New Project
Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK A, B, C 81.57 878.011 64.5 Lakhs*
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2 BHK Apartments

Rs. 64.5 Lakhs*-Rs. 64.5 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Dec, 2019
2 BHK Apartments
Rs. 64.5 Lakhs*-Rs. 64.5 Lakhs*
Possession - Dec, 2019

The Rising,

Kiwale - Ravet

Type Tower Total Carpet Area
Total Carpet Area
2 BHK B3 Wing 74.42 801 66.88 Lakhs*
3 BHK B4 Wing 101.82 1096 91.46 Lakhs*
2 BHK B3 Wing 68.10 733 63.5 Lakhs*
3 BHK B4 Wing 89.47 963 83.29 Lakhs*
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2 & 3 BHK

Rs. 61.28 Lakhs*-Rs. 98.09 Lakhs*
Possession Date - Mar, 2028
The Rising
2 & 3 BHK
Rs. 61.28 Lakhs*-Rs. 98.09 Lakhs*
Possession - Mar, 2028

Shree Balaji Group

The Balaji Group: A Comprehensive Overview

The Balaji Group is a recognized land improvement organization that rises above traditional limits, trying to reclassify living spaces and business scenes. Laid out with a dream to improve and raise, the Builder has consistently developed into an impressive presence in the land area. Their portfolio traverses a wide cluster of private, business, and blended-use projects, each mirroring the organization's obligation to quality, maintainability, and consumer loyalty.

The builder has gained notoriety for greatness through its fastidious scrupulousness and a sharp comprehension of contemporary engineering patterns. Their undertakings are structures, yet insightfully planned conditions that improve the personal satisfaction and work for their tenants. By coordinating state-of-the-art innovation and feasible practices, the Builder guarantees that their advancements are stylishly satisfying as well as ecologically mindful.

The Balaji Group Pune’s commitment to advancement is obvious in their way of dealing with metropolitan preparation and planning. They reliably redefine known limits, making notable milestones that endure over the extremely long haul. With a client-driven way of thinking at its center, the Builder keeps on setting new benchmarks in the land business, molding the eventual fate of metropolitan living and working spaces with faithful uprightness and a spearheading soul.


History of the Balaji Group

The verifiable background of the Balaji Group is a showing of its trip from humble beginning stages to transforming into an unquestionable player in various endeavors. Established by visionary business people enthusiastically for development and greatness, the Balaji Gathering follows its underlying foundations back to [insert establishing year]. Initially beginning as a limited-scale venture, the organization quickly extended its viewpoints, driven by a determined quest for development and achievement.

The Builder has explored different monetary scenes, exhibiting versatility and flexibility. From its origin, the organization has decisively enhanced its portfolio, wandering into areas like assembling, land, food, and drinks, and that's just the beginning. Every extension was set apart by essential ventures, strong drives, and a pledge to convey worth to partners.

Key achievements throughout the entire existence of the Balaji Group Pune incorporate [mention explicit achievements, like significant acquisitions, effective tasks, or critical industry recognitions]. These achievements mirror the organization's accomplishments as well as highlight its capacity to immediately take advantage of chances and beaten difficulties.

As the Builder keeps on diagramming its course forward, its rich history fills in as a demonstration of its tradition of development, trustworthiness, and greatness. Through many years of involvement and skill, the organization stays committed to forming the future and leaving an enduring effect on the ventures it works in.

Business Sectors and Operations

The Balaji Group is a complex venture, working across a different scope of business areas, with a center spotlight on land improvement. Their broad portfolio traverses private, business, and blended-use projects, each intended to satisfy the most elevated guidelines of value and advancement.

Residential Development: The Builder is famous for its private tasks, which incorporate extravagant lofts, reasonable lodging, and gated networks. These improvements are planned with an emphasis on present-day conveniences, maintainable practices, and establishing an amicable living climate. Each venture underscores tasteful allure, usefulness, and local area building, guaranteeing a predominant living encounter for inhabitants.

Commercial Development: In the business area, the Builder has fostered a scope of office spaces, shopping malls, and business parks. These ventures take special care of the necessities of organizations by giving cutting-edge foundations, vital areas, and a helpful climate for development. Their business properties are known for their engineering greatness and functional proficiency.

Mixed-Use Developments: The Balaji Group Pune’s blended-use projects consolidate private, business, and sporting spaces, making coordinated networks that offer comfort and a dynamic way of life. These improvements are mindfully intended to upgrade the nature of metropolitan living, encouraging a feeling of the local area and working with consistent everyday existence.

Notable Achievements

The Balaji groups have reliably shown greatness and advancement in the land business, procuring various awards and accomplishing huge achievements. One of their most striking accomplishments is the consummation of the esteemed Balaji Levels, a milestone private task that set new principles for extravagant living. This task was commended for its cutting-edge conveniences, reasonable plan, and compositional splendor, acquiring the gathering numerous industry grants.

In the business area, the Balaji Business Park stands apart as a demonstration of their mastery. This venture, decisively situated in a superb business region, offers state-of-the-art office spaces that take care of the requirements of present-day undertakings. The improvement plan and foundation have been praised for their advancement and effectiveness, drawing in high-profile corporate occupants and adding to the neighborhood economy.

The Balaji  Group’s obligation to maintainability is one more key part of their accomplishments. They have been pioneers in consolidating green advancements and feasible practices in their ventures. Their eco-accommodating turns of events, like the Green Valley Homes, have gotten confirmations from famous natural bodies, featuring their commitment to ecological stewardship.

Besides, the  Group’s social drives have had a significant effect. Their corporate social obligation (CSR) programs, zeroed in on schooling, medical services, and local area advancement, have worked on the existence of endless people. Through these drives, the Balaji Gathering constructs structures as well as reinforces networks, mirroring their comprehensive way of dealing with improvement.

These accomplishments highlight Balaji  Group’s resolute obligation to quality, development, and social obligation, setting its standing as a forerunner in the land business.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Balaji Group puts significant solid areas on Corporate Social Commitment (CSR), integrating social and environmental thoughts into their business undertakings. Their CSR drives are intended to advance economic turn of events, improve local area prosperity, and address squeezing cultural difficulties.

Education and Skill Development: One of the central mainstays of the Balaji Group Pune's CSR endeavors is schooling. They have laid out a few instructive projects and organizations pointed toward giving quality schooling to oppressed youngsters. These drives incorporate grants, school foundation enhancements, and professional preparation projects to furnish youngsters with fundamental abilities for the gig market.

Healthcare Initiatives: The Builder is focused on further developing medical services access in the networks they serve. They have supported wellbeing camps, versatile facilities, and wellbeing mindfulness programs, zeroing in on preventive consideration and maternal and kid wellbeing. Their commitments have prompted better well-being results and improved personal satisfaction for some people.

Environmental Sustainability: Ecological stewardship is a critical part of the Builder's CSR technique. They execute green structure rehearses in their undertakings, going for the gold, squandering decrease, and reasonable asset the board. Also, they have started tree-establishing drives, water preservation ventures, and mindfulness missions to advance ecological protection.

Community Development: The Builder effectively takes part in local area improvement projects that address nearby requirements. These incorporate structured public venues, working on neighborhood foundations, and supporting nearby organizations. Their endeavors mean to cultivate monetary development, social attachment, and strength inside networks.

Through these thorough CSR drives, the Balaji Gathering exhibits its obligation to make a positive effect past its business tasks, cultivating feasible development and further developing lives across the districts.


Leadership and Management

The Balaji Group’s prosperity can be credited to its dynamic and visionary authority group, which drives the organization's essential heading and functional greatness. In charge is Rajendra Chitodkar, the Overseeing Chief (MD), whose premonition and commitment have been instrumental in changing the Balaji  Group into a mainland improvement organization. Rajendra's initiative is described by areas of strength for to development, quality, and maintainability, directing the organization through different market difficulties and open doors.

Supporting Rajendra is Nitin Chitodkar, the VP (VP), who gets an abundance of involvement project the board and functional effectiveness. Nitin's job is essential in executing the organization's essential drives and guaranteeing that each undertaking satisfies the most elevated guidelines of greatness. His attention on consolidating the most recent innovations and best practices has essentially improved the Balaji  Group's strategic advantage.

Anuj Chitodkar, in his job as Chief and Senior supervisor, presents a new and dynamic way to deal with the organization's tasks. Anuj's accentuation on maintainability and green structure rehearses lines up with the organization's vision of spearheading eco-accommodating development. His inventive mentality guarantees that the Balaji Group Pune stays in front of industry patterns and keeps on setting new benchmarks.

Akash Chitodkar, likewise in Everyday Administration, assumes a significant part in keeping up with the functional honesty and great principles of the organization's undertakings. His fastidious tender loving care major areas of strength and abilities add to the consistent execution of tasks and uncommon consumer loyalty.

The durable and groundbreaking initiative group at the Balaji  Group is devoted to encouraging a culture of greatness and persistent improvement, guaranteeing the organization's getting through progress and positive effect on the land business.


Future Plans and Vision

The Balaji Group imagines a future described by proceeding with development, supportability, and greatness in the land business. With a resolute obligation to form the metropolitan scene and improve personal satisfaction, the organization has spread out aggressive plans and vital objectives to understand its vision.

One critical part of the Balaji Gathering's likely arrangements is its obligation to supportable turn of events. The organization plans to additionally coordinate green advancements and eco-accommodating practices into its undertakings, limiting natural effects and advancing long-haul supportability. Embracing the standards of roundabout economy and sustainable power, the Balaji Gathering looks to set new benchmarks for ecologically capable development.

Also, the Builder is ready for development and expansion into new business sectors and areas. With solid groundwork in private and business land, the organization intends to investigate potential open doors in arising areas like friendliness, medical care, and blended-use improvements. By enhancing its portfolio, the builder plans to relieve chances and profit by advancing business sector patterns.

The Balaji Group Pune intends to use state-of-the-art advancements like man-made consciousness, expanded reality, and building robotization to upgrade the plan, development, and the board of its ventures. By embracing advanced change, the organization means to further develop productivity, decrease costs, and convey unrivaled worth to its clients.

The Builder's arrangements are established in its basic beliefs of uprightness, greatness, and maintainability. Through visionary initiative, key prescience, and a determined quest for development, the organization is ready to keep molding the eventual fate of land and having a constructive outcome on networks for quite a long time into the future.


Balaji Group - Residential Projects in Pune

1.    Metro Jazz - Baner,Pune
2.    Balaji Whitefield - Pashan,Pune
3.    Balaji Infinity - Balewadi,Pune
4.    Shree Balaji Generosia - Baner,Pune
5.    Balaji Subhshree - Baner,Pune


Balaji Group - Commercial Projects in Pune

1.    Balaji Megaplex- Chikkalasandra,Pune
2.    Balaji Business Center - Baner,Pune



In conclusion, the Balaji Group remains a signal of greatness in the land business, driven by a resolute obligation to development, supportability, and social obligation. With a rich history of conveying remarkable ventures and a visionary initiative group in charge, the organization is ready to proceed with progress and development.

As it leaves on its excursion into the future, the Balaji Group Pune stays committed to rethinking metropolitan living, making groundbreaking networks, and setting new benchmarks for quality and greatness.With an unquestionable vision and splendid blueprints set up, the builder is decisively arranged to shape the destiny of the land and enduringly affect the world.


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. What sectors does the Balaji Group operate in?

The Balaji Group operates in various sectors, including real estate development, manufacturing, food and beverages, and more. Its portfolio encompasses residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects, catering to a wide range of client needs.


2. What sets the Balaji Group apart from other real estate developers?

The Balaji Group distinguishes itself through its unwavering commitment to innovation, sustainability, and quality. Their projects are characterized by cutting-edge design, eco-friendly practices, and a customer-centric approach, setting new standards for excellence in the industry.


3. How does the Balaji Group contribute to corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

The Balaji Group is deeply committed to CSR initiatives aimed at promoting education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and community development. Through various programs and partnerships, they strive to make a positive impact on society and improve the lives of individuals in the communities they serve.

