New Project

Horizon Neon,

Viman Nagar

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
1 Bed Hometels 2 31.31 337 50.84 Lakhs*
1 Bed Hometels 2 37.72 406 59.98 Lakhs*
2 Bed Hometels 2 63.17 680 96.54 Lakhs*
2 Bed Hometels 2 75.99 818 1.14 Cr*
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Rs. 50.84 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.14 Cr*
Possession Date - Jul, 2025
Updated On : Apr, 2024
Horizon Neon
Viman Nagar
Rs. 50.84 Lakhs*-Rs. 1.14 Cr*
Possession - Jul, 2025 Updated On : Apr, 2024

Horizon Developers

Horizon Developers: Redefining Pune's Real Estate Landscape

Why Choose Horizon Developers?

Horizon Developers arises as a main decision in Pune's serious real estate market for a large number of reasons. With a distinguished history crossing north of 27 years, Horizon Developers has established itself as a sign of greatness in both residential and commercial turns of events. Their steadfast obligation to quality, imaginative design, and unrivaled consumer loyalty separates them in an industry where dependability and trust are vital.

Horizon Developers Legacy


For north of 27 years, Horizon Developers has been a main power molding Pune's residential and commercial landscape. Their obligation to quality, development, and consumer loyalty has gained notoriety for greatness.
Delivering Dream Homes and Modern Workspaces:
• North of 20 Finished Projects: Horizon Developers brags an amazing portfolio in excess of 20 effectively finished projects. This means north of 1 million square feet of carefully created living and working spaces.
• Center around Space Improvement: They understand the significance of boosting space use. Their designs focus on usefulness, guaranteeing occupants and entrepreneurs take advantage of their area.
• Maintainable Practices: Horizon Developers is focused on establishing eco-accommodating conditions. Their projects integrate maintainable practices that add to a greener future for Pune.

Awarded Excellence:

Horizon Developers' accomplishments are obvious in their projects, yet additionally in the various awards they have gotten. These honors stand as a demonstration of their commitment to different parts of real estate improvement:
• Building Brightness: Acknowledgment for their creative and tastefully satisfying designs.
• Supportable Practices: Awards featuring their obligation to eco-accommodating development and community advancement.
• Faithful Consumer loyalty: Awards that commend their emphasis on conveying uncommon encounters for their clients.
These awards act as a strong approval of Horizon Developers' situation as a forerunner in Pune's real estate area. They reliably push limits, increase current standards for quality, and focus on the necessities of the two occupants and the climate

Architecture Brilliance of Horizon Developers

Key to Horizon Developers' design brightness is their group of visionary experts. Driven by experienced planners and upheld by gifted architects and designers, Horizon Developers makes spaces that flawlessly mix advancement with usefulness. Their accentuation on regular design principles guarantees more than adequate normal lighting, ventilation, and mix with green spaces, encouraging a climate helpful for current living.

Residential Projects of Horizon Developers

I. Ongoing Projects
Horizon Developers keeps on pushing limits with ongoing projects like NEON at Viman Nagar. NEON embodies their devotion to reclassifying urban residing through Cutting edge HOMEtels, explicitly created to satisfy the advancing way of life needs of the present urbanites. These projects guarantee extravagance and comfort as well as present a worthwhile speculation opportunity in Pune's flourishing real estate area.
ii. Completed Projects
Their previous accomplishments incorporate projects like Highgroves at Koregaon Park Annexe, commended for its super rich homes. These completed endeavors stand as perfect representations of Horizon Developers' capacity to convey homes that set new benchmarks in extravagance, solace, and structural style. Each undertaking fills in as a demonstration of their careful craftsmanship and resolute meticulousness.

Commercial Projects of Horizon Developers

i. Ongoing Projects
Notwithstanding their residential endeavors, Horizon Developers is effectively taken part in commercial turns of events. Projects like Horizon Westone at Baner cook explicitly to the heightening demand for premium office spaces in Pune. These projects are fastidiously designed to upgrade efficiency and proposition present day conveniences fundamental for organizations expecting to lay out a strong traction in Pune's dynamic commercial climate.
ii. Completed Projects
Past accomplishments in the commercial area incorporate [Insert Completed Commercial Undertaking Names], which have become benchmarks for greatness and usefulness inside Pune's corporate community. These projects highlight Horizon Developers' capacity to make spaces that meet as well as outperform the assumptions for corporate clients and financial backers the same, setting a standard for quality in commercial real estate.

What Benefits You Get with Horizon Developers?

At the point when you pick Horizon Developers, you secure a few unmistakable benefits that put them aside in the realm of development and real estate improvement:
1. Quality Confirmation: Horizon Developers puts most extreme significance on quality across each aspect of their development projects. From the choice of materials to the craftsmanship applied, they guarantee sturdiness, life span, and a high resale an incentive for each property they construct. This obligation to quality not just improves the underlying uprightness of their turns of events yet additionally gives genuine serenity to mortgage holders and financial backers the same.
2. Imaginative Design: Eminent for their creative building designs, Horizon Developers reliably presents new and practical ideas that improve space usage and encourage an amicable living and work space. Their designs are tastefully satisfying as well as integrate current patterns and common sense, taking special care of the different requirements of contemporary ways of life.
3. Ideal places: Horizon Developers cautiously picks vital areas for their projects, underlining accommodation, openness, and potential for future development and appreciation. Whether it's vicinity to key conveniences, transportation centers, or regions ready for financial turn of events, their properties are arranged to offer occupants and financial backers an upper hand as far as area esteem.
4. Consumer loyalty: With a demonstrated history of accomplishing 100 percent purchaser fulfillment, Horizon Developers focuses on client joy all through the whole purchasing and living experience. They offer consistent cycles from introductory request to after-deals support, guaranteeing that each client gets excellent help and customized consideration. Their obligation to consumer loyalty stretches out past the deal, encouraging long haul connections based on trust and dependability.
In synopsis, picking Horizon Developers ensures not just an unrivaled nature of development and creative design yet additionally an ideal spot choice and unmatched consumer loyalty. Whether you're searching for a home or a speculation opportunity, Horizon Developers stands out for their commitment to greatness in each part of real estate improvement.

Testimonials of Horizon Developers

The fulfillment of Horizon Developers' clients says a lot:
• "NEON HOMEtel consistently fell in the sweet value section and tremendous area that we generally needed for ourselves." - Manju Singh and Sanjay Singh
• "With an endlessness pool, a cutting edge exercise center, and a roof relax with stunning perspectives on the city, I feel like I'm enjoying unheard of extravagance and comfort." - Bidesh Chitnis
These tributes feature the trust and certainty property holders and financial backers have put in Horizon Developers, underscoring their job as a favored decision in Pune's real estate market.


Horizon Developers stands at the front of Pune's real estate landscape, celebrated for north of 27 years of greatness in residential and commercial turns of events. Their obligation to quality, imaginative design, and consumer loyalty has molded the city's horizon as well as set new benchmarks in development and urban living.
With a different portfolio flaunting in excess of 20 completed projects and ongoing improvements like NEON at Viman Nagar, Horizon Developers keeps on rethinking urban residing with their Cutting edge HOMEtels and rich residential contributions. Their commercial projects, like Horizon Westone at Baner, take special care of the unique necessities of Pune's corporate area, accentuating usefulness and current conveniences.
What separates Horizon Developers is their steady commitment to feasible practices, proved by eco-accommodating development strategies and community-centered drives. Their honors in design brightness and consumer loyalty highlight their authority in Pune's real estate area.
Whether you look for a lavish home or an exceptional office space, picking Horizon Developers guarantees a property, however a promise to quality, development, and persevering through esteem. As they plan ahead, Horizon Developers stays ready to keep molding Pune's urban landscape with visionary projects that mirror their ethos of greatness and client centricity.

FAQs about Horizon Developers

Q1: What makes Horizon Developers extraordinary in Pune's real estate market?
A: Horizon Developers separates itself in Pune's real estate area through a blend of north of 27 years of industry skill, an unfaltering obligation to quality, imaginative engineering designs, and unmatched consumer loyalty. Their portfolio incorporates more than 20 effectively completed residential and commercial projects, stressing their administration in molding Pune's urban landscape.
Q2: What number of projects has Horizon Developers completed?
A: Horizon Developers has completed more than 20 residential and commercial projects across Pune and its rural areas. These projects envelop more than 1 million square feet of fastidiously made living and working spaces, exhibiting their devotion to greatness in development and design.
Q3: Does Horizon Developers offer environmentally cordial projects?
A: Indeed, Horizon Developers coordinates supportable practices into their projects to advance eco-accommodating living conditions. They focus on regular design principles that improve energy effectiveness, use eco-accommodating development materials, and add to a greener future for Pune.
Q4: What are a few outstanding awards won by Horizon Developers?
A: Horizon Developers has gotten renowned awards for building brightness, supportable development rehearses, and outstanding consumer loyalty. These honors highlight their obligation to advancement, quality, and community improvement inside Pune's real estate industry.
Q5: What advantages do clients acquire by picking Horizon Developers?
A: Clients benefit from Horizon Developers' accentuation on quality confirmation, inventive design ideas that enhance space usage, vital area choice for comfort and future appreciation, and a demonstrated history of 100 percent consumer loyalty. They offer model assistance from starting request through to after-deals support, guaranteeing a consistent and compensating experience for each purchaser and financial backer
.Q6: Might you at any point give instances of Horizon Developers' ongoing and completed projects?
A: Horizon Developers' ongoing projects incorporate NEON at Viman Nagar, displaying Cutting edge HOMEtels designed for current urban residing. Past accomplishments like Highgroves at Koregaon Park Annexe represent their extravagance residential contributions. In the commercial area, projects, for example, Horizon Westone at Baner take special care of the demand for premium office spaces in Pune.
Q7: What do tributes say regarding Horizon Developers?
A: Tributes feature the fulfillment of mortgage holders and financial backers with Horizon Developers, refering to factors like ideal spot, extravagance conveniences, and the general nature of living and working spaces gave. Clients value Horizon Developers' capacity to follow through on guarantees and surpass assumptions.
Q8: How does Horizon Developers add to the community and climate?
A: Horizon Developers effectively adds to supportable community improvement by coordinating green structure rehearses and advancing eco-accommodating living arrangements in their projects. They expect to establish conditions that address recent concerns as well as help long haul environmental stewardship.
Q9: What is Horizon Developers' way to deal with client care?
A: Horizon Developers focuses on consumer loyalty all through each phase of the purchasing and living experience. They offer customized consideration, straightforward correspondence, and solid after-deals support, encouraging enduring connections based on trust and unwavering quality.
Q10: What future advancements might we at any point anticipate from Horizon Developers?
A: Looking forward, Horizon Developers proceeds to enhance and expand their portfolio with impending projects that guarantee to rethink urban living and working spaces in Pune. Their attention stays on quality, sustainability, and satisfying the developing needs of their different customers.
