New Project



Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 2 62.43 672 56.14 Lakhs*
2 BHK 2 65.03 700 58.2 Lakhs*
2.5 BHK 2 71.72 772 66.03 Lakhs*
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2 & 2.5 BHK

Rs. 56.14 Lakhs*-Rs. 66.03 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Jun, 2024
2 & 2.5 BHK
Rs. 56.14 Lakhs*-Rs. 66.03 Lakhs*
Possession - Jun, 2024
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 1 73.21 788 73.75 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 69.96 753 70.64 Lakhs*
3 BHK 1 91.70 987 90.75 Lakhs*
3 BHK 1 96.25 1036 95.35 Lakhs*
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2 & 3 BHK

Rs. 70.64 Lakhs*-Rs. 99.27 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Oct, 2027
Silveroak Shriyans 3.0
2 & 3 BHK
Rs. 70.64 Lakhs*-Rs. 99.27 Lakhs*
Possession - Oct, 2027

Silver Oak Group

Explore the Success Story of Silveroak Group: Pioneers in Real Estate Excellence

The industry of real estate development is an exciting one where practicality and creativity live together and innovation meets functionality. In this field, the Silveroak Group stands itself as a leader, changing neighborhoods and cities with a wide range of residential and business projects. Setting standards for innovation and client happiness, The builder is at the top of the business due to its extensive expertise and constant commitment to providing quality that is superior. With a clear aim to reinvent the real estate development paradigm, the builder was established on the foundations of vision and honesty. The firm created itself apart early on by adopting sustainable practices, modern technology, and a firm pursuit of outstanding craftsmanship.

The builder stands out for its constant commitment to fulfilling the changing demands of modern living spaces. Every project the firm works on is proof of their constant dedication to quality and creativity, whether they are creating vibrant commercial hubs that promote growth and collaboration or luxurious residences that project beauty and comfort. Focused on creating lasting connections with its clients, the builder is driven by a customer-focused philosophy. It understands each client's distinct goals and preferences and makes sure that every project is an equal combination of aesthetic appeal and functionality, that will enhance experiences and improve lives. As we look deeper into the world of Silveroak Group Pune's residential and commercial projects, we find an array of excellence, where each project is an evidence to the group's constant dedication to perfection and its lasting tradition of transforming spaces into permanent masterpieces.

The Genesis of Silveroak Group

The builder was founded with a strong dedication to quality and the goal of building a brighter future for coming generations. Since then, it has become a major force in the real estate development industry. Under the creative leadership of Nikhil Nikam and Amol Shelke, the Silveroak Group Pune was founded on the ideals of innovation, exceptional quality, and outstanding value. Since then, the company has become related to excellence and honesty in the industry. A strong mission to deliver its clients high-quality living options while maintaining the natural world's quality of life is at the core of the builder's culture. This goal is an expression of a deep belief of duty to its customers and the global community. Silveroak Group supports environmental sustainability in its projects, which helps to preserve our world for future generations while also creating excellent living spaces.

Innovation, exceptional quality, and exceptional value are the pillars of the builder, and they act as beacons of advice in all the company's efforts. These pillars are not just phrases; they are fundamental values that influence all aspects of the group's operations, from plan to completion.

The builders continue to push boundaries and redefine the standards of excellence in the real estate industry under skilled leadership of Nikhil Nikam, a seasoned architect with an in-depth knowledge of design and aesthetics, and Amol Shelke, an accomplished mechanical engineer renowned for his expertise in project execution. With a unique combination of innovative spirit, a constant commitment to quality, and visionary leadership, the builder is well-positioned to leave a lasting legacy in the dynamic field of real estate development.

Innovation and Differentiation

Innovation and creativity are fundamental for outcome in the cutthroat field of real estate development, and the builder is a leader in both areas. By constantly exploring new ideas and trying to go above established standards, the builder has changed the real estate industry through its creative methods and unique methods of differentiation. Silveroak Group's unique differentiation strategies are what make its projects stand out from the competition. Instead of following pre-made templates, the group approaches each project with a customized approach, changing solutions to the specific needs and goals of its clientele. Whether designing collaborative and innovative commercial hubs or changing living spaces that promote a sense of community and belonging, the builder's projects are notable for their individuality and originality.

In addition, the group stands out in the market for its strong dedication to sustainability. Silveroak Group Pune creates healthier, more feasible networks for people in the future while likewise minimizing its natural effect through the mix of green advances and eco-accommodating practices into its projects.


Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction

The Silveroak Group is an outstanding representation of these values. In the field of real estate development, quality and client satisfaction are the foundations of success. The builder has an outstanding track record for meeting and exceeding its clients' assumptions with projects of outstanding quality, all as a result of its steady commitment to excellence and client driven approach. The core values of the builder are its dedication to maintaining the best levels of quality and careful consideration to detail in each and every one of its projects. Every stage of development, from architectural planning to building, is carefully carried out to guarantee that the finished product is nothing short of outstanding. Through dedication to quality control standards and using seasoned professionals' experience, the builder regularly produces projects that are models of excellence and quality.

Silveroak Group Pune's constant attention to client satisfaction is what really makes the company stand out. Understanding that the last proportion of accomplishment is the fulfillment and satisfaction of its clients, the group goes above to understand and get ready for their needs, targets, and objectives. Each of the meetings with the builder, from the first consultation to the last handover, are set apart by trustworthiness, straightforwardness, and a sincere desire to build enduring connections. The builder promotes after-deal care and backing, ensuring that its clients keep on getting help and course lengthy after they've moved into their homes. The builder develops homes as well as develops a feeling of trust, faithfulness, and joy that stays with its clients into the indefinite future by putting a high need on consumer loyalty at each phase of the cycle.

The builder's consistent devotion to making spaces that further develop lives and surpass assumptions, as well as its endless hunt of excellence, are completely roused by this commitment to quality and consumer loyalty, which is something other than a business philosophy.


Community Engagement and Social Responsibility

Beyond developing real estate as its primary goal, the Silveroak Group continues to be committed to improving the areas it works in. The builder goes above  to give back to society and build a sustainable future for everyone. It does this by engaging the community and maintaining a strong sense of social responsibility. Supporting local communities is one of the main aspects of the builder's community engagement initiatives. The organization works to engage and work on the networks in which it works through different joint efforts and exercises. The Silveroak Group Pune effectively upholds the development and prosperity of the networks it serves through various means, including monetary commitments to local area development initiatives, sponsorship of educational initiatives, and backing for neighborhood organizations.

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are top priorities for the builder. It includes eco-friendly procedures and green technologies into its initiatives since it recognizes how crucial it is for saving the environment for coming generations. The builder aims to reduce its environmental effect and develop healthier, more sustainable communities through the use of energy-efficient design elements and sustainable building materials. Furthermore, Silveroak Group Pune supports its employees to participate in community service and charitable activities. The organization energizes a culture of offering in return and motivates its workers to goodly affect their networks through volunteer days, magnanimous giving projects, and representative drove projects.


Awards and Recognition

The real estate industry has fully acknowledged and appreciated The builder's constant dedication to excellence and innovation. The organization received an amazing number of honors and awards throughout the years, increasing its standing as a pioneer and innovator in the real estate development industry.

The trophy collection of the builder is filled with several awards, both industry-related and from renowned organizations, which highlight the company's commitment to excellence, innovation, and client pleasure. These honors bear witness to the team's constant dedication to meeting and exceeding customer expectations for projects of the highest caliber as well as its never-ending search of excellence.

Furthermore, these honors provide the entire Silveroak Group team with inspiration and motivation in addition to professional recognition. Each honor they get is an observer to their hard work, commitment, and love for what they do, which motivates them to continue enhancing and increasing present expectations for excellence in the real estate area.


Future Outlook and Growth Methodologies

The Silveroak Group, a pioneer in the real estate sector, is looking forward with a vision of sustained growth, creativity, and sustainability. With a solid base based on the values of quality, honesty, and client pleasure, the group is well-positioned to take advantage of new opportunities and move quickly and strategically through changing market conditions. With regard to the future, the builder's growth strategy is complex and includes both diversification and expansion. The firm hopes to increase its market share and client base by entering new markets and geographical areas and capitalizing on its solid brand reputation and successful track record.

Silveroak Group Pune is dedicated to expanding into new industries and asset classes in order to diversify its portfolio. The group's essential development plans, which remember investigating customers for hospitality, retail, and blended use developments, are intended to lessen risk, further develop strength, and open up new opportunities for growth and profitability.

With regards to its commitment to supportability and innovation, the builder is likewise putting effectively in Research and development to look into modern trends and technologies that will affect the real estate market from here on out. The group is at the focal point of innovation, making modern techniques that work on the nature of its projects and add to the development of a more reasonable and associated constructed climate. Sustainable building materials and smart house technology are some of these innovations. Silveroak Group is unwavering in its dedication to providing unmatched value and client satisfaction. The organization hopes to keep going above and beyond customer expectations and building long-lasting relationships that go beyond transactions by remaining aware of the changing demands and preferences of its customers.

The strategic combination of expansion, diversification, innovation, and customer-centricity characterizes the builder's future prospects. The group is well-positioned to navigate the difficulties and capture the possibilities that lie ahead, shaped by its strict focus to quality, innovation, and sustainability. It has a clear vision and a constant dedication to excellence.


Silveroak Group - Ongoing Residential Project in Pune

1. Saichinthan - Pune


Silveroak Group - Completed Residential Project in Pune

1.    Shreya - Punawale,Pune
2.    Silveroak Shriyans 3.0 - Punawale,Pune
3.    Saisha - Punawale,Pune
4.    Green View - Shirdi,Pune
5.    Platinum - Shirdi,Pune
6.    Sonchafa - Wagholi,Pune


In conclusion, the Silveroak Group is an outstanding representation of quality and creativity in the real estate development industry. The group has never changed in its dedication to social responsibility, quality, and consumer pleasure since its establishment.

With a successful track record, an innovative culture, and a visionary leadership team, Silveroak Group Pune is poised to push boundaries, redefine industry norms, and impact real estate's future. Looking forward, the group is focused on supporting its essential qualities, prepared to take on new difficulties and leave a heritage that will help individuals' lives and networks for a long time to come.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. What separates Silveroak Group from other real estate developers?
 Silveroak Group stands apart for its commitment to innovation, maintainability, and consumer loyalty. By coordinating state of the art technologies, eco-accommodating practices, and client driven approaches, the group makes projects that exceed expectations.

2.  What community engagement initiatives does Silveroak Group undertake?
 Silveroak Group actively engages with local communities through various initiatives, including educational programs, environmental conservation efforts, and support for local businesses, to create positive social impact.

3.  What are the future plans and growth techniques of Silveroak Group?

Silveroak Group plans to extend its presence into new business sectors, broaden its portfolio, and keep putting resources into innovative work to spearhead imaginative arrangements and shape the future of real estate.
