
Aaiji Castle,

Dhanori - Tingre Nagar

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 1 74.32 800 88 Lakhs*
2 BHK 1 75.25 810 89 Lakhs*
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2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 88 Lakhs*-Rs. 89 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2024
Aaiji Castle
Tingre Nagar
2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 88 Lakhs*-Rs. 89 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2024

Aaiji Crystal,

Tingre Nagar

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK 2 78.87 849 98.32 Lakhs*
2 BHK 2 82.03 883 1.02 Cr*
3 BHK 2 113.90 1226 1.52 Cr*
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2 & 3 BHK

Rs. 98.32 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.9 Cr*
Possession Date - Apr, 2026
Aaiji Crystal
Tingre Nagar
2 & 3 BHK
Rs. 98.32 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.9 Cr*
Possession - Apr, 2026

tingre nagar - Snapshot

Tingre Nagar

Why Choose Tingre Nagar? 

Tingre Nagar stands out as a heavenly choice for those seeking a residential or investment destination in Pune. The locale offers an alternate extent of housing decisions, from comfortable 1 BHK apartments to spacious 3 BHK flats, catering to various prerequisites and inclinations. Likewise, Tingre Nagar boasts a display row-houses and bungalows, providing satisfactory choices for those looking for greater homes.

To the extent that real estate, Tingre Nagar is witnessing immense growth and headway. The locale has seen a flood in the improvement of residential properties, both commercial and residential, reflecting the increasing demand for housing in this suburb. Whether you're interested in purchasing a level, space, or even a row house, Tingre Nagar's real estate market offers copious opportunities for buyers and investors the equivalent.

Aside from residential properties, Tingre Nagar likewise includes a thriving commercial real estate sector. The territory is home to various offices, shops, and commercial establishments, making it a dynamic commercial hub within Pune. Whether you're looking to set up your business or invest in commercial real estate, Tingre Nagar furnishes a favorable climate with sufficient chances for growth and achievement.

Furthermore, Tingre Nagar's essential area adds to its allure. Arranged near major business hubs, for example, IT parks and industrial regions, the area offers comfort for working experts. The simple admittance to expressways and transportation hubs guarantees consistent availability to different pieces of Pune, making it an optimal residential decision for those seeking both comfort and openness.

Investment Potential in Tingre Nagar

1.    Demand & supply of Residential properties in Tingre Nagar

Tingre Nagar is experiencing an eminent flood in the demand for residential properties, especially apartments and flats ranging from 1 to 5 BHK. The influx of experts because of its presence and industrial sectors in Pune has essentially increased the requirement for housing in this space. The accessibility of different tasks by rumored developers like BU Bhandari and Ashirwadh Advertisers has helped satisfy this need. Moreover, the variety in housing choices, including row houses and bungalows, takes special care of various inclinations of possible homebuyers, further enhancing the demand.

As far as supply, Tingre Nagar is witnessing hearty growth with various ongoing residential undertakings. This indicates a solid stock of housing units, which is fundamental for maintaining a fair real estate market. The affordability of certain undertakings guarantees that even mid-level chiefs and families can find appropriate facilities. Generally speaking, the demand-supply elements in Tingre Nagar's residential sector recommend a promising investment opportunity, with potential for consistent appreciation in property estimations.

2.    Demand and supply of Commercial properties in Tingre Nagar

Close by the residential sector, Tingre Nagar additionally presents promising opportunities in the commercial real estate market. The demand for commercial properties like offices, shops, and retail spaces is on the ascent, driven by the area's growing populace and its nearness to major business hubs. Commercial spaces in Tingre Nagar take special care of different businesses, from limited scope endeavors to bigger corporate offices.

The stock of commercial properties in Tingre Nagar is keeping pace with the demand. With the advancement of shopping edifices, places of business, and commercial focuses, the region offers more than adequate decisions for investors lo oking to wander into the commercial real estate sector. This reasonable inventory guarantees that businesses approach appropriate spaces, contributing to the by and large financial growth of the territory.

Current Infrastructure in Tingre Nagar

Tingre Nagar as of now flaunts a deep rooted infrastructure that takes care of the different necessities of its occupants. The region offers a blend of residential choices, including apartments as well as row houses and bungalows. This assortment guarantees that individuals and families can find homes that suit their inclinations and financial plans.

As far as commercial infrastructure, Tingre Nagar is home to different shops and offices, contributing to its energetic commercial landscape. The presence of commercial spaces guarantees accommodation for occupants and supports nearby businesses.

The region additionally appreciates great availability with major streets like Sant Jnaneshwar Marg and Nagar Street, making commuting within Tingre Nagar and to different pieces of Pune bother free. Moreover, the accessibility of public transportation, including close by transport stands like Dhanori Transport Stand and Viman Nagar Transport Stand, further improves openness for occupants.

Social infrastructure in Tingre Nagar is advanced, with rumored schools, for example, Advantageous interaction International School and Bishops School providing quality training. Medical care needs are met by prominent clinics like Columbia Asia Emergency clinic and Ruby Corridor Clinic, ensuring occupants approach fundamental clinical benefits.

Upcoming Infrastructure in Tingre Nagar

Tingre Nagar is set to observe further advancement with a few upcoming infrastructure projects. The region will see the development of more residential properties, including flats and apartments of varying sizes, to oblige the growing populace. Also, there are plans for the advancement of row houses and bungalows to take care of those seeking spacious homes.

Commercial infrastructure in Tingre Nagar will likewise see growth, with more offices and shops expected to be constructed. This development will offer extra business opportunities and improve the commercial reasonability of the area.

To support the increasing populace, the public authority is investing in improving street networks, including the advancement of Deccan School Street. This will improve network and simplicity gridlock, making commuting more helpful for inhabitants.

Past 5 years appreciation in Tingre Nagar Real Estate Market

Throughout the course of recent years, Tingre Nagar's real estate market has seen critical appreciation across residential and commercial properties. In the residential portion, the demand for flats, apartments, and row houses, ranging from 1 BHK to 3 BHK, has flooded, driving up property estimations. This growth can be ascribed to factors like the region's vicinity to work hubs and further developed infrastructure. Likewise, row houses and bungalows have seen an ascent in demand, especially among buyers looking for spacious and upscale living choices.

In the commercial sector, Tingre Nagar has turned into a thriving hub for businesses, resulting in increased demand for office spaces and shops. This has prompted predictable appreciation in commercial property estimations. By and large, Tingre Nagar's real estate market has serious areas of strength for shown patterns throughout recent years, making it an appealing destination for the two investors and homebuyers.

Transportation & Connectivity at Tingre Nagar

Tingre Nagar appreciates great transportation and availability choices, making it an optimal area for real estate investment. The region is all around associated with major streets like Sant Jnaneshwar Marg and Nagar Street, ensuring simple admittance to different pieces of Pune. With adjacent transport stands like Dhanori Transport Stand and Viman Nagar Transport Stand, inhabitants have advantageous public transportation choices. Also, vicinity to Pune airport and railroad stations like Shivaji Nagar further upgrades network. These factors add to Tingre Nagar's engaging quality as a real estate investment destination, promising exceptional yields and consistent appreciation for residential and commercial properties.

Sustainability and green spaces in Tingre Nagar

Tingre Nagar stands out for its obligation to sustainability and the presence of more than adequate green spaces, making it an appealing destination for real estate investment. The territory highlights stops, cultivates, and landscaped regions that improve the stylish allure as well as add to a better climate. These green spaces offer inhabitants a peaceful getaway from the metropolitan buzzing about, promoting a feeling of prosperity and serenity.

From a real estate advancement viewpoint, Tingre Nagar's emphasis on sustainability and plant life enhances properties nearby. Residential buildings with rich landscaping and eco-accommodating elements are profoundly pursued by homebuyers. Engineers are increasingly incorporating sustainable plan components like rainwater harvesting frameworks, sun powered chargers, and energy-effective machines to draw in naturally cognizant buyers. Properties in Tingre Nagar that prioritize sustainability not just deal a better and more sustainable way of life yet additionally guarantee long haul appreciation and an upper hand in the real estate market.

Cultural and educational nexus in Tingre Nagar

Tingre Nagar isn't simply a residential region; a dynamic social and instructive nexus increases the value of the real estate landscape. The territory is home to renowned instructive institutions like Advantageous interaction International School, Bishops School, and Vocabulary International School, providing world-class training to understudies. Moreover, social focuses and occasions like craftsmanship presentations, music shows, and celebrations flourish in Tingre Nagar, fostering a rich social climate.

From a real estate advancement point of view, the social and instructive offerings in Tingre Nagar assume a significant part in attracting homebuyers and investors. Nearness to eminent schools guarantees accommodation for families, making residential properties in the space profoundly attractive. Furthermore, the presence of widespread developments and institutions adds to the general decency of Tingre Nagar, making it an appealing decision for those seeking an all encompassing way of life. Properties in Tingre Nagar benefit from this social and instructive nexus, promising a home as well as an energetic local area experience.

Trending Residential Projects in Tingre Nagar

•    Aaiji Castle
•    Aaiji Crystal

Trending Commercial Projects in Tingre Nagar

In Tingre Nagar, a few trending commercial ventures are shaping the landscape of the area. From present day office spaces to energetic shopping malls, these ventures take special care of the growing demand for commercial real estate. The commercial improvements furnish business proprietors with current offices as well as add to Tingre Nagar's status as a powerful commercial hub within Pune, attracting both neighborhood and international businesses.


Tingre Nagar stands as a shining illustration of a balanced residential and investment destination in Pune. Offering a different scope of housing choices, from comfortable apartments to spacious bungalows, the district takes care of the shifted needs and inclinations of occupants and investors the same. With a booming real estate market witnessing huge growth in both residential and commercial sectors, Tingre Nagar guarantees sufficient chances for those looking to invest.

Moreover, its essential area, astounding availability, and powerful infrastructure further upgrade its allure. As the area continues to observe improvement and upcoming infrastructure projects, Tingre Nagar arises as a promising investment area of interest. The accentuation on sustainability, green spaces, and social and instructive institutions adds massive worth, making Tingre Nagar a spot to live as well as an energetic local area to flourish in. With its promising future possibilities, Tingre Nagar remains a magnificent decision for anybody considering real estate investment in Pune.


Is Tingre Nagar a wise investment choice? 
Yes, Tingre Nagar is viewed as a promising investment destination because of its growing real estate market, key area, and closeness to work hubs. 

Are there any eminent schools in Tingre Nagar? 
Yes, Tingre Nagar is home to presumed schools, for example, Beneficial interaction International School, Bishops School, and Dictionary International School. 

What are the transportation choices in Tingre Nagar? 
Tingre Nagar appreciates great network with major streets like Sant Jnaneshwar Marg and Nagar Street. It likewise has close by transport stands and is near Pune airport and rail route stations.
