New Project
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 BHK C 45.78 492.771 29.48 Lakhs*
2 BHK D 68.54 737.758 42.2 Lakhs*
2 BHK E 97.65 1051.095 59.96 Lakhs*
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1 & 2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 29.48 Lakhs*-Rs. 59.96 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2017
ARV Imperia
1 & 2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 29.48 Lakhs*-Rs. 59.96 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2017
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
Shops ARV Regalia 22.53 242.511 47.73 Lakhs*
Shops Regalia 27.50 296.007 57.33 Lakhs*
2 BHK B,C,D,E,F 66.05 711 56.23 Lakhs*
2 BHK B,C,D,E,F 75.53 813 63.88 Lakhs*
2 BHK B,C,D,E,F 82.96 893 69.81 Lakhs*
3 BHK B,E,F 92.25 993 77.35 Lakhs*
3 BHK B,E,F 103.02 1108.897 86 Lakhs*
Shops ARV Regalia 40.23 433.032 1.21 Cr*
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Show Less

Shops, 2, 3 BHk Apartments

Rs. 47.73 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.21 Cr*
Possession Date - Dec, 2025
ARV Regalia
Shops, 2, 3 BHk Apartments
Rs. 47.73 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.21 Cr*
Possession - Dec, 2025
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
Shops Commercial Complex 15.56 167.486 25.38 Lakhs*
Shops Commercial Complex On Request On Request 43.28 Lakhs*
Shops Commercial Complex 29.19 314.198 60.57 Lakhs*
2 BHK B Cluster 61.98 667.147 43.24 Lakhs*
2 BHK B Cluster 70.32 756.917 48.36 Lakhs*
3 BHK B Cluster 91.17 981.345 58.83 Lakhs*
2 BHK A1 , B1 , B2 , B3 61.98 667.147 41.66 Lakhs*
3 BHK A1 , B1 , B2 , B3 92.10 991.355 60.45 Lakhs*
1 BHK A2 42.06 452.730 27.98 Lakhs*
2 BHK A2 , A3 , A4 63.24 680.709 40.56 Lakhs*
2.5 BHK A2 , A3 , A4 77.91 838.615 49.28 Lakhs*
3 BHK A2 , A3 , A4 86.29 928.817 54.25 Lakhs*
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Shop, 2, 3 BHK Apartments

Rs. 25.38 Lakhs*-Rs. 60.57 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2024
ARV Newtown
Shop, 2, 3 BHK Apartments
Rs. 25.38 Lakhs*-Rs. 60.57 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2024

ARV Royale,

Handewadi Rd - Hadapsar

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
Shops Commercial 31 333.681 32.27 Lakhs*
Shops Commercial 60 645.834 95.05 Lakhs*
2 BHK D 64.93 698.900 45.7 Lakhs*
2 BHK D 68.65 738.942 48.24 Lakhs*
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Shop, 2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 32.27 Lakhs*-Rs. 90.05 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2021
ARV Royale
Shop, 2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 32.27 Lakhs*-Rs. 90.05 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2021

ARV Group

Exploring the Future of Sustainable Living: ARV Group's Innovative Green Initiatives

Why Choose ARV Group?

Headquartered in Pune, ARV Group remains as a reference point of greatness in the land area, flaunting a rich heritage that traverses more than 25 years. Laid out with a dream to rethink metropolitan living, the builder has reliably conveyed top notch private and business projects that mix creative plan with powerful designing. Their broad portfolio grandstands a guarantee to making spaces that exemplify extravagance, solace, and manageability.

Throughout the long term,the builder has gained notoriety for its faithful commitment to quality and consumer loyalty. Each venture is a demonstration of their fastidious meticulousness, right from the arranging stages to the last execution. Utilizing progressed development methods and maintainable practices, ARV Group Pune guarantees that their advancements meet as well as surpass industry norms.

The organization's prosperity is likewise credited to dynamic group of experts bring an abundance of involvement and skill to each project. This cooperative methodology has empowered the builder to reliably develop and remain in front of market patterns. Thus, they have gathered various honors and a devoted customers who trust in their vision and capacities. Whether it's private edifices or business centers, the builder keeps on setting benchmarks in the land business, pursuing them a favored decision for knowing purchasers and financial backers the same.


History and Background

ARV Group is one of the most famous business houses with a rich heritage crossing 25 years in the land area. Since its beginning, the organization has been based on the principal mainstays of value, accuracy, ideal conveyance, an incentive for cash, and above all, consumer loyalty. These guiding principle have driven the builder to reliably surpass industry guidelines and client assumptions, procuring a heavenly standing for dependability and greatness.

Established by visionary pioneers Mr. Akash Goyal and Mr. Rahul Goyal, ARV Group Pune was conceptualized as a venture devoted to forming the eventual fate of metropolitan living. The pioneers' obligation to quality and advancement has been the foundation of the organization's prosperity. Under their initiative, the builder has changed from a humble start into an impressive name in the land business.

With more than 20 million square feet of finished projects, the builder has made a permanent imprint on the metropolitan scene. Their broad portfolio incorporates private edifices, business spaces, and blended use improvements that stand as a demonstration of their designing ability and engineering development. Each venture mirrors the organization's fastidious scrupulousness and adherence to the best expectations of development.

The trust and fulfillment of more than 2000 cheerful clients further highlight the builder's obligation to conveying worth and greatness. This enormous client base is a consequence of the organization's unflinching spotlight on building structures, yet enduring connections. The builder's hunger for greatness and enthusiasm for development keep on driving its development, making a specialty for itself in the cutthroat land industry. As they plan ahead, the builder stays committed to growing its inheritance, setting new benchmarks, and creating spaces that motivate and lift the personal satisfaction for its clients.


Core Values and Mission

ARV Group is profoundly dedicated to making quality residing open through reasonable evaluating, guaranteeing that an agreeable home is accessible for a different scope of clients. This emphasis on moderateness doesn't think twice about nature of their developments. All things considered, it highlights their devotion to conveying uncommon incentive for cash, permitting more individuals to encounter the solace and extravagance of a very much planned home without monetary strain.

At the core of the builder's tasks lies designing greatness. The organization highly esteems utilizing the prescribed procedures being developed, plan, and development. Their undertakings are a consistent mix of imaginative plan and vigorous designing, guaranteeing both primary respectability and stylish allure. This obligation to prevalent designing ensures that each the builder project endures over the extreme long haul, offering sturdiness and style that clients can depend on.

Understanding the significance of conveniences in upgrading the personal satisfaction, ARV Group Pune outfits their activities with smart elements intended to make life really unwinding and agreeable. From very much kept up with green spaces and sporting offices to cutting edge security frameworks and public venues, the builder guarantees that inhabitants approach first rate conveniences that encourage a feeling of local area and prosperity.

Supportability is a foundation of the builder's qualities. They are committed to advancing reasonable living practices through eco-accommodating development strategies and the utilization of manageable materials. Their ventures are intended to limit ecological effect while advancing energy productivity and asset preservation, mirroring their obligation towards the climate and people in the future.

Established by visionary pioneers Mr. Akash Goyal and Mr. Rahul Goyal, the builder's vision is to fabricate significant spaces that advance individuals' lives and to lift the organization to the zenith of the land business. This vision is obvious in each undertaking, made to give first rate quality and guarantee an agreeable and cheerful life for occupants. The originators' premonition and devotion drive the organization's quest for greatness and advancement.

The builder's mission is to set new benchmarks for expectations for everyday comforts in Pune's housing market. Trying to be one of the top manufacturers in the locale, they center around conveying the best in designing, improvement, plan, and development. Each house is mindfully wanted to give an agreeable residing experience, highlighting their obligation to making structures, yet energetic networks that offer a satisfying way of life. Through resolute adherence to these fundamental beliefs and mission, the builder keeps on building a tradition of trust, quality, and development in the land business.


Services Offered

ARV Group, has laid down a good foundation for itself as a forerunner in the land business through a different exhibit of administrations that take special care of the fluctuated needs of its clients. Their portfolio includes private development, business improvement, framework tasks, and redesign and renovating administrations, each executed with a pledge to quality and advancement.

In the residential sector, the builder represents considerable authority in making nicely planned homes that mix solace with present day conveniences. Their undertakings range from reasonable lodging answers for extravagance homes, all portrayed by predominant designing, stylish allure, and manageable practices. By zeroing in on consumer loyalty and conveying homes that offer both worth and quality, the builder has constructed a dependable client base.

Commercial development is one more foundation of ARV Group Pune's contributions. They foster cutting edge office spaces, retail edifices, and blended use improvements that meet the unique requirements of organizations. These tasks are intended to improve efficiency and give a helpful climate to business exercises, subsequently supporting the development of organizations inside Pune and then some.

The builder is likewise adroit at executing enormous scope framework projects, contributing altogether to metropolitan turn of events. Their framework adventures incorporate the development of streets, scaffolds, and public utilities, mirroring their aptitude in overseeing complex undertakings that require accuracy and effectiveness.

Furthermore, the builder offers redesign and rebuilding administrations, changing existing designs to satisfy contemporary guidelines and client details. Whether it's refreshing private properties or revamping business spaces, their scrupulousness and obligation to greatness guarantee extraordinary outcomes.

Through these extensive administrations, the builer meets as well as surpasses industry norms, making them a confided in accomplice in land improvement. Their commitment to development, quality, and consumer loyalty supports each venture they embrace, establishing their standing as a head manufacturer in the district.


Innovative Construction Techniques

ARV Group, a spearheading force in the land area, is prestigious for creative development procedures set new benchmarks for quality and maintainability. Embracing current development strategies, the organization guarantees each task meets as well as surpasses industry guidelines, bringing about structures that are both versatile and tastefully satisfying.

One of the key inventive methods utilized by the builder is the utilization of cutting edge building materials. By coordinating elite execution materials like precast concrete, lightweight steel casings, and energy-productive glass, they upgrade the strength and maintainability of their structures. These materials add to the primary respectability as well as work on warm productivity, decreasing energy utilization and functional expenses for inhabitants.

Sustainability is at the center of ARV Group Pune's development reasoning. They take on green structure practices, for example, water collecting, sun based energy usage, and the fuse of green rooftops and walls. These eco-accommodating highlights diminish the natural effect as well as advance better living conditions. For example, their ventures frequently incorporate broad finishing and open spaces, which help in keeping up with biological equilibrium and giving sporting facilities to occupants.

The builder additionally use state of the art innovation to smooth out development processes. The execution of Building Data Displaying (BIM) takes into consideration exact preparation and coordination, limiting blunders and guaranteeing productive asset the executives. This innovation empowers virtual walkthroughs and 3D perceptions, furnishing clients with a reasonable comprehension of the undertaking before development starts.

Additionally, the builder accentuates the utilization of secluded development methods. By pre-assembling parts off-site and gathering them on location, they altogether decrease development time and waste. This technique guarantees top notch gets done and considers more noteworthy adaptability in plan. 


Client Testimonials

Client testimonials strongly demonstrate ARV Group's commitment to quality, development, and consumer loyalty. Over the long term, the builder has earned the trust and profound respect of various clients, as reflected in their sparkling surveys.

Many clients commend the builder for their obligation to convey projects on time without settling on quality. For instance, Mrs. Priya Sharma, an inhabitant of ARV's lead private undertaking, commends the gathering for making homes that are both tastefully satisfying and practically prevalent. She features the careful meticulousness and the consistent joining of present-day conveniences that make regular living a joy.

Business owners like Mr. Ramesh Kapoor, who picked ARV Group Pune for their business improvements, appreciate the expert and straightforward methodology of the group. He takes note of that the workplace spaces created by ARV Group meet as well as surpass industry guidelines, giving a favorable climate to business tasks and development.

One more fulfilled client, Mr. Vinod Deshmukh, commends ARV Group's client care. He reviews how the group was responsive and steady all through the buying system, making his experience bother free and pleasant.

These tributes highlight the builder's relentless obligation to greatness, supporting their standing as a trusted and dependable name in the land business. The positive input from a different customer base mirrors the's ability to gather to convey prevalent living and working spaces that genuinely meet and surpass assumptions.


Future Plans and Vision

ARV Group imagines a future where their tradition of greatness keeps on thriving under the visionary initiative of Mr. Akash Goyal and Mr. Rahul Goyal. Their establishing vision of making significant spaces that improve individuals' lives stays at the very front of the organization's undertakings.

The builder is focused on pushing limits and setting new principles in the land business. They plan to grow their arrangement of undertakings, taking care of different requirements and inclinations while keeping up with their sign of first rate quality and solace. Whether it's private edifices, business center points, or framework improvements, the builder endeavors to make spaces that rouse, advance, and hoist the personal satisfaction for networks.

Moreover, ARV Group Pune is committed to embracing economical practices and state of the art advancements to limit ecological effect and improve productivity. By remaining in front of market drifts and expecting the developing requirements of clients, they mean to stay at the very front of advancement and keep conveying unrivaled worth to clients.


ARV Group - Ongoing Projects in Pune

1.    ARV NewTown - Undri-Pisoli Road,Pune
2.    ARV Uthville - Kharadi,Pune
3.    ARV Regalia - Pisoli, Pune
4.    ARV Royale - Hadapsar-Handewadi Road,Pune 


ARV Group - Completed Projects in Pune

1.    ARV Imperia - Undri-Pisoli,Pune
2.    Ganga Kingston - Handewadi,Pune 



In conclusion, ARV Group remains as a reference point of greatness in the land business, driven by a promise to quality, development, and consumer loyalty. With a rich heritage traversing 25 years, the builder has reliably conveyed first rate projects that rethink metropolitan living.

Their commitment to reasonableness, designing greatness, and maintainable practices separates them as a confided in forerunner in the field. As they look towards the future, ARV Group Pune stays enduring in their central goal to make significant spaces that enhance lives and add to the dynamic embroidery of networks they serve.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

1. How does ARV Group ensure quality in its constructions? 

ARV Group keeps up with tough quality control measures at each phase of the development interaction. They utilize great materials, utilize talented work, and stick to industry best practices to guarantee predominant quality in their developments.

2. What sets ARV Group apart from other builders? 

ARV Group stands apart for its obligation to moderateness, designing greatness, and supportable practices. Their emphasis on conveying an incentive for cash, imaginative development procedures, and eco-accommodating plans recognizes them as an innovator in the land business.

3. Can I expect timely delivery of my property with ARV Group? 

Yes, ARV Group prides itself on delivering projects on time, adhering to the agreed-upon timelines without compromising on quality.

