
Shreyas Happy Homes,

Harishchandri - Pune Satara Road

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 1 73.02 786 29.89 Lakhs*
1 RK 1 38.65 416 16.82 Lakhs*
1 BHK 1 56.39 607 22.23 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 73.49 791 30.07 Lakhs*
1 BHK 1 53.05 571 20.96 Lakhs*
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1 & 2 BHK

Rs. 16.82 Lakhs*-Rs. 30.07 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Oct, 2023
Shreyas Happy Homes
Pune Satara Road
1 & 2 BHK
Rs. 16.82 Lakhs*-Rs. 30.07 Lakhs*
Possession - Oct, 2023


Pune Satara Road

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
3 BHK 3 108.05 1163 1.9 Cr*
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Rs. 1.9 Cr*-Rs. 1.9 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Mar, 2028
Pune Satara Road
Rs. 1.9 Cr*-Rs. 1.9 Lakhs*
Possession - Mar, 2028

pune satara road - Snapshot

Pune Satara Road

Why Choose Pune Satara Road? 

Pune Satara Road offers a convincing suggestion for real estate investment inferable from a few key variables. First and foremost, the region's infrastructural development is important. Being arranged in the downtown area, Pune Satara Road faces weighty traffic over the course of the day. To address this, different infrastructural projects have been started by the Pune Civil Partnership. Eminently, two flyovers have been developed — one from Swargate Transport End to Panchami Lodging, and one more from Padmavati to Bharati Vidyapeeth, Katraj. Moreover, another flyover is as of now under development, interfacing Satara Road to Tilak Road. Besides, the presentation of the main Fast Travel Framework on this road, a piece of the Mumbai-Chennai Public Parkway (NH-4), fundamentally upgrades network and openness.

Furthermore, the area benefits of Satara Road are significant. The road interfaces the Swargate transport station to the Katraj Ghat, going through pleasant mountains, which adds to the area's regular excellence. Satara Road has additionally been observer to Pune's underlying strides towards modernization, lodging the city's most memorable multiplex, City Pride. Today, the region flaunts amazing schools, medical clinics, shopping centers, eateries, and that's only the tip of the iceberg, making it an appealing private center.

Thirdly, the popularity for private properties on Pune Satara Road adds to its allure as a real estate investment objective. Arranged near Mukund Nagar, Hadapsar, Tilak Road, and other key areas, Satara Road appreciates ideal place status. Its brilliant network has powered areas of strength for a for private properties, prompting valuing property estimations. Subsequently, various rumored engineers in Pune have sent off noteworthy developments nearby, offering various lodging choices to take special care of various inclinations and financial plans.

In synopsis, Pune Satara Road stands apart as an appealing real estate investment objective because of its essential area, infrastructural developments, picturesque environmental factors, and popularity for private properties. These elements go with it a rewarding decision for financial backers and homebuyers searching for both capital appreciation and a quality residing climate.

Investment Potential in Pune Satara Road

1.    Demand & supply of Residential properties in Pune Satara Road

While assessing the investment capability of Pune Satara Road, it's urgent to consider the elements of demand and supply in the residential real estate market. Pune Satara Road has seen a huge expansion in the supply of residential properties as of late, offering a scope of choices incorporating flats and apartments with designs like 1, 2, and 3 BHK.

Notwithstanding, finding some kind of harmony among supply and demand is significant. Regions with a popularity for residential premises frequently experience more noteworthy cost appreciation. Pune Satara Road, being an ideal place with brilliant network to key regions like Mukund Nagar, Hadapsar, and Tilak Road, encounters solid demand for residential properties.

The demand for 2 BHK apartments, specifically, is prominent because of their prominence among youthful experts and little families. Financial backers searching for properties with high rental potential can track down promising open doors on Pune Satara Road. Exploration and examination of the Pune real estate market can assist with recognizing regions with great supply and demand adjusts, guaranteeing informed investment choices.

2.    Demand and supply of Commercial properties in Pune Satara Road

Notwithstanding residential properties, Pune Satara Road likewise presents potential open doors in the commercial real estate sector. The demand for commercial properties in this space is driven by its essential area and clamoring environmental elements.

Commercial spaces along Pune Satara Road take care of different organizations, including retail outlets, offices, and restaurants. The demand for office spaces, particularly in multi-story structures, is prominent because of the area's vicinity to key commercial center points and business locale.

Financial backers hoping to take advantage of the commercial real estate market on Pune Satara Road ought to consider factors, for example, people walking through, perceivability, and openness. Regions with high footfall, like close to shopping centers, clinics, and instructive organizations, present alluring choices for commercial investments.

Generally, Pune Satara Road offers critical investment likely in both residential and commercial properties, giving a scope of choices to financial backers trying to profit by the city's developing real estate market.

Current Infrastructure in Pune Satara Road

The current infrastructure in Pune Satara Road has gone through huge upgrades, especially with the execution of the Satara Road project. The task, spreading over a 6-km BRT hallway in South Pune, planned to upgrade portability and openness along the course. To accomplish this, the undertaking zeroed in on upgrading the road works and further developing public vehicle access.
Thus, the BRT hall has been changed with encased focal middle stations, giving more secure and more effective transport activities. Furthermore, walker offices have been improved, guaranteeing more secure intersections for people on foot. The consideration of cycle tracks supports eco-accommodating driving choices, advancing maintainability inside the area. Upgraded road lighting has additionally been introduced, further developing perceivability and security for suburbanites, particularly during evening time.

Regardless of confronting difficulties connected with political, functional, and authoritative issues, the Satara Road project has effectively worked on the general infrastructure of Pune Satara Road. It has upgraded the transportation passageway as well as changed the character of the area, making it more lively and open for occupants and suburbanites the same.
Upcoming Infrastructure in Pune Satara Road

Looking forward, Pune Satara Road is set to observe further infrastructure developments to fulfill the developing needs of the area. Impending activities intend to improve the network and bearableness of the area, guaranteeing proceeded with progress and development.

One of the impending infrastructure projects incorporates the extension and improvement of road organizations to oblige expanding traffic and further develop network inside and past Pune Satara Road. Also, plans are in progress to additional upgrade the public vehicle framework, including the presentation of further developed transport administrations and the reconciliation of current advancements for effective transportation.

Besides, the region is supposed to see the development of extra conveniences and offices like parks, sporting spaces, and commercial foundations to take care of the requirements of the developing populace. These developments won't just work on the personal satisfaction for occupants however will likewise draw in additional financial backers and organizations to Pune Satara Road, further reinforcing its status as an ideal spot for real estate investment and metropolitan living.

Past 5 years appreciation in Pune Satara Road Real Estate Market

Throughout recent years, Pune Satara Road has seen huge appreciation in its real estate market, especially in property costs and land rates. Level costs in Pune Satara Road have shown a predictable vertical pattern. Over the most recent 5 years, level rates have valued by 20.0%, mirroring the region's developing prominence among homebuyers. Currently, level costs range from Rs 6950 to Rs 10000 for each square foot (sq ft), with a typical pace of Rs 9600 for every sq ft.

Essentially, land rates in Pune Satara Road have encountered significant appreciation. Throughout recent years, land rates have flooded by an amazing 237.5%. The current land rates range from Rs 550 to Rs 2700 for every sq ft. This flood shows the rising demand for land nearby, potentially because of the development of new undertakings and infrastructure drives.

As far as yearly appreciation, level rates have seen a consistent increment of 8.5% somewhat recently, 27.2% over the most recent 3 years, and 28.0% over the most recent 10 years. Then again, land rates have shown huge variances, with an outstanding increment of 42.1% somewhat recently, trailed by a reduction of - 6.9% over the most recent 3 years, and a momentous enthusiasm for 440.0% over the most recent 10 years.

These appreciation patterns feature Pune Satara Road's status as a worthwhile real estate investment objective, offering promising returns and learning experiences for financial backers and homebuyers the same.

Transportation & Connectivity at Pune Satara Road

While assessing Pune Satara Road from a real estate point of view, transportation and network assume a vital part in deciding the region's engaging quality for property investment. Pune Satara Road appreciates incredible transportation infrastructure, making it a beneficial area for real estate investment. The road associates noticeable regions like Swargate, Katraj, and Mukund Nagar, upgrading availability to key objections inside Pune.

One of the eminent elements of Pune Satara Road is its vicinity to significant transportation center points. For example, the region is strategically placed close to the Swargate transport station, giving simple admittance to public transportation for occupants. This openness is especially worthwhile for those depending on open vehicle for everyday driving, making Pune Satara Road a sought-after residential area.

In addition, the road is all around associated with significant thruways and blood vessel roads, working with smooth travel to and from Pune Satara Road. For example, the Mumbai-Pune Freeway and the Pune-Bangalore Thruway are effectively open from the area, empowering helpful network to adjoining urban communities and towns. As far as intra-city availability, Pune Satara Road benefits from an advanced organization of inward roads and roads. These roads not just give simple admittance to different pieces of Pune yet in addition add to the general comfort and openness of the area.

Moreover, the forthcoming infrastructure projects nearby, for example, the proposed development and improvement of road organizations, will additionally upgrade transportation and network at Pune Satara Road. For example, the arranged extension of the BRT hall and the development of new road organizations will fundamentally decrease travel times and further develop openness to key regions.

All in all, transportation and network are key factors that add to the allure of Pune Satara Road from a real estate viewpoint. The region's closeness to significant transportation center points, very much associated road organizations, and impending infrastructure projects make it an optimal area for property investment. Whether for residential or commercial purposes, Pune Satara Road offers accommodation, availability, and promising open doors for real estate financial backers.

Sustainability and green spaces in Pune Satara Road

Deciding the most sustainable and green locality in Pune Satara Road can be emotional, yet there are key elements to consider while assessing the eco-cordiality of the area. Pune Satara Road flaunts more than adequate green spaces, stops, and tree-lined roads, adding to biodiversity and further developing air quality. These green regions not just improve the tasteful allure of the locality yet in addition give occupants of 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK apartments and homes with tranquil and solid residing conditions. Also, the region focuses on viable waste administration frameworks and reusing programs, with local area drives for squander decrease and reusing. Properties that consolidate squander the executives rehearses are probably going to speak to ecologically cognizant homebuyers. Moreover, Pune Satara Road has advanced public transportation frameworks and walker well disposed zones, empowering sustainable methods of transportation and decreasing dependence on vehicles. 

Real estate projects, both commercial and residential, that coordinate environmentally friendly power sources, like sunlight based chargers, and water-saving elements, similar to water collecting frameworks, add to long haul maintainability and lower utility expenses for occupants. Local area drives zeroed in on eco-accommodating practices, for example, local area gardens and tree establishing drives, encourage a feeling of natural obligation among occupants. At long last, the region empowers green structure works on, advancing energy-productive plans and materials in real estate developments. Generally, Pune Satara Road offers a sustainable and green residing climate for real estate financial backers and homebuyers, making it an appealing objective for those looking for harmless to the ecosystem homes and commercial properties.

Cultural and educational nexus in Pune Satara Road

Punawale isn't simply a residential destination yet additionally a center for social and instructive exercises. With a scope of deeply grounded instructive establishments, families living in 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments and flats in Punawale approach quality training choices for their youngsters, guaranteeing all encompassing turn of events.

The presence of elementary schools, pre-grade schools, and foundations associated with Maharashtra state board, ICSE, and CBSE inside Punawale gives different instructive open doors. Eminent establishments like Varieties Preschool take care of the instructive requirements of youthful students, upgrading the in general instructive biological system of the area.

Besides, Punawale's nearness to significant IT and business centers like Hinjewadi and Wakad sets out adequate work open doors, drawing in experts looking for a decent way of life. This social and instructive nexus, joined with work possibilities, settles on Punawale an ideal decision for families and experts searching for a lively and sustaining climate.

Trending Residential Projects in Pune Satara Road

•    Vriddhi - 3 BHK
•    Shreyas Happy Homes - 1 & 2 BHK

Trending Commercial Projects in Pune Satara Road

Moving Business Ventures in Pune Satara Road offer prime open doors for financial backers. With a flood in demand for business spaces, these ventures highlight present day office edifices and retail outlets. Decisively found, they give simple admittance to clamoring business regions. The accessibility of shops and workplaces takes care of assorted business needs, guaranteeing high people walking through and perceivability. Putting resources into these tasks guarantees worthwhile returns and long haul development potential.


In conclusion, Pune Satara Road arises as a convincing destination for land speculation because of a blend of elements. Its essential area, combined with strong infrastructural advancements, pursues it an appealing decision for both residential and business properties. The region's availability to key transportation center points and significant street networks improves its allure, guaranteeing comfort and network for occupants and organizations the same. Furthermore, the flood in demand for residential properties, particularly 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments, highlights the locale's prominence among homebuyers and financial backers.

Besides, Pune Satara Street's obligation to supportability and green spaces adds to its attractiveness, offering a solid and eco-accommodating living climate for inhabitants. The presence of deep rooted instructive establishments and work valuable open doors further improves the region's social and instructive landscape, settling on it an ideal decision for families and experts looking for all encompassing turn of events and a reasonable way of life.


1.    What sorts of properties are ready to move in Pune Satara Road?
You can find various properties including apartments, flats, and commercial spaces like shops and offices, alongside residential plots.

2.    What are the typical property costs in Pune Satara Road?
Property costs shift contingent upon factors like area, size, and conveniences. By and large, residential properties range from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 10,000 for every square foot.

3.    Are there any forthcoming framework projects in Pune Satara Road?
Indeed, there are a few forthcoming framework projects including road developments, metro expansions, and enhancements in transportation organizations.

4.    Is Pune Satara Road a decent area for commercial investments?
Indeed, Pune Satara Road offers promising open doors for commercial investments because of its essential area and developing business centers.

5.    Are there any schools and universities in Pune Satara Road?
Indeed, there are a few deeply grounded instructive establishments offering tutoring and advanced education offices.

