New Project
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK Nakshatra 48.89 526.247 44.12 Lakhs*
2 BHK Nakshatra 68.71 739.588 64.31 Lakhs*
2 BHK Nakshatra 70.835 762.461 66.29 Lakhs*
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1, 2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 44.12 Lakhs*-Rs. 66.29 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Mar, 2024
Angal Nakshatra
1, 2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 44.12 Lakhs*-Rs. 66.29 Lakhs*
Possession - Mar, 2024


Model Colony

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
3 BHK 1 134.52 1447.91 2.59 Cr*
4 BHK 1 219.86 2366.58 4.24 Lakhs*
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3 & 4 BHK

Rs. 2.59 Cr*-Rs. 4.24 Cr*
Possession Date - Jun, 2026
Model Colony
3 & 4 BHK
Rs. 2.59 Cr*-Rs. 4.24 Cr*
Possession - Jun, 2026

Angal & Co

Building Excellence with Angal & Co: Crafting Dreams into Reality

In the energetic city of Pune, where custom meets advancement, Angal & Co remains as a demonstration of getting through greatness in the development business. Established in 1966 by the visionary Late Shree Subhash D. Angal, this regarded organization has established its standing as the most seasoned and most dependable designer in the area. Throughout the long term, the builder has become inseparable from quality, development, and trust, fabricating an inheritance that keeps on forming the building scene of Pune.

The builder has developed into a force to be reckoned with of capability and dependability, conveying a different arrangement of private and business projects. Their obligation to better craftsmanship and fastidious consideration than detail has acquired them the trust and appreciation of incalculable clients. The organization's longstanding presence in the business is an impression of its faithful commitment to greatness and consumer loyalty.

The builder's rich history isn't just about developing structures, yet in addition about building connections and networks. Their tasks are portrayed by a mix of tasteful allure and practical plan, guaranteeing that each design isn't just a spot to live or work however a milestone by its own doing. As Pune keeps on advancing, Angal & Co Pune stays at the front, driving advancement while regarding its celebrated past.


Company Background

Established in 1966 by the visionary Late Shree Subhash D. Angal, Angal & Co has immovably laid down a good foundation for itself as a foundation of Pune's development industry. Throughout recent years, the organization has developed from an unassuming activity with simply an office kid and a sketcher into a multi-crore venture, becoming inseparable from unwavering quality, commitment, and perfect standing. The builder's process started with limited scope projects, yet their resolute obligation to quality immediately procured them a strong standing. They have effectively finished more than 200 undertakings, incorporating a large number of improvements like individual lodges, apartment buildings, business structures, strict designs, and instructive establishments. This broad portfolio features their flexibility as well as their capacity to meet different client needs with accuracy and greatness.

One of the vital qualities of the builder is their essential spotlight on ideal places. By choosing destinations that offer both comfort and worth, they guarantee their tasks are profoundly pursued. Besides, their adherence to maintainability is clear through their IGBC-ensured projects beginning around 2017, highlighting a promise to eco-accommodating development rehearses. Ideal conveyance is one more sign of the builder. The organization highly esteems finishing projects inside the specified time span, a commitment that has procured them the trust of more than 5000 fulfilled clients, with 30% of these clients returning for new tasks. This high pace of rehash business says a lot about the organization's consumer loyalty and unwavering quality.

Angal & Co Pune is presently in its third era of initiative, a demonstration of their persevering through heritage and skill in the development area. They brag a group of the best specialists and experts in the business, guaranteeing that each undertaking satisfies the most noteworthy guidelines of value and development. Straightforward correspondence has been a foundation of their business approach. By keeping up with transparent cooperations with clients, they assemble trust and guarantee that assumptions are met at each phase of the development interaction.

The builder's noteworthy history of 56 years, set apart by essential venture areas, opportune conveyance, and feasible practices, hardens their situation as Pune's dependable, devoted, and presumed manufacturers. Their proceeded with progress and client fulfillment are a demonstration of their unflinching obligation to greatness in development.

Quality and Craftsmanship

Angal & Co's standing for extraordinary quality and craftsmanship is based on north of fifty years of steadfast obligation to greatness. Since its beginning in 1966, the organization has fastidiously maintained the best expectations in each undertaking, guaranteeing that each design isn't recently constructed, yet created with accuracy and care.

One of the foundations of the builder's methodology is their choice of premium materials. By obtaining unquestionably the best development materials, they guarantee strength and stylish allure, making structures that endure over the extreme long haul. Their thorough quality control processes, from the acquisition stage to conclusive investigation, ensure that each part of development meets severe benchmarks.

The organization's scrupulousness is unrivaled. Each venture is directed by a group of gifted experts, including modelers, designers, and specialists, all committed to conveying predominant outcomes. This devotion is obvious in the impeccable completions, smart plans, and creative arrangements that portray the builder.

Angal & Co Pune sticks to the most noteworthy security principles, carrying out strong wellbeing conventions and ordinary preparation for their labor force. This responsibility not just guarantees the prosperity of their representatives yet in addition the life span and wellbeing of the designs they assemble.

The builder embraces present day development procedures and advances, which upgrade both effectiveness and quality. From cutting edge building techniques to reasonable practices, they consolidate the furthest down the line progressions to convey state of the art projects.

Consumer loyalty is at the core of the builder's way of thinking. Their straightforward correspondence and client-centered approach imply that each venture is custom-made to address explicit issues and inclinations, bringing about customized, excellent results.

The builder's tradition of value and craftsmanship is reflected in their fastidious material determination, scrupulousness, wellbeing guidelines, and reception of present day advancements. This commitment guarantees that each undertaking is a demonstration of their greatness, making them a confided in name in Pune's development industry.


Client Experience

At Angal & Co, the client experience is fundamental, characterizing each venture from origin to the end. With a heritage crossing north of fifty years, the builder has idealized the craft of conveying a consistent, client-driven approach that focuses on fulfillment and fabricates enduring connections. The builder centers around figuring out the remarkable necessities and dreams of every client. This customized approach guarantees that each undertaking is custom-made to meet explicit necessities, mirroring the client's yearnings in everything about. Straightforward correspondence is kept up with all through the task, keeping clients educated and drew in at each stage, accordingly encouraging trust and certainty.

Angal & Co Pune's obligation to greatness is reflected in their venture the executives. A committed group of experts directs each undertaking, guaranteeing careful preparation, execution, and adherence to timetables. This dependability and adherence to cutoff times have turned into a sign of the builder, procuring them a standing for conveying projects on time, without settling for less on quality. Client tributes authenticate the organization's relentless commitment. Numerous clients feature the organization's responsiveness, incredible skill, and the elevated requirements of craftsmanship. The way that 30% of their customers are rehash clients says a lot about the fulfillment and trust the builder reliably conveys.

Angal & Co offers far reaching aftercare administrations, guaranteeing that clients keep on getting support even after project finishing. This incorporates upkeep, guarantee benefits, and tending to any post-development concerns, highlighting their obligation to long haul client fulfillment. The builder's prosperity is based on a groundwork of moral practices and straightforward dealings. Their respectability in business tasks guarantees clients of fair and genuine exchanges, upgrading the general client experience.

The builder's client experience is characterized by customized administration, straightforward correspondence, dependable venture the executives, and exhaustive aftercare, all of which add to their regarded standing as Pune's confided in manufacturers.


Sustainability and Innovation

Angal & Co has been a trailblazer in incorporating manageability and development into the development business. Perceiving the rising significance of natural obligation, the organization has embraced eco-accommodating practices and state of the art advances to guarantee their undertakings are top-quality as well as reasonable.

Starting around 2017,the builder has been a glad individual from the Indian Green Structure Gathering (IGBC), with a few ventures getting IGBC certificate. This obligation to green structure guidelines shows their commitment to decreasing the ecological effect of their developments. By utilizing supportable materials, energy-productive plans, and waste-decrease methods, the  guarantees their structures contribute emphatically to the climate.

Development at the builder remains inseparable with manageability. The organization use the most recent development advances to improve productivity and quality. Strategies like construction, particular development, and the utilization of savvy building frameworks are utilized to further develop project conveyance times and decrease squander. These high level techniques likewise guarantee unrivaled structure execution and life span, lining up with the organization's elevated requirements of craftsmanship.

Angal & Co Pune's devotion to manageable practices stretches out to their functional cycles. They execute water and energy preservation estimates on building locales, and effectively work to limit the carbon impression of their activities. Also, their undertakings frequently incorporate highlights like water reaping frameworks, sunlight powered chargers, and green rooftops, which advance feasible living for the tenants.

By focusing on maintainability and development, the builder not just fulfills the ongoing needs of eco-cognizant clients yet additionally sets a benchmark for the development business. Their ground breaking approach guarantees that each undertaking adds to a better planet while giving cutting edge living and working spaces.

The builder's obligation to manageability and development highlights their job as pioneers in the development business, devoted to building a greener, more reasonable future.


Building Trust: The Foundation of Angal & Co's Success

Trust is the foundation of any fruitful business, and for Angal & Co, it shapes the bedrock of their getting through standing in the development business. Over the range of 56 years, the organization has meticulously developed trust through a mix of honesty, straightforwardness, and reliably following through on their commitments.

The builder focuses on straightforwardness and genuineness. They give clients clear, itemized data about each part of the development interaction, from planning to courses of events, guaranteeing there are no curve balls en route. This open correspondence encourages trust and lays out serious areas of strength for a for the client-developer relationship.

The builder's obligation to quality and craftsmanship supports their validity. By reliably conveying activities of extraordinary quality, they impart trust in their clients, who come to depend on the builder to rejuvenate their dreams. This history of greatness is additionally supported by their adherence to industry best practices and confirmations, for example, IGBC accreditation for reasonable structure rehearses.

Client tributes assume a significant part in building trust for the builder. Positive criticism from fulfilled clients fills in as friendly verification of the organization's unwavering quality and amazing skill. These tributes not just approve Angal & Co Pune's cases of greatness yet in addition give consolation to planned clients, moving trust in their choice to pick the builder for their development needs.

The builder's obligation to building trust stretches out a long ways past the fulfillment of a task. It is imbued in each part of their tasks, from the underlying meeting to the last walkthrough. By focusing on straightforwardness, quality, and client fulfillment, the builder has acquired the trust and reliability of endless clients, making them Pune's most confided in name in development.

Angal & Co - Completed Residential Projects in Pune

1.    Megh - Prabhat Road, Lane
2.    Utkarsha - Model Colony, Pune
3.    Prabha Tara - FC Road, Pune
4.    Dwarkamai - Prabhat Road, Pune
5.    Pitruchaya - Senapati Bapat Road,Pune
6.    Palazzo - Balewadi, Pune
7.    Bougan Villas - Balewadi, Pune
8.    Florenza - Model Colony, Pune
9.    Shakuntal - Model Colony, Pune
10.    Adora Residence - Balewadi, Pune
11.    Ratna Padma - Karve road, Pune
12.    Irene - Prabhat road, Pune
13.    Angal Nakshatra - Pashan, Pune
14.    Nilay - Model Colony, Pune

Angal & Co - Completed Commercial Projects in Pune

1.    Abhinavkala Vidyalya - Tilak Road, Pune
2.    Indraprastha Hall - Senapati Bapat Road, Pune
3.    Meridian Plaza - University circle, Pune
4.    Park Plaza - Bhandarkar Road, Pune
5.    Status Chambers - F.C Road, Pune
6.    NKB House - Bhusari Colony, Pune



In Conclusion, Angal & Co has hardened its standing as Pune's head developer through resolute devotion to quality, craftsmanship, client fulfillment, and maintainability. Established in 1966 by Late Shree Subhash D. Angal, the organization has developed into a multi-crore undertaking known for its careful meticulousness and creative development strategies.

With north of 200 different tasks, IGBC-ensured structures, and a critical number of rehash clients, Angal & Co Pune keeps on setting industry guidelines. Their obligation to greatness and ground breaking approach guarantees they will stay at the front line of Pune's development industry long into the future.


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. What types of projects does Angal & Co undertake?

Angal & Co works in a different scope of ventures, including individual cabins, high rises, business structures, strict designs, and instructive establishments.

2. How long has Angal & Co been in business?

Angal & Co was laid out in 1966, making it one of Pune's most established and most experienced development organizations, with north of 56 years of mastery.

3. Are Angal & Co's projects environmentally friendly?

Yes, Angal & Co is focused on manageability and has integrated eco-accommodating practices into their development processes. They have gotten IGBC certificate for a few ventures starting around 2017, exhibiting their commitment to green structure guidelines.

