodating practices and advances, guaranteeing that our activities stick to supportability norms.

Mr. Deshpande's administration and broad experience guide the group in conveying outstanding outcomes. His vision for incorporating natural protection with current plan standards drives our way to deal with each task.

Residential Projects of Sanjeevani Builders


1. Dhruva, Punawale
•    Type: 2 BHK Apartments
•    Status: Under Construction
•    Possession Date: June 2021
Dhruva in Punawale is a demonstration of our obligation to making agreeable and present day living spaces. The venture includes mindfully planned 2 BHK apartments that offer both usefulness and tasteful allure. The essential area guarantees simple admittance to fundamental conveniences, pursuing it a beneficial decision for homebuyers.

2. The Prestige Avenue, Pashan
•    Type: Shops, 2 & 3 BHK Apartments
•    Status: Under Construction
•    Price: ₹75.64 Lakhs - ₹1.73 Cr
•    Possession Date: June 2021
The Eminence Road is a flexible task that consolidates private and commercial spaces. It offers a scope of choices, from retail shops to roomy 2 and 3 BHK apartments. This blend of purposes takes care of different requirements and gives a dynamic living climate in the very much associated area of Pashan.


1. Sanjeevani Heights, Bavdhan
•    Type: 2, 2.5, 3, and 4 BHK Homes
•    Status: Completed
Sanjeevani Levels epitomizes our obligation to quality and extravagance. The task offers a scope of home sizes, planned with scrupulousness and usefulness. The effective fulfillment of this undertaking highlights our capacity to convey excellent homes that address the issues of different customer base.

2. Prestige Avenue, Pashan
•    Type: Shops, 2, 3 BHK Apartments
•    Status: Completed
The finished Eminence Road remains as a conspicuous illustration of our skill in mixing private and commercial spaces. The task's prosperity is an impression of our capacity to make practical, alluring, and beneficial spaces for both living and business.

Commercial Projects of Sanjeevani Builders


1. Sanjeevani Business Hub, Hinjewadi
•    Type: Office Spaces and Retail Units
•    Status: Under Construction
Sanjeevani Business Center is intended to address the issues of the developing industry local area in Hinjewadi. The task highlights cutting edge office spaces and retail units, giving a powerful climate to organizations to flourish. Its cutting edge plan and vital area go with it an optimal decision for commercial undertakings.


1. Sanjeevani Towers, Narayan Peth
•    Type: Office Spaces
•    Status: Completed
Sanjeevani Pinnacles features our skill in growing top notch office spaces. The task's effective finishing features our capacity to convey useful, very much planned commercial properties that take care of the requirements of organizations.

What Benefits Do You Get with Sanjeevani Builders?

1. Quality Assurance: Our activities are worked to the best expectations, guaranteeing solidness, wellbeing, and stylish allure. We utilize premium materials and high level development methods to convey remarkable outcomes.

2. Eco-Friendly Features: We integrate reasonable practices and innovations to diminish natural effect. This incorporates energy-effective frameworks, water collecting, and green structure materials.

3. Innovative Design: Our plans are contemporary, useful, and custom fitted to current living necessities. We center around making spaces that are both delightful and utilitarian.

4. Customer-Centric Approach: We offer customized types of assistance and backing all through the venture lifecycle. Our group is committed to tending to your necessities and guaranteeing a smooth encounter.

5. Fair Pricing: We offer cutthroat evaluating while at the same time keeping up with superior grade. Our straightforward estimating guarantees that you get fantastic incentive for your investment.

Testimonials of Sanjeevani Builders

Abhijeet Narkar
My involvement in Sanjeevani Builders has been phenomenal. The tender loving care and obligation to quality is clear in each part of their work. I'm excited with my new home and appreciative for their phenomenal client care.

Pawan Pawar
Sanjeevani Builders surpassed my assumptions with their incredible skill and commitment. The venture was finished on time, and the nature of development is amazing. Enthusiastically suggest their administrations for anybody searching for a dependable developer.

Bhagwan Pandekar
From the underlying counsel to the last handover, Sanjeevani Builders exhibited extraordinary skill and care. Their emphasis on eco-accommodating practices and imaginative plan made my investment advantageous. Much obliged to you for a great encounter!


Sanjeevani Builders, drove by the visionary Mr. Sanjay Deshpande, typifies greatness in development and real estate advancement. Our tradition of value, maintainability, and development is reflected in our different arrangement of private and commercial undertakings. We are devoted to making spaces that improve the personal satisfaction for our clients while sticking to the best expectations of ecological obligation. Picking Sanjeevani Builders implies putting resources into a future where quality and manageability are flawlessly coordinated, guaranteeing that you get the best in both plan and usefulness.

FAQs about Sanjeevani Builders

What sets Sanjeevani Builders apart from other construction companies? 
Sanjeevani Builders separates itself through its obligation to quality, maintainable practices, and inventive plan. Our emphasis on making easy to use, eco-accommodating spaces and giving extraordinary client care separates us from the opposition.

Who is the founder of Sanjeevani Builders and what is his background? 
The pioneer, Mr. Sanjay Deshpande, is an exceptionally experienced structural designer with a specialization in ecological examinations. His profession traverses more than a very long while, during which he has effectively overseen huge scope projects and spearheaded manageable development methods.

What are some of the key projects completed by Sanjeevani Builders?    
Eminent finished projects remember Sanjeevani Levels for Bavdhan and Eminence Road in Pashan. These tasks feature our capacity to convey great private and commercial spaces that address assorted issues.

What ongoing projects are Sanjeevani Builders currently working on?
Our continuous undertakings remember Dhruva for Punawale and The Notoriety Road in Pashan. These undertakings highlight a blend of private and commercial spaces, mirroring our flexibility and obligation to quality.

How does Sanjeevani Builders ensure the quality of its projects? 
We utilize thorough quality control estimates all through the development cycle, including the utilization of premium materials, gifted craftsmanship, and adherence to industry norms. Our attention on quality confirmation guarantees that each undertaking satisfies the most noteworthy guidelines.

What eco-friendly practices does Sanjeevani Builders incorporate? 
Our ventures highlight a scope of eco-accommodating works on, including energy-proficient frameworks, practical structure materials, and high level waste administration arrangements. We are focused on decreasing ecological effect and advancing maintainable living.

What benefits can customers expect from choosing Sanjeevani Builders? 
Clients can anticipate excellent quality, imaginative plan, fair valuing, and a promise to supportability. Our client driven approach guarantees a consistent and fulfilling experience all through the undertaking.

How does Sanjeevani Builders handle after-sales service? 
We give far reaching after-deals backing to resolve any issues or worries that might emerge. Our devoted client care group is accessible to help with any questions and guarantee a positive encounter.

What types of properties does Sanjeevani Builders specialize in? 
We work in both private and commercial properties, including apartments, office spaces, and retail units. Our different portfolio takes special care of different necessities and inclinations.
