New Project

Olive Homes,

Chovisawadi - Charholi

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK 2 42.46 457 31.83 Lakhs*
1 BHK Wing A 47.38 510 35.51 Lakhs*
1 BHK Wing B 58.16 626 30.7 Lakhs*
1 BHK Wing B 67.91 731 35.85 Lakhs*
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1 BHK Apartment

Rs. 29.47 Lakhs*-Rs. 35.85 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Jun, 2026
Olive Homes
1 BHK Apartment
Rs. 29.47 Lakhs*-Rs. 35.85 Lakhs*
Possession - Jun, 2026
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK 5 45.15 486 34.31 Lakhs*
1.5 BHK 5 55.18 594 41.87 Lakhs*
2 BHK 5 58.90 634 44.66 Lakhs*
2.5 BHK 5 62.25 670 47.18 Lakhs*
2.5 BHK 5 66.24 713 52.04 Lakhs*
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1,1.5,2 & 2.5 BHK

Rs. 34.31 Lakhs*-Rs. 52.04 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2027
Aakar Ivory Heights
1,1.5,2 & 2.5 BHK
Rs. 34.31 Lakhs*-Rs. 52.04 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2027

Aakar Realties

Discover Excellence: A Closer Look at Aakar Realties

Aakar Realties remains as a signal of greatness in the domain of land improvement, exemplifying a pledge to development, manageability, and consumer loyalty. Established with a dream to reclassify metropolitan living spaces, the builder has cut a specialty for itself in the exceptionally serious housing market through a mix of visionary administration, fastidious preparation, and steady devotion to quality. Since its commencement, the builder has reliably conveyed remarkable private and business projects that meet as well as surpass the assumptions for knowing clients. With a portfolio bragging compositional wonders that flawlessly mix stylish allure with usefulness, the organization has gained notoriety for establishing living and workplaces that motivate and hoist.

What separates the builder is its relentless obligation to supportability and ecological obligation. Embracing green structure practices and utilizing state-of-the-art innovation, the builder endeavors to limit its biological impression while making spaces that advance health and congruity.

Upheld by a group of old pros and directed by a client-driven approach, the builder keeps on pushing the limits of development, setting new norms of greatness in the land business. As we dig further into the universe of Aakar Realties Pune, we reveal an engineer, yet a visionary power molding the scene of current living.


Origins and Vision

At the core of the builder lies an account of energy, diligence, and a persistent quest for greatness. Aakar Realties arose as a visionary endeavor with the solitary objective of rethinking the land scene through development and client centricity.

Driven by a common vision among its establishing individuals, the builders set off to challenge the customary standards of the business by focusing on the development of structures, yet the formation of living encounters. This vision was established in the conviction that homes are not simply structures but asylums where families flourish, organizations prosper, and networks bond.

All along, the builder imagined itself as something other than a designer; it planned to be an impetus for positive change in the manner individuals see and collaborate with their living spaces. This implied going past the conventional to convey homes and business properties that were useful, yet in addition motivating and extraordinary.

Fundamental to the builder's ethos is the possibility of development. Perceiving the always-developing necessities and inclinations of present-day customers, the organization has reliably searched out imaginative answers for meet and surpass these assumptions. Whether it's spearheading building plans, coordinating state-of-the-art innovation, or embracing supportable practices, the builder has stayed at the front of advancement in the land area.

Also, Aakar Realties Pune's obligation to consumer loyalty is unflinching. Understanding that purchasing a house is quite possibly of the main ventures an singular makes in the course of their life, the organization has focused on it to guarantee a smooth and bother free purchasing experience for each client. From customized help and straightforward correspondence to smoothed-out cycles and post-deals support, the builder exceeds everyone's expectations to make the excursion of claiming a home a paramount and satisfying one.


Sustainability Initiatives

Aakar Realties's obligation to supportability reaches out a long ways past the development of structures; it is imbued in each feature of the organization's tasks, mirroring a well-established liability towards the climate and the networks it serves. Through a comprehensive way to deal with a manageable turn of events, the builder endeavors to limit its environmental impression while expanding social and monetary advantages.

At the center of the builder's supportability drives is a commitment to green structure rehearses. Perceiving the crucial job that structures play in energy utilization, asset exhaustion, and fossil fuel byproducts, the organization has embraced reasonable plan standards and development procedures to make structures that are harmless to the ecosystem as well as asset productive and financially savvy in the long haul. This incorporates the utilization of eco-accommodating materials, energy-productive frameworks, and uninvolved plan systems to limit energy utilization, diminish waste, and lower working expenses.

Aakar Realties Pune is focused on acquiring green structure certificates for its activities, like LEED (Authority in Energy and Natural Plan) or IGBC (Indian Green Structure Committee) appraisals. These certificates act as a demonstration of the organization's adherence to thorough manageability principles and its commitment to making better, more ecologically dependable constructed conditions. Past the assembled climate, the builder effectively draws in with neighborhood networks to advance ecological stewardship and social obligation. This incorporates drives, for example, tree establishing drives, squander the executive's programs, and instructive effort endeavors pointed toward bringing issues to light about the significance of maintainability and enabling people to make a positive move towards a greener future.

The builder's supportability drives are driven by a firm faith in the interconnectedness of natural, social, and monetary prosperity. By embracing reasonable improvement rehearses, the organization lessens its natural effect as well as upgrades the personal satisfaction for present and people in the future, mirroring its obligation to building an additional economical and strong future.


Customer Testimonials

Client tributes act as a strong demonstration of the quality, dependability, and respectability of Aakar Realties's administrations and properties. From fulfilled property holders to business inhabitants, the voices of the individuals who have encountered the builder firsthand illustrate greatness and fulfillment.

One repeating topic in client tributes is the remarkable nature of development and configuration displayed by the builder's properties. Property holders frequently acclaim the tender loving care, predominant craftsmanship, and insightful design of their homes, featuring highlights like roomy insides, premium completions, and present-day conveniences that upgrade their residing experience. Many offer thanks for the consistent mix of style and usefulness, which meets as well as surpasses their assumptions. Besides, clients reliably commend Aakar Realties Pune's obligation to straightforwardness, uprightness, and consumer loyalty all through the purchasing or renting process. From the underlying request to the last handover, the organization's committed group of experts is commended for their responsiveness, impressive skill, and customized approach, guaranteeing a smooth and bother-free insight from beginning to end.

Besides, client tributes frequently address areas of strength for the of local area encouraged by the builder's turns of events. Whether it's the lively social air of a private mind boggling or the unique business climate of a business property, occupants and inhabitants value the feeling of having a place and kinship that the builder develops, causing them to feel genuinely comfortable.

Innovation and Technology

Aakar Realties remains at the front line of advancement and innovation in the land area, utilizing state-of-the-art answers for improve the quality, productivity, and manageability of its properties. From plan and development to the executives and activities, the organization embraces advancement at each phase of the undertaking lifecycle, setting new norms of greatness in the business.

One of the key regions where the builder exhibits development is in the engineering plan. The organization teams up with famous engineers and configuration firms to make structures that push the limits of inventiveness as well as incorporate consistently their environmental elements. From notorious milestones to utilitarian yet stylishly satisfying designs, the builder's creative plans are a demonstration of its obligation to build greatness.

Aakar Realties Pune tackles the force of innovation to upgrade the development cycle and further develop project productivity. Using progressed fabricating data demonstrating (BIM) programming, ongoing undertaking of the executive's apparatuses, and advanced development strategies, the organization smoothes out the work process, limits mistakes, and speeds up project timetables, bringing about cost reserve funds and improved quality.

Notwithstanding plan and development, the builder utilizes inventive innovation answers for improve the usefulness and manageability of its properties. This incorporates the coordination of brilliant home computerization frameworks, energy-productive apparatuses, and environmentally friendly power sources to diminish fossil fuel byproducts, lower utility expenses, and improve the general residing experience for inhabitants.

Awards and Recognitions

Aakar Realties's devotion to greatness and development has been reliably perceived and celebrated inside the land business through a large number of renowned honors and honors. These distinctions act as a demonstration of the organization's immovable obligation to quality, manageability, and consumer loyalty.

The builder has been the beneficiary of various honors across different classes, including building plans, development quality, maintainability drives, and client assistance greatness. These awards highlight the organization's capacity to reliably convey remarkable ventures that meet as well as surpass the assumptions of clients and industry peers the same.

Aakar Realties Pune's commitments to the land area have been recognized by driving industry bodies and associations, further solidifying its standing as a pioneer in the field. Whether it's for noteworthy engineering plans, imaginative manageability drives, or commendable corporate administration rehearses, the builder has reliably stood apart as a brilliant illustration of greatness and authority in the business.

Notwithstanding industry acknowledgment, Aakar Realties Pune's undertakings have additionally collected praise from clients and inhabitants, further approving the organization's obligation to conveying uncommon quality and worth. These tributes and verbal exchange supports act as a demonstration of the positive effect that the builder's improvements have had on the existences of the people who occupy them, building up the organization's situation as a trusted and regarded forerunner in the housing market.

Future Prospects

As Aakar Realties Pune plans ahead, its vision is one of proceeding with development, advancement, and greatness in the land area. Expanding upon its strong underpinning of progress, the organization is ready to extend its presence and portfolio, leaving on new pursuits and drives that will shape the metropolitan scene for a long time into the future.

One vital part of the builder's future possibilities is its obligation to feasible turn of events. With a developing emphasis on natural stewardship and asset preservation, the organization plans to additionally coordinate reasonable practices into its ventures, from plan and development to tasks and the executives. By focusing on manageability, the builder mitigates its ecological effect as well as makes better, stronger networks that flourish as one with the normal world.

Additionally, Aakar Realties is investigating new open doors for development and advancement, utilizing arising innovations and market patterns to remain on top of things. This incorporates investigating new undertaking types, for example, blended use advancements and travel situated networks, as well as coordinating savvy innovations and computerized answers for upgrade the usefulness and proficiency of its properties.


Aakar Realties - Residential Projects in Pune

1.    Ivory Heights - Charholi,Pune
2.    Olive Homes - Charholi,Pune
3.    Indigo - Charholi,Pune
4.    Coral Park - Charholi,Pune
5.    Sapphire Towers - Chovisawadi,Pune
6.    Nandivali Hills - Mulshi,Pune
7.    Avila -Pune


Aakar Realties remains as a signal of greatness in the land business, driven by an undaunted commitment to development, supportability, and consumer loyalty. With an arrangement of uncommon private and business projects, the organization has procured inescapable praise and acknowledgment for its visionary initiative, faultless craftsmanship, and commitment to quality.

As it looks towards the future, Aakar Realties Pune stays ready to proceed with progress, embracing new open doors for development, advancement, and positive effects in the networks it serves. With its enduring obligation to greatness and trustworthiness, the builder is ready to shape the metropolitan scene for a long time into the future.


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. What is Aakar Realties?

Aakar Realties is a leading real estate development company known for its commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability. With a diverse portfolio of residential and commercial projects, Aakar Realties has earned a reputation for creating exceptional living and working spaces that exceed expectations.


2. What sets Aakar Realties apart from other real estate developers?

Aakar Realties distinguishes itself through its unwavering dedication to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability. The company prioritizes innovative design, superior craftsmanship, and environmentally responsible practices to deliver projects that are not just buildings, but vibrant communities and thriving ecosystems.


3. What types of properties does Aakar Realties develop?

Aakar Realties develops a wide range of properties, including luxury residences, affordable housing, commercial complexes, and mixed-use developments. Each project is meticulously planned and executed to meet the diverse needs and preferences of modern homeowners, businesses, and communities.




