
Bhaktamar Chandrakamal,

Shukrawar Peth

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 1 87.14 938 1.91 Cr*
2 BHK 1 81.94 882 1.81 Cr*
4 BHK 1 172.24 1854 3.68 Cr*
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2 & 4 BHK

Rs. 1.81 Cr*-Rs. 3.68 Cr*
Possession Date - Feb, 2025
Bhaktamar Chandrakamal
Shukrawar Peth
2 & 4 BHK
Rs. 1.81 Cr*-Rs. 3.68 Cr*
Possession - Feb, 2025

Prasanna Tulshibaug,

Tulshibaug - Shukrawar Peth

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
Shops 1 11.77 126.69 57.01 Lakhs*
Shops 1 19.78 212.92 1.27 Cr*
Shops 1 25.87 278.46 55.69 Lakhs*
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Shops & Showrooms

Rs. 17.48 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.27 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2024
Prasanna Tulshibaug
Shukrawar Peth
Shops & Showrooms
Rs. 17.48 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.27 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2024

shukrawar peth - Snapshot

Shukrawar Peth

Why Choose Shukrawar Peth? 

Shukrawar Peth in Pune stands as a rewarding choice for real estate speculation because of its different elements. Its essential area and network assume a huge part in its allure. The region appreciates the great network of significant urban communities through public and public parkways. Progressing projects like the Navi Mumbai Global Air terminal and the Mumbai Pune Turnpike, set to be finished by 2024, will additionally upgrade travel, making it quicker and more secure for occupants and organizations the same.

The solid economy of Pune adds to the demand for properties in Shukrawar Peth. With flourishing IT center points like Cybercity Magarpatta and modern belts like Bhosari close by, the region extends to plentiful open positions. This financial growth drives the improvement of banking, commercial focuses, medical care offices, and more, making it an alluring objective for financial backers.

Shukrawar Peth's real estate market is exceptionally serious, giving many choices for financial backers. Whether one is searching for apartments, estates, or commercial spaces, the market offers appealing arrangements, offices, and propositions. Designers endeavor to stand out by offering selective highlights, quality additional items, and limits, at last helping purchasers.

Also, specialists foresee nonstop growth in Pune's real estate area, and Shukrawar Peth is supposed to profit from this pattern. With stable costs, potential loan fee cuts, and expanded open positions, putting resources into properties here guarantees critical returns. The region's previous growth exhibits its versatility and flexibility, making it a promising decision for financial backers looking for long-haul appreciation.

Shukrawar Peth's closeness to renowned instructive organizations further upgrades its allure. Schools and exploration focus like Fergusson School and Bharathi Vidyapeeth School of Designing draw in understudies and employees, bringing about a consistent demand for investment properties. Putting resources into properties close to instructive centers guarantees a steady stream of inhabitants, making it an appealing recommendation for financial backers.

The severe implementation of the Real Estate Guideline and Advancement Act (RERA) has supported purchaser trust in Shukrawar Peth's real estate market. The straightforward and purchaser cordial purchasing process, supported by administrative shields, permits financial backers to pursue informed choices. With different choices accessible, purchasers can pick properties that fit their inclinations and necessities, making the speculation interaction bother-free and straightforward.

Investment Potential in Shukrawar Peth

1.    Demand & supply of Residential properties in Shukrawar Peth

Shukrawar Peth encounters a consistent demand for residential properties, going from apartments to row houses. The region draws in families, youthful experts, and understudies because of its nearness to instructive foundations and occupation centers. Apartments are sought after, taking care of the different requirements of inhabitants. Also, row houses and lodges offer extensive and autonomous residing choices for those looking for more protection. The stockpile of residential properties in Shukrawar Peth is additionally growing to satisfy this need, with new advancements offering current conveniences and advantageous areas.

2.    Demand and supply of Commercial properties in Shukrawar Peth

Commercial properties in Shukrawar Peth are in demand because of the area's clamoring commercial action. Offices, shops, and commercial spaces take care of organizations looking for ideal spots. With its essential position and flourishing economy, Shukrawar Peth draws in a great many organizations, from new companies to laid-out firms. The demand for commercial real estate is particularly high in regions with high number of people walking through, like close to business sectors and primary streets. Engineers are answering this demand by building current office edifices and commercial focuses to meet the growing necessities of organizations nearby.

Generally speaking, Shukrawar Peth offers adequate speculation possible in both residential and commercial properties. Whether you're hoping to put resources into a 2 BHK apartment or a commercial office space, Shukrawar Peth gives open doors to financial backers to profit by the area's growing demand and lively market.    

Current Infrastructure in Shukrawar Peth

Shukrawar Peth, arranged in Pune, flaunts a deeply grounded framework that takes special care of both residential and commercial requirements.

As far as residential framework, Shukrawar Peth offers a different scope of lodging choices to its inhabitants. From present-day apartments to conventional row houses, the region makes different decisions to suit various ways of life and inclinations. 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK flats are pervasive, offering open living spaces with fundamental conveniences. Furthermore, there are beguiling row houses and cabins for the individuals who lean toward additional roomy and free facilities. The residential properties in Shukrawar Peth are decisively found, giving simple admittance to schools, emergency clinics, and markets, improving the general living experience.

On the commercial front, Shukrawar Peth highlights a clamoring landscape with various shops, offices, and commercial foundations. The region's commercial foundation incorporates offices taking care of different organizations, from little new companies to laid-out firms. Furthermore, there are retail shops and stores offering a large number of items and administrations to the nearby local area. The commercial properties in Shukrawar Peth are decisively situated, with many situated in occupied market regions, guaranteeing high permeability and pedestrian activity.

Moreover, Shukrawar Peth's framework incorporates fundamental conveniences and offices to help its inhabitants and organizations. The region has very much kept up with streets and transportation organizations, working with smooth driving inside and around the area. Also, there are parks and sporting facilities where inhabitants can loosen up and unwind in the midst of plant life. Instructive foundations, medical services offices, and banks are additionally strategically placed, guaranteeing that all fundamental requirements are met inside the area.

Upcoming Infrastructure in Shukrawar Peth

One of the key impending foundation projects in Shukrawar Peth is the development of present-day residential structures offering a blend of 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK apartments. These new improvements will highlight best-in-class conveniences, taking care of the developing necessities of occupants. Furthermore, there are plans for the development of row houses and cottages, giving more choices to those looking for extensive and free residing spaces.

On the commercial front, Shukrawar Peth will see the improvement of new real estate projects offering office spaces and shops. These impending commercial properties will satisfy the growing need for office spaces and retail outlets nearby, further supporting its commercial landscape.

Also, impending foundation activities will zero in on further developing networks and availability in Shukrawar Peth. Upgraded street organizations and public transportation offices will make driving simpler for occupants and organizations the same. Furthermore, the improvement of sporting spaces and stops will add to a superior personal satisfaction for the local area.

Past 5 years of appreciation in Shukrawar Peth Real Estate Market

Throughout the course of recent years, Shukrawar Peth's real estate market has encountered critical appreciation across residential and commercial areas. Properties like flats and apartments as well as row-houses and cottages, have seen a prominent expansion in esteem. The demand for residential properties has stayed high, determined by factors like the region's essential area and further developed foundation. Additionally, commercial properties, for example, offices and shops have likewise seen appreciation because of growing monetary movement. Factors like the accessibility of fundamental conveniences close by and the region's appeal to organizations have added to this appreciation. In general, Shukrawar Peth's real estate market has shown predictable growth, going with it an engaging decision for financial backers and homebuyers the same.

Transportation & Connectivity at Shukrawar Peth

Shukrawar Peth appreciates superb transportation and network, making it an exceptionally open and helpful area for inhabitants and organizations the same. The region is very much associated with significant pieces of Pune through an organization of streets and public transportation offices.

Occupants residing in flats, apartments, row houses, or homes in Shukrawar Peth benefit from simple admittance to different methods of transportation. The region is served by very much keeping up with streets and thruways, working with smooth driving inside the area and to different pieces of the city. Whether one possesses a 1 BHK, 2 BHK, or 3 BHK apartment, driving to work or getting to fundamental conveniences is sans bother.
Additionally, Shukrawar Peth is very much served by open transportation choices, including buses and auto-carts. A few transport courses go through the area, interfacing it to various areas in Pune. This availability is worthwhile for occupants, as it gives reasonable and advantageous travel choices for everyday driving or recreation exercises.

Sustainability and green spaces in Shukrawar Peth

Sustainability and green spaces play a colossal part in embellishment the environment of Shukrawar Peth. Attempts towards sustainability consolidate the joining of eco-obliging components in residential properties, for instance, flats, apartments, row-houses, and cabins, for instance, water-gathering systems and sun-fueled chargers. Besides, there is a growing emphasis on making green spaces inside the locale, outfitting tenants with districts to loosen up and interact with nature. These green spaces, including parks and landscaped regions, not only upgrade the tasteful allure of Shukrawar Peth but also add to a better and more economical living climate. Such drives advance natural protection as well as work on the general personal satisfaction of occupants in Shukrawar Peth.

Cultural and educational nexus in Shukrawar Peth

Shukrawar Peth fills in as a lively social and instructive nexus inside Pune. The region is saturated with history and custom, with various social landmarks and occasions that mirror its rich legacy. Occupants of flats, apartments, row houses, and cabins in Shukrawar Peth frequently end up submerged in different social encounters, including customary celebrations, workmanship shows, and dramatic exhibitions. Moreover, the territory is home to a few instructive establishments, going from schools and universities to explore focuses and libraries. Understudies and researchers run to Shukrawar Peth for its eminent instructive offices, adding to a different and mentally invigorating climate. The region's social and instructive nexus improves the existences of its inhabitants as well as cultivates a feeling of the local area and discovering that separates Shukrawar Peth as a dynamic and flourishing neighborhood inside Pune.

Trending Residential Projects in Shukrawar Peth

Trending Commercial Projects in Shukrawar Peth


All in all, Shukrawar Peth in Pune arises as an exceptionally appealing decision for a real estate venture because of a few variables. Its ideal spot and availability, with simple admittance to significant urban communities through parkways, alongside forthcoming framework projects like the Navi Mumbai Worldwide Air terminal and the Mumbai Pune Freeway, guarantee upgraded travel accommodation. The powerful economy of Pune, filled by IT center points like Cybercity Magarpatta and modern belts like Bhosari, creates adequate open positions, driving the demand for properties. The real estate market in Shukrawar Peth offers many choices, from flats, apartments, and row houses to commercial spaces, with engineers offering appealing arrangements and conveniences to stand out in the serious market. With stable costs and potential for huge returns, putting resources into Shukrawar Peth is a promising possibility, particularly given its vicinity to famous instructive foundations like Fergusson School and Bharathi Vidyapeeth School of Designing, guaranteeing a consistent progression of occupants. Moreover, the severe execution of RERA helps purchaser certainty, making the speculation cycle straightforward and bother-free. Whether one is keen on residential or commercial properties, Shukrawar Peth gives sufficient chances to financial backers to profit from its growing demand and dynamic market.


Are there any commercial properties accessible for interest in Shukrawar Peth? 

Yes, Shukrawar Peth has a flourishing commercial landscape with offices, shops, and commercial spaces reasonable for organizations, everything being equal.

Is Shukrawar Peth a reasonable area for long-haul real estate speculation?

Yes, Shukrawar Peth is viewed as a promising area for long-haul real estate speculation because of its essential area, growing economy, and expanding demand for properties.

Are there any forthcoming framework projects in Shukrawar Peth?

Yes, Shukrawar Peth has a few forthcoming framework projects, including current residential buildings, commercial spaces, and further developed transportation organizations.
