Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK 5 41.53 447 29.54 Lakhs*
2 BHK 5 54.26 584 36.79 Lakhs*
2 BHK 5 60.29 649 40.45 Lakhs*
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1, 2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 29.54 Lakhs*-Rs. 40.45 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2026
Abhimaan Homes
1, 2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 29.54 Lakhs*-Rs. 40.45 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2026

shirgaon - Snapshot


Why Choose Shirgaon?

Shirgaon, Pune, arises as an alluring objective for real estate investment because of a few convincing reasons. Pune, first and foremost, has developed into a flourishing investment center point, driven by fast improvements in the IT and automobile sectors. The property costs in Pune are fundamentally lower contrasted with Mumbai, making it an affordable choice for investors. You can appreciate open homes at more affordable rates contrasted with Mumbai, drawing in numerous investors from the neighboring city.

Moreover, Pune gives a welcome break from the hurrying around of Mumbai. With a lovely environment, beautiful environmental factors, adequate open positions, and affordable lodging choices, Pune requests to those looking for superior personal satisfaction.

Shirgaon, Pune, offers a large number of residential choices, from premium to spending plan cordial homes, including 1BHK and 2BHK apartments. These flats are intended to meet the different necessities and assumptions of investors, guaranteeing a comfortable living encounter.

Furthermore, Shirgaon's closeness to Pune City and Mumbai, combined with amazing network, makes it an optimal area for both residential and commercial real estate investments. The region's comfort and eliteness in driving draw in investors searching for rewarding opportunities in the real estate market.

Investment Potential in Shirgaon

1.    Demand & supply of Residential properties in Shirgaon

Shirgaon, Pune, is seeing a critical demand for residential properties, driven by different factors. The region offers a different scope of residential choices, from extensive 1 BHK and 2 BHK apartments to extravagant 3 BHK flats and row-houses. With Pune's growing populace and the convergence of experts from various sectors, the demand for lodging in Shirgaon is on the rise.Developers are effectively working on new undertakings to fulfill this need, guaranteeing a consistent stockpile of value residential units. These undertakings take special care of various inclinations and spending plans, offering conveniences like 24/7 security, stopping offices, and sporting spaces.

The accessibility of affordable lodging choices draws in both end clients and investors, creating a decent market for residential properties in Shirgaon. The demand for row houses and bungalows is likewise expanding, particularly among families searching for more space and protection. Engineers are answering this demand by offering very much-planned row-house projects that give present-day conveniences and a comfortable residing climate. Overall, the balance between demand and supply shows a promising business sector for residential real estate investment in Shirgaon.

2.    Demand and supply of Commercial properties in Shirgaon

Commercial properties in Shirgaon are likewise encountering a flood in demand, driven by the area's essential area and growing monetary exercises. With the presence of modern and IT sectors close by, there is a requirement for office spaces and commercial edifices to oblige organizations and startups. The demand for office spaces is especially high, with organizations searching for present-day and exceptional workplaces. Engineers are zeroing in on making commercial ventures that proposition cutting-edge infrastructure, adaptable floor plans, and conveniences like meeting rooms, cafeterias, and stopping offices. These activities take special care of the necessities of different organizations, from little new companies to laid-out corporations. Additionally, the demand for retail spaces is expanding with the ascent in purchaser spending and urbanization. Retail shops and shopping edifices in Shirgaon give opportunities to organizations to lay out their presence and take special care of the nearby populace. The stock of commercial properties is satisfying this need, with designers sending off projects that offer a blend of office spaces, shops, and other commercial establishments. Overall, the growing demand for both residential and commercial properties in Shirgaon, combined with the consistent stock of value projects, shows a favorable investment climate nearby. Whether it's putting resources into residential flats or commercial offices, Shirgaon presents promising opportunities for investors looking for long-haul returns.

Current Infrastructure in Shirgaon

Shirgaon, Pune, flaunts a creating infrastructure that takes care of the necessities of its occupants and investors. By and by, the region is described by deeply grounded streets, fundamental conveniences, and fundamental offices. Residential properties, including flats, apartments, 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and row houses, form a huge piece of the ongoing infrastructure in Shirgaon. These properties are intended to offer comfortable living spaces with present-day conveniences.

Moreover, Shirgaon has commercial real estate properties like offices and shops that add to the neighborhood economy. These commercial spaces take care of the necessities of organizations and occupants the same, offering fundamental types of assistance and business opportunities. The current infrastructure supports the day to day exercises and way of life prerequisites of individuals living in Shirgaon.

Upcoming Infrastructure in Shirgaon

Shirgaon is set to observe huge upgrades in its infrastructure, further improving its allure as a beneficial real estate objective. A few forthcoming tasks expect to support network, openness, and overall improvement nearby. New streets and transportation networks are intended to further develop availability inside Shirgaon and in local regions like Talegaon, Hinjewadi, and Pimpri-Chinchwad.

Moreover, impending residential undertakings will add to the current lodging choices, giving more decisions to imminent purchasers and investors. These tasks are supposed to offer current conveniences and creative plans to meet the advancing necessities of occupants. Furthermore, forthcoming commercial advancements will set out more business open doors and work possibilities in Shirgaon.

The infrastructure advancements in Shirgaon are lined up with the area's growing real estate market, making it an alluring investment objective. With further developed infrastructure, including residential flats, apartments, and commercial properties, Shirgaon is ready to turn into an energetic and flourishing region in Pune.

Past 5 years of appreciation in Shirgaon Real Estate Market

Residential real estate, including flats & apartments, has seen dumbfounding appreciation. The demand for lodging in Shirgaon has flooded because of its peaceful environmental factors, charming environment, and affordable cost for most everyday items. Accordingly, property costs have consistently expanded, making investments in residential properties profoundly worthwhile. Whether it's a minimized apartment or a roomy row house, the worth of residential properties in Shirgaon has been valued impressively over the years.

Commercial real estate properties like offices and shops have additionally seen an outstanding appreciation in esteem. With the growing deluge of organizations and the foundation of commercial center points, the demand for office spaces and retail outlets has taken off. This expanded demand has prompted an ascent in rental yields and property costs, making commercial real estate investments in Shirgaon profoundly productive.
Infrastructure improvement plays had a critical impact in driving the enthusiasm for real estate in Shirgaon. Further developed networks, better streets, and upgraded conveniences have drawn in more investors and purchasers to the area, thusly helping property costs. The improvement of present-day residential and commercial tasks has further added to the enthusiasm for real estate values in Shirgaon.

Moreover, the overall financial growth of Pune and its encompassing regions has emphatically affected the real estate market in Shirgaon. As the city's economy thrives, more individuals are looking for residential and commercial properties in arising regions like Shirgaon, prompting a flood in demand and ensuing appreciation in property costs.

All in all, the past five years have seen wonderful appreciation in the Shirgaon real estate market, both in residential and commercial sectors. This appreciation, driven by factors like infrastructure improvement, financial growth, and expanding demand, demonstrates a promising investment climate in Shirgaon for planned purchasers and investors the same. Whether it's putting resources into apartments, row houses, offices, or shops, Shirgaon offers sufficient chances for beneficial real estate investments.

Transportation & Connectivity at Shirgaon

Residential real estate, including 1 BHK to 3 BHK flats, has seen astounding appreciation. The demand for lodging in Shirgaon has flooded because of its peaceful environmental factors, charming environment, and affordable cost for most everyday items. Accordingly, property costs have consistently expanded, making investments in residential properties profoundly worthwhile. Whether it's a minimized apartment or a roomy row house, the worth of residential properties in Shirgaon has been valued impressively over the years.

Commercial real estate properties like offices and shops have additionally seen an outstanding appreciation in esteem. With the growing deluge of organizations and the foundation of commercial center points, the demand for office spaces and retail outlets has taken off. This expanded demand has prompted an ascent in rental yields and property costs, making commercial real estate investments in Shirgaon profoundly productive.
Infrastructure improvement plays had a critical impact in driving the enthusiasm for real estate in Shirgaon. Further developed networks, better streets, and upgraded conveniences have drawn in more investors and purchasers to the area, thusly helping property costs. The improvement of present-day residential and commercial tasks has further added to the enthusiasm for real estate values in Shirgaon.

Sustainability and green spaces in Shirgaon

Sustainability and green spaces assume a huge part in making Shirgaon an engaging real estate objective. The region is focused on saving its regular habitat and advancing eco-accommodating practices. With lavish greenery and very much kept up with parks and gardens, Shirgaon offers inhabitants a peaceful and reviving living climate.

Designers in Shirgaon prioritize sustainability by coordinating eco-accommodating elements into residential and commercial properties. This incorporates the execution of water-reaping frameworks, sun-powered chargers, and energy-proficient plans. Such drives decrease the natural effect of structures as well as add to bring down utility expenses for inhabitants.

Cultural and Educational Nexus in Shirgaon

Shirgaon flaunts a rich social and instructive nexus, making it an appealing area for real estate investment. The district is home to a couple of enlightening organizations, including schools and colleges, giving quality preparation to tenants' youths. Families residing in flats, apartments, 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK homes have profitable permission to these establishments. Moreover, Shirgaon's social assortment is reflected in its energetic neighborhood and festivities, empowering a sensation of fortitude among tenants. Commercial properties like offices and shops also add to the area's social energy by working with various organizations and activities, adding to the overall allure of Shirgaon.

Trending Residential Projects in Shirgaon

•    Abhimaan Homes – 1 & 2 BHK

Trending Commercial Projects in Shirgaon

Shirgaon is encountering a flood in commercial real estate projects, taking care of different areas. The Shirgaon Business Park furnishes current office spaces with vital areas and fundamental conveniences. Also, the Shirgaon IT Pinnacle is explicitly intended to address its issues firms, offering adaptable spaces and high-velocity web availability. For assembling and warehousing organizations, the Shirgaon Modern Square offers extensive units with more than adequate stopping and simple admittance to transportation. In the meantime, the Shirgaon Retail Center is turning into a lively objective with its blend of shops, eateries, and diversion choices, drawing in the two local people and guests.


All in all, Shirgaon arises as a convincing decision for real estate investment because of a few key factors. Its essential area in Pune, with its simple openness to Mumbai, makes it an optimal objective for both residential and commercial ventures. The region offers a different scope of residential choices, from affordable 1 BHK apartments to lavish 3 BHK flats and row-houses, taking care of different inclinations and financial plans.
Moreover, Shirgaon's powerful infrastructure, combined with impending turns of events, guarantees critical growth potential for investors. Over the past five years, the real estate market in Shirgaon has seen uncommon appreciation, both in the residential and commercial sectors. This appreciation is controlled by factors like infrastructure updates, money related growth, and expanding demand.


1.    Are there any impending infrastructure projects in Shirgaon? 
Yes, Shirgaon is set to observe critical infrastructure improvements including new streets, transportation networks, and residential and commercial undertakings.

2.    What conveniences might I at any point anticipate in residential properties in Shirgaon? 
Residential properties in Shirgaon commonly offer conveniences like 24/7 security, stopping offices, green spaces, and sporting facilities.

3.    Is Shirgaon very much associated with major urban communities like Pune and Mumbai?
Yes, Shirgaon appreciates phenomenal availability to Pune and Mumbai through advanced street networks, making it an alluring area for suburbanites.

