Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK B4 48.96 527 13.93 Lakhs*
1 BHK B4 51.19 551 14.95 Lakhs*
2 BHK A2 70.33 757 18.9 Lakhs*
2 BHK A2 73.30 789 19.98 Lakhs*
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1, 2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 13.93 Lakhs*-Rs. 19.98 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2023
Triveni Trikaya
1, 2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 13.93 Lakhs*-Rs. 19.98 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2023

tulapur - Snapshot


Why Choose Tulapur? 

Looking for your fantasy home in Pune? Consider Tulapur, an energetic and promising region that has been gaining consideration for its real estate potential. These 1 – 5 BHK flats are intended to give comfort and accommodation, ideal for individuals, couples, or little families. With current conveniences and smart designs, these apartments offer a comfortable way of life in a bustling neighborhood.

On the off chance that you lean toward a touch more space and protection, Tulapur likewise flaunts lovely row-houses and bungalows. These standalone homes give more than adequate space to families to grow and flourish. With very much manicured gardens and tranquil surroundings, Tulapur's row-houses and bungalows offer a quiet retreat from the city's hurrying around.

Past residential properties, Tulapur additionally presents great opportunities for commercial real estate. Whether you're looking to set up an office, lay out a shop, or invest in a commercial property, Tulapur's essential area and growing infrastructure pursue it an optimal decision. The region's closeness to major business hubs and transportation networks guarantees a consistent progression of clients and clients, making it a rewarding investment choice.

Furthermore, Tulapur offers a mix of residential and commercial spaces, making it an independent territory. With schools, clinics, shopping focuses, and sporting offices in nearness, occupants partake in a helpful and comfortable way of life without having to go far.

One of the vital benefits of choosing Tulapur for real estate investment is its promising future possibilities. As Pune continues to expand, Tulapur is witnessing quick turn of events, making it an alluring destination for homebuyers and investors the same. The region's true capacity for appreciation guarantees that your investment in Tulapur will yield productive returns in the long run.

Investment Potential in Tulapur

1.    Demand & supply of Residential properties in Tulapur

The demand for residential properties in Tulapur has been consistently rising because of a few factors. The influx of experts and families, first and foremost, seeking affordable yet comfortable living spaces has helped the demand for apartments and flats. Tulapur takes special care of this demand with different choices ranging from comfortable 1 BHK units to spacious 3 BHK apartments.Additionally, the charm of row-houses and bungalows has drawn in those looking for more security and space. These standalone homes offer a feeling of restrictiveness and are especially famous among families. Engineers in Tulapur have answered this demand by offering all around planned row-house and cabin projects.On the stockpile side, designers have rushed to profit by the growing demand. A few residential tasks offering apartments, row-houses, and bungalows are in different progressive phases. The accessibility of various designs guarantees that there's something for everybody in Tulapur's real estate market.

2.    Demand and supply of Commercial properties in Tulapur    

Tulapur's essential area and growing infrastructure make it an optimal destination for commercial real estate investment. The demand for office spaces, shops, and commercial properties in Tulapur is fundamentally determined by the area's closeness to major business hubs and transportation networks.Small businesses, new companies, and business people are especially interested in Tulapur because of its generally affordable commercial spaces. Offices and shops in Tulapur take care of a different scope of businesses, from retail outlets to proficient services.On the stockpile side, engineers have been proactive in meeting the demand for commercial properties. Blended use advancements that combine residential and commercial spaces are becoming increasingly well known in Tulapur. These improvements offer an energetic climate where occupants can reside, work, and shop within a similar locality.Additionally, standalone commercial tasks offering office spaces and shops are likewise predominant in Tulapur. These properties give great investment opportunities to those looking to benefit from the area's commercial growth.
Current Infrastructure in Tulapur

Tulapur as of now flaunts a fair infrastructure that supports both residential and commercial exercises. As far as residential infrastructure, there are various high rises offering 1 to 5 BHK flats. These buildings come outfitted with conveniences like parking spaces, security frameworks, and sporting offices to guarantee a comfortable living encounter for inhabitants.

Furthermore, the region includes a decent blend of row-houses and bungalows, providing choices for those seeking more spacious and independent living game plans. These homes frequently accompany landscaped nurseries and confidential parking, adding to their allure.

On the commercial front, Tulapur has a scope of shops, offices, and commercial properties catering to the requirements of inhabitants and businesses the same. Nearby business sectors and shopping focuses give fundamental labor and products, while office spaces oblige different businesses, from new businesses to laid out organizations.

Upcoming Infrastructure in Tulapur

Tulapur's infrastructure is set to go through additional improvements, adding to its engaging quality as a real estate destination. As far as residential turns of events, a few new ventures are in the pipeline, offering a more extensive scope of choices as far as flats, row-houses, and bungalows. These upcoming tasks are supposed to highlight present day conveniences and innovative plans, catering to the evolving needs of homebuyers.

Moreover, there are plans for the advancement of commercial infrastructure to support the growing business local area in Tulapur. This includes the development of new office spaces, retail outlets, and commercial buildings. These advancements won't just give opportunities to businesses to expand yet additionally set out work open doors for the nearby populace.

Infrastructure projects pointed toward improving network are likewise on the horizon. This includes the development of street networks, development of new extensions, and enhancements in open transportation offices. These initiatives will make Tulapur more open and associated with different pieces of Pune, further boosting its real estate esteem.

Past 5 years appreciation in Tulapur Real Estate Market

In the residential sector, apartments and flats have seen noteworthy appreciation. The demand for 1 to 4 BHK flats has flooded, driven by factors like urbanization, populace growth, and further developed infrastructure. The appreciation in condo costs has been especially outstanding, with values increasing consistently a large number of years. This growth mirrors the increasing inclination for loft living among buyers seeking comfort and present day conveniences.

Likewise, row-houses and bungalows in Tulapur have additionally seen significant appreciation. These spacious properties have become sought-after decisions for families looking for a mix of comfort and protection. The beyond 5 years have seen an eminent ascent in the costs of row-houses and bungalows, reflecting their prevalence among homebuyers who worth space and independence.

In the commercial real estate sector, Tulapur has additionally experienced calculable growth. Commercial properties, for example, offices and shops have seen a consistent increase in esteem, driven by the area's essential area and growing business environment. The demand for office spaces in Tulapur has been energized by the ascent of new businesses, SMEs, and laid out organizations seeking affordable yet exceptional workspaces. Likewise, shops and retail spaces have gained esteem because of increasing customer spending and the growing prominence of Tulapur as a shopping destination.

Transportation & Connectivity at Tulapur

Tulapur appreciates amazing transportation and network choices, making it an appealing area for both residential and commercial properties. The region is very much associated with Pune downtown area and other key regions through a network of streets and expressways. Occupants of apartments, flats, row-houses, and bungalows in Tulapur can undoubtedly get to major business hubs and commercial focuses. Moreover, public transport administrations, for example, transports and taxicabs are promptly accessible, ensuring helpful commuting. The upcoming infrastructure projects, including street developments and upgrades, further improve Tulapur's availability, promising even smoother travel for occupants and businesses the same.

Sustainability and green spaces in Tulapur

Tulapur isn't just about helpful living and commercial opportunities yet in addition about sustainability and green spaces, making it an ideal decision for those seeking an eco-accommodating way of life. The real estate improvement in Tulapur includes an emphasis on incorporating green components into both residential and commercial tasks. For instance, numerous apartments, flats, row-houses, and bungalows in Tulapur are planned with eco-accommodating elements like rainwater harvesting frameworks, sunlight based chargers, and energy-proficient lighting to diminish their carbon footprint.

Moreover, engineers in Tulapur frequently dispense space for rich vegetation and landscaped gardens within residential buildings. These green spaces not just improve the tasteful allure of the properties yet in addition advance a better and more sustainable climate for occupants. Inhabitants of Tulapur can appreciate serene strolls in the midst of nature, just external their flats or row-houses.

Commercial properties in Tulapur likewise add to sustainability efforts by incorporating green building rehearses. Offices and shops are intended to amplify regular light and ventilation, reducing the requirement for counterfeit lighting and cooling. A few commercial improvements even component roof gardens or green walls, further adding to the area's green remainder.

Cultural and educational nexus in Tulapur

Tulapur stands out for its real estate offerings as well as a social and instructive nexus. The region has a dynamic blend of far-reaching developments and exercises, making it a hub for workmanship, music, and theater devotees. Occupants of apartments, flats, row-houses, and bungalows in Tulapur approach different social communities, workmanship displays, and performance spaces.

Moreover, Tulapur flaunts superb instructive institutions, including schools and universities, providing quality training to understudies, all things considered. Families residing in Tulapur find it helpful to get to instructive offices for their youngsters, contributing to the area's allure as a family-accommodating territory.

This social and instructive nexus improves the general way of life experience in Tulapur, making it a balanced and helpful spot to live and invest in.

Trending Residential Projects in Tulapur

•    Triveni Trikaya – 1 & 2 BHK Apartments

Trending Commercial Projects in Tulapur

Explore the most recent commercial undertakings shaping Tulapur's skyline, offering innovative spaces for businesses to flourish. From current office buildings to energetic retail hubs, Tulapur's commercial landscape is evolving quickly to meet the different requirements of business visionaries and investors. Find blended use improvements flawlessly integrating offices, shops, and sporting spaces, fostering a unique work-life climate. Experience the accommodation of key areas, improved availability, and cutting edge offices intended to raise your business. With Tulapur's promising potential and growing infrastructure, investing in these trending commercial tasks guarantees an essential traction in one of Pune's most sought-after business destinations.


All in all, Tulapur arises as an optimal destination for real estate investment in Pune. With a wide exhibit of residential and commercial properties, alongside a promising future, Tulapur offers an ideal mix of comfort, accommodation, and likely returns. Its powerful infrastructure, sustainable practices, superb network, and dynamic social and instructive climate make it a sought-after area for both homebuyers and investors the same. Choosing Tulapur guarantees a way of life that isn't just comfortable yet in addition enriching, promising productive profits from investment in the long run.


What types of commercial properties are available in Tulapur? 
Tulapur offers various commercial properties including office spaces, shops, and mixed-use developments combining residential and commercial spaces.

Are there any upcoming infrastructure projects in Tulapur? 
Yes, Tulapur has several upcoming infrastructure projects including road developments, new bridges, and enhancements in public transportation facilities.

What cultural and educational facilities are available in Tulapur? 
Tulapur boasts various cultural centers, art galleries, and performance spaces. Additionally, it offers quality educational institutions including schools and colleges.
