Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK 1 38.08 409.89 26.69 Lakhs*
1 BHK 1 39.45 424.64 27.53 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 59.13 636.48 39.59 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 55.55 597.94 37.4 Lakhs*
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1 & 2 BHK

Rs. 26.69 Lakhs*-Rs. 37.4 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2027
Mhalsakant Vindhya Heights
1 & 2 BHK
Rs. 26.69 Lakhs*-Rs. 37.4 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2027

shikrapur - Snapshot


Why Choose Shikrapur?

Shikrapur is arising as a top decision for real estate investment, and there are a few convincing explanations for its allure. Right off the bat, its ideal spot gives an amazing network to Pune and other major urban areas in Maharashtra. This makes Shikrapur an optimal spot for both residential and commercial ventures. Whether you're thinking about purchasing your dream home in an apartment, Shikrapur offers a helpful area with simple admittance to metropolitan conveniences.

Moreover, affordability is a key factor driving real estate investments in Shikrapur. Dissimilar to the soaring costs of properties in Pune city, Shikrapur offers more affordable choices without settling for less quality or conveniences. This affordability stretches out to different sorts of properties, including row-houses and bungalows, making it open for a great many investors.

One more huge motivation to consider Shikrapur for real estate investment is its growth potential. The rural area is seeing fast infrastructure improvement, an expanding populace, and growing commercial exercises. This means an exceptional yield on investment for investors. Whether you're keen on residential or commercial real estate property, Shikrapur's expanding infrastructure guarantees promising growth possibilities.

Furthermore, Shikrapur offers an excellent of life, which adds to its engaging quality for real estate investments. Away from the hurrying around of the city, Shikrapur has a quiet and tranquil climate. Occupants can partake in a serene way of life while as yet approaching present-day comforts and offices. This makes Shikrapur an ideal area for those searching for their fantasy home or a productive investment opportunity.

As far as commercial real estate, Shikrapur offers a scope of choices including workplaces and shops. The growing commercial exercises in the space make it an appealing objective for organizations. Whether you're hoping to set up a little office or lay out a retail outlet, Shikrapur gives sufficient chances to commercial real estate investment.

Investment Potential in Shikrapur

Demand & supply of Residential properties in Shikrapur

Shikrapur offers a different scope of residential choices, taking special care of different requirements and inclinations. From comfortable 1 BHK apartments to open 2 BHK apartments, there's something for everybody. These apartments are planned considering current living, guaranteeing comfort and accommodation for inhabitants. Furthermore, there is a growing demand for row houses and bungalows, giving more decisions to those looking for bigger residing spaces. With the rising populace in Shikrapur and its encompassing regions, the demand for residential properties keeps on rising. Engineers are effectively working on new ventures to satisfy this need, guaranteeing a consistent inventory of value residential units. This harmony among demand and supply demonstrates a steady and promising business sector for residential real estate investment in Shikrapur.                

Demand and supply of Commercial properties in Shikrapur

Notwithstanding its residential allure, Shikrapur is likewise turning into a center for commercial exercises. The suburb's essential area and growing infrastructure make it an appealing objective for organizations. Commercial properties, for example, office spaces, retail shops, and commercial buildings are in demand as more organizations try to lay out their presence nearby. The demand for office spaces is especially high, determined by the requirement for corporate workplaces and business focuses. With the rising populace and expanding commercial exercises, the demand for commercial properties is supposed to rise. Designers are answering this demand by developing present-day commercial spaces outfitted with the most recent conveniences and infrastructure. This growing demand combined with a consistent stockpile of commercial properties demonstrates a rewarding business sector for commercial real estate investment in Shikrapur.                          

Current Infrastructure in Shikrapur

Shikrapur right now flaunts an unassuming yet functional infrastructure that takes care of the requirements of its inhabitants. The demand for homes in this space is principally powered by the regular workforce utilized in the Shikrapur-Chakan modern belt. The current infrastructure incorporates residential properties like flats, apartments, and row houses, which have been created to oblige the necessities of modern workers and different inhabitants.

Moreover, Shikrapur's closeness to key regions like Kharadi, Pune Airport, and Nagar Street has added to its allure. This area advantage guarantees simple admittance to different conveniences, including retail activities and diversion choices, subsequently upgrading the personal satisfaction of occupants. Also, the accessibility of humbly evaluated homes in Shikrapur has pursued it an alluring decision for individuals with unobtrusive wages, for example, those utilized at the airport and the shopping centers along Nagar Street.

Upcoming Infrastructure in Shikrapur

Shikrapur is set to observe critical upgrades in its infrastructure, which will additionally support its engaging quality as a residential and commercial center point. One striking forthcoming venture is the proposed Ring Street, which will upgrade the network inside the locale and decrease the trip time to enter areas in Pune. Moreover, a four-path flyover connecting Shikrapur to Wagholi is ready to go, further developing transportation networks.

These infrastructure drives won't just help occupants but also enhance real estate properties in Shikrapur. For example, the impending Ring Street and further developed street networks will improve the availability to residential properties like 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK apartments, making them more attractive for possible purchasers. Furthermore, the accessibility of public transport choices, including closeness to Pune Rail route Station, will improve the allure of Shikrapur for low-pay home purchasers.

Past 5 years of appreciation in the Shikrapur Real Estate Market

Over the past five years, the real estate market in Shikrapur has seen a surprising appreciation, filled by a few factors adding to the growth and worth of properties nearby.

Residential real estate, including flats & apartments, has seen significant appreciation. The rising demand for affordable homes in Shikrapur, particularly from the workforce utilized in the close by modern belt, has been a critical impetus behind this appreciation. The accessibility of financial plan amicable lodging choices, though with restricted conveniences, at first tended to the demand. Nonetheless, the passage of conspicuous engineers like Maple Sanctuaries, with projects like Auracity under their Aapla Ghar plot, has denoted a change in the market elements. These advanced and affordable lodging projects have satisfied the need and increased expectations, drawing in more purchasers and investors.

Commercial real estate, including offices and shops, has likewise experienced appreciation. The growing commercial exercises in Shikrapur, combined with its essential area close to major expressways and transportation centers, have made it an alluring objective for organizations. The improvement of commercial buildings and retail spaces has fulfilled the rising need for office and retail spaces, further helping the enthusiasm for commercial properties nearby.

Infrastructure improvements play had a pivotal impact in upgrading the worth of real estate in Shikrapur. Projects like the proposed Ring Street, the four-path flyover connecting Shikrapur to Wagholi, and extra streets have further developed networks and availability. This has not just made Shikrapur a more helpful area for occupants but has likewise drawn in more organizations, prompting an overall enthusiasm for real estate values.

Transportation & Connectivity at Shikrapur

Shikrapur, arranged close to Pune, flaunts great transportation and availability choices, making it an appealing objective for both residential and commercial purposes. Families dwelling in apartments, flats, 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK homes in Shikrapur benefit from simple admittance to instructive organizations like Amrutwell Worldwide School and Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha School of Drug Store. This closeness guarantees helpful choices for youngsters' schooling, upgrading the allure of the area for families.

As far as medical care offices, Shikrapur is very much served by clinics like Ankur Clinic. This availability to clinical consideration is imperative for occupants, whether they dwell in row houses, bungalows, or apartments. Moreover, for explorers and visitors, Shikrapur offers helpful housing choices like Lodging Swagat and Inn Midas Regency. This advantages vacationers and business voyagers the same, particularly those meeting the close-Shikrapur Exchange Center, a critical business center point nearby.

The rural area appreciates great availability through street networks, with Shikrapur being only 20 minutes from Kharadi, a very much associated region to Pune Airport and Nagar Street's retail tasks. Also, impending infrastructure projects like the proposed Ring Street and the four-path flyover connecting Shikrapur to Wagholi are set to further develop availability to enter areas in Pune. These drives are beneficial for occupants driving to work or organizations working nearby.

Sustainability and green spaces in Shikrapur

In Shikrapur, sustainability and green spaces are imperative components forming the suburb's turn of events. Over the ongoing years, there's been a coordinated effort to incorporate eco-accommodating practices into development projects, with designers incorporating highlights like water collecting and sunlight-powered chargers in residential buildings, flats, apartments, and row houses. This decreases the carbon impression as well as advances asset preservation and brings down utility expenses for occupants.

Moreover, green spaces and stops assume a critical part of Shikrapur's landscape, offering occupants sporting facilities and encouraging biodiversity. These green regions give a peaceful climate to inhabitants of bungalows and other properties to unwind and interface with nature. Moreover, Shikrapur is zeroing in on economical transportation, advancing cycling paths, passerby cordial pathways, and productive public transport frameworks. This urges inhabitants to pick eco-accommodating methods of movement and decreases clogs, helping both the climate and the local area.

Local area contribution is critical to keeping up with sustainability in Shikrapur. Occupants effectively partake in tree-establishing drives and waste administration programs, adding to the suburb's eco-accommodating drives. Overall, Shikrapur's obligation to sustainability and green spaces not just improves the personal satisfaction for its inhabitants yet in addition guarantees a greener and more reasonable future for the suburb.

Cultural and educational nexus in Shikrapur

In Shikrapur, the social and instructive nexus flourishes with foundations like Amrutwell Worldwide School and Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha School of Drug Store. Inhabitants of flats, apartments, 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK homes benefit from simple admittance to quality schooling. The suburb's assorted populace celebrates different widespread developments, cultivating local area solidarity. Commercial foundations, including offices and shops, add to the financial landscape. This energetic blend of culture, training, and business makes Shikrapur an appealing and dynamic spot to live and contribute.

Trending Residential Projects in Shikrapur

Trending Commercial Projects in Shikrapur

Moving commercial undertakings in Shikrapur are standing out from investors and organizations the same. These ventures incorporate current office spaces, retail outlets, and commercial edifices. Engineers are zeroing in on giving cutting-edge conveniences and infrastructure to satisfy the growing needs of organizations. With the suburb's essential area and expanding commercial exercises, these tasks offer promising opportunities for investors looking for exceptional yields. The rising demand for commercial spaces in Shikrapur underscores its status as a flourishing business center point in Maharashtra.


All in all, Shikrapur arises as a great objective for real estate investment, driven by its essential area, affordability, growth potential, and personal satisfaction. Its vicinity to Pune and other major urban communities in Maharashtra makes it helpful for both residential and commercial ventures, offering an assortment of property choices going from apartments to row houses and bungalows. The rural area's expanding infrastructure, combined with the presence of instructive organizations, emergency clinics, and commercial centers, further upgrades its enticement for investors. Furthermore, sustainability efforts and green spaces add to a better and more bearable climate, drawing in occupants and organizations the same. Shikrapur's social and instructive nexus adds another layer of dynamic quality to the local area, cultivating a feeling of solidarity and variety. Overall, Shikrapur presents a convincing opportunity for those looking for a flourishing and supportable real estate market in Maharashtra.


What conveniences are accessible in residential properties in Shikrapur?

Residential properties in Shikrapur offer conveniences like 24/7 security, power reinforcement, stopping offices, and sporting spaces.

How is the network of Shikrapur to local urban communities?

Shikrapur appreciates the amazing availability to Pune and other major urban areas in Maharashtra through street networks and public transport.

Are there any medical clinics and medical services offices in Shikrapur?

Yes, Shikrapur has clinics and medical care offices offering clinical types of assistance to inhabitants and visitors.

